But the Democrats are bragging about wage increases, what gives?

The world is experiencing inflation currently, so what are you bitching about?
Because the US financial institutions that get 89% of the the Fed's money gives money as an investment to businesses around the globe.
The US is currently responsible for global inflation.
As the Fed raises the interest rate, the invested money will be withdrawn, as is already happening, and the market values of many businesses will drop and global unemployment will rise.
Because the US financial institutions that get 89% of the the Fed's money gives money as an investment to businesses around the globe.
The US is currently responsible for global inflation.
As the Fed raises the interest rate, the invested money will be withdrawn, as is already happening, and the market values of many businesses will drop and global unemployment will rise.
What the fuck are you posting about? Well, other than screaming "I have not fucking clue"?
The biggest expense of the corporations is the federal government?

How so?
My original comment was the government.

Federal tax
State tax
City tax
Property tax
Sign tax
Social Security tax
Workmen's compensation
Sales tax
Utility fees and taxes
Unemployment tax

Of course you could do a simple google search and state the obvious, that the biggest expense is labor, but within the cost of labor is the expense of federal and state taxes, social security taxes, unemployment tax, medicaid.

Yep, the corporations have to earn a lot of money to cover the governments cut. Federal, State, and Local.

you don't know where your money goes or how the federal government becomes the richest entity in the world? That is a grand ignorance on display there, friend.
My original comment was the government.

Federal tax
State tax
City tax
Property tax
Sign tax
Social Security tax
Workmen's compensation
Sales tax
Utility fees and taxes
Unemployment tax

Of course you could do a simple google search and state the obvious, that the biggest expense is labor, but within the cost of labor is the expense of federal and state taxes, social security taxes, unemployment tax, medicaid.

Yep, the corporations have to earn a lot of money to cover the governments cut. Federal, State, and Local.

you don't know where your money goes or how the federal government becomes the richest entity in the world? That is a grand ignorance on display there, friend.
Grand ignorance is your list and the explanation about it.
Grand ignorance is your list and the explanation about it.
I do not expect you to understand, it was apparent when you asked such a stupid question to begin with, and yes I know, your teachers always told you not to be embarrassed because there is no such thing as a stupid question.
I do not expect you to understand, it was apparent when you asked such a stupid question to begin with, and yes I know, your teachers always told you not to be embarrassed because there is no such thing as a stupid question.
otto is truly one of the dumbest posters here.
If the taxes paid is the worker's money, why does the corporation take that money out of the worker's wages and give it to the government?

In a capitalist world, full of conservatives, we agree, that is the money of the worker, not the federal government.

But sadly, the biggest expense of corporations, is the federal government.
Lol, no the biggest expense of worker is the government. The corporation takes the money of the worker and gives it to the government so that the government leaves the Corp pretty much alone of they know how to play the game . That is how that list of the 55 corps that paid no taxes get away with it.
I do not expect you to understand, it was apparent when you asked such a stupid question to begin with, and yes I know, your teachers always told you not to be embarrassed because there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Dude, corporations pay none of those items on the list that you provided.
America is the cause of global inflation according to you.

That's just ignorant dude.
What other nation is printing money and causing a housing boom even during an economic shutdown, you moron?
YouTube has world renown experts discussing the subject.
I know, I know, a world renown expert on YouTube isn't good enough for you.
Damn! You are one ignorant piece of shit.
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What other nation is printing money and causing a housing boom even during an economic shutdown, you moron?
YouTube has world renown experts discussing the subject.
I know, I know, a world renown expert on YouTube isn't good enough for you.
Damn! You are one ignorant piece of shit.
Yeah, we have printed money. So, whose buying the bonds?

Second, we had a housing boom last year, this year not so much. And even we were still in a housing boom it would not drive global inflation. Because we are not in a housing boom the cost of lumber is down 40% from it's high.

YouTube expert...yada yada...
Why are you making childish excuses for shortages we have not had since World War II?

All your outburst proves is that you're desperate to justify the unjustifiable.

Here's a simple explanation even you may understand, not that you'll agree.
Bacon is $5.99 at Publix. Today. Right now. And has been for weeks. From their app (I’ve seen in stores):

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Tell us again how the cost to make something has no impact on what you pay for it.

That was fun. :banana:
I’ll tell you what. Hire someone at $1,000 per hour to mow lawns and price your service accordingly. Your cost means shit. Only matters what people will pay. Not what it costs you to do. It’s a simple concept you learn in class 1 of economics.
Every single week bacon is on sale. They just rotate the brand so the Department of Weight and Measures doesn’t bust them for pricing deception. Bacon is bacon. If you want any different brand then buy it on sale not at full price. Who the fuck shops for shit at your house?!?!
ANYTHING to distract attention from the overwhelming problem of rampant inflation.


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