But....aren't guns illegal in Britain? A "War Zone" .....with shootings....in Britain?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
But....don't they have gun control in Britain?

As I keep trying to tell the smug British anti-gun extremists.....The United States experienced a surge in violence in the mid 1960s, as criminals became more violent. It lasted until the 1990s. Britain is now entering this phase...as their criminal gangs become more violent, lose their fear and respect of the police and their justice system sees violent criminals as victims, rather than violent predators who need to be locked up.

The shooting and stabbing of a teenager in broad daylight on a street in Canning Town is just the latest chapter of what has become Britain’s most violent gangland feud
Reports of bloodshed ripple quickly through Newham’s gangland grapevine. On Monday, shocks reverberated through the borough after Abubakkar Jah, 18, known as Junior, was shot and stabbed to death in the middle of the afternoon near his Canning Town home. Three days earlier, a third of a mile away, another brutal afternoon murder occurred when 14-year-old Fares Maatou was stabbed in a busy street outside a pizza restaurant.
That feud may have already begun. A man was shot in the face and left in a critical condition at 6pm on Thursday in east Newham. Metropolitan police sources said a possible link to the earlier violence was “under review”.
But not only do the killings continue, the gangs themselves have proliferated.
Harding’s work identifies the concept of “street capital”, where gang members are perpetually required to prove their worth with increasingly ferocious acts of violence – acts which can silence a community.

Butt refers to the idea of “ratings” to explain brazen violence.“If they stab or hurt someone, they are more likely to get ratings, road status,” he says. An act of sickening brutality committed in a public place – ideally in front of bystanders and shared on social media – offers guaranteed ratings. Newham’s two recent murders, committed in the afternoon and likely to be witnessed, conform to the theory.
Such behaviour has also escalated the risk to officers. Chaudhri, who grew up in Newham, has monitored the evolution of its criminals from working-class white protection rackets to the competitive and chaotic world of drug-dealing, and believes the streets have become more threatening to its police. “They are a lot uglier, more violent. Assaults on officers have increased,” she said.
In the summer of 2017, the gangs fought with knives inside Stratford’s Westfield shopping centre.

Two weeks later, a 14-year-old schoolboy, Corey Junior “CJ” Davis, was fatally shot in the head near a playground in Forest Gate. The murder remains unsolved. “CJ’s death changed the game, the desensitised way that some reacted to the killing. It had gone too far,” said Butt.

British drug trade has been taken over by foreign gangs......who don't respect or fear British police......so the violence they will use is just increasing...

The Mali Boys' bosses originally came to Britain as children from war-torn Somalia, with police saying in 2018 they were earning up to £50,000 a week from drug sales.

One rival gang member told The Sun the group was "a whole new entity"

“Those people come from countries where there are pirates, where people are gang-raped and beaten up, and it’s all in front of them," said the source.

"Some are ex-soldiers who have seen people’s heads blown off.

"So they feel they can come and do it here."

Among the Mali Boys' turf is Walthamstow's Vallentin Road - dubbed 'Britain's most dangerous street' thanks to a string of violent attacks including fatal shootings and arson.

I think it works the same way in Britain as it does in Canada.
In Canada and Britain, the more guns, the more gun violence.

Whereas in America it's just exactly the opposite. The more violence there is, the less guns.
The less violence there is, the more guns.

So maybe 2A, you could devote this one thread to trying to understand how that works?

It has something to do with so many school shootings being because teachers and children aren't packing heat, I think.
I think it works the same way in Britain as it does in Canada.
In Canada and Britain, the more guns, the more gun violence.

Whereas in America it's just exactly the opposite. The more violence there is, the less guns.
The less violence there is, the more guns.

So maybe 2A, you could devote this one thread to trying to understand how that works?

It has something to do with so many school shootings being because teachers and children aren't packing heat, I think.

No...what you fail to understand is that Britain, along with the rest of Europe, was culturally put back because of the societal destruction of World War 2....

Britain is about to experience more violence, as is Canada, as your social welfare systems finally destroy your family structure....

What you can't explain with your theories is how it is that in the U.S.....while millions and millions of Americans not only purchased guns from the 1990s to 2015, and over 19.5 million AMericans actually carried those guns in public...

our gun murder rate fell 49%......you can't explain that with your theories...

Our gun crime rate fell 75%.....you can't explain that with your theories....

Over the last 27 years, up to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

1) the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders...they have created a revolving door for criminals who use guns, and will release even the most serious gun offenders over and over again....why? Probably because they realise that normal people don't use their guns for crime, so if they want to push gun control, they need criminals to shoot people.....so they keep releasing them....

2) The democrat party keeps attacking the police.....driving the officers into not doing pro-active policing, cutting detective forces so that murders go unsolved..........

And as I keep pointing out....the criminals in Britain and Canada are now foriegn immigrant gangs.....taking over the drug trade in those countries....and they do not value western cultural norms or values....and do not fear the police in those countries.....

I have posted story after story showing that illegal guns, for these gangs, is flooding Britain, and Canada.....

You live in the past, thinking that criminals won't change as time passes.....
No...what you fail to understand is that Britain, along with the rest of Europe, was culturally put back because of the societal destruction of World War 2....
My theories that you're condemning were:

The more violence there is, the less guns.

The less violence there is, the more guns.

I really thought that would bring us to agreement this time, but instead you've started up with telling us that guns will bring similar violence to Canada and Britain ???

On which I can spin 180 and concur.
My theories that you're condemning were:

I really thought that would bring us to agreement this time, but instead you've started up with telling us that guns will bring similar violence to Canada and Britain ???

On which I can spin 180 and concur.

No....left wing criminal justice policies will bring more violence to Britain and Canada.....guns don't create violence....as the U.S. over 27 years demonstrated.....

When your left wingers begin attacking your police....handicapping their ability to arrest criminals...and when your left wingers increase revolving door policies for violent criminals...then you will have more violence and gun crimes...
When your left wingers begin attacking your police....handicapping their ability to arrest criminals...and when your left wingers increase revolving door policies for violent criminals...then you will have more violence and gun crimes...
If leftists (all Canadians by US standards) start attacking police, they will have a reason to attack police, (Some already do but it's comparably very rare) Canadians will have a reason for attacking police. One of the reasons, as it relates to this, is police resorting to excessive force and violence against our citizens.

If Canadians remain vigilant in not allowing that sort of situation to develop to US levels then there's no reason to suspect we will have more violence and more guns or gun crime.

Our Mounties and British Bobbies aren't perfect but by comparison to US police, they're angels!
If both countries can maintain some semblance of control over guns then we should be able to keep it that way.

And the weird thing about all of it is that you're actually starting to agree in that you relate 'more violence and gun crimes' to citizens attacking police!
If leftists (all Canadians by US standards) start attacking police, they will have a reason to attack police, (Some already do but it's comparably very rare) Canadians will have a reason for attacking police. One of the reasons, as it relates to this, is police resorting to excessive force and violence against our citizens.

If Canadians remain vigilant in not allowing that sort of situation to develop to US levels then there's no reason to suspect we will have more violence and more guns or gun crime.

Our Mounties and British Bobbies aren't perfect but by comparison to US police, they're angels!
If both countries can maintain some semblance of control over guns then we should be able to keep it that way.

And the weird thing about all of it is that you're actually starting to agree in that you relate 'more violence and gun crimes' to citizens attacking police!

'more violence and gun crimes' to citizens attacking police!

No...dipshit....left wingers attacking the police.... makes the police stop doing their jobs...which allows violent criminals to go free....left wing prosecutors and judges, releasing violent, known, repeat gun offenders over and over again....or not even charging them for "social justice," .....causes violent crime...

Guns do not cause violent crime....left wingers and their policies create violent crime...
'more violence and gun crimes' to citizens attacking police!

No...dipshit....left wingers attacking
the police.... makes the police stop doing their jobs.
I can accept that has become true in America at least but it's due to police arrogance and their refusal to control and temper their use of force. It's much less true in Canada but it's perhaps just coincidental that we're much more leftist than America. It should have been something we may have been able to discuss calmly and rationally.

You've resorted to your usual behaviour by calling me a 'dipshit' and you'll now learn the logical consequences of that sort of childish behaviour.

Over and out.
I can accept that has become true in America at least but it's due to police arrogance and their refusal to control and temper their use of force. It's much less true in Canada but it's perhaps just coincidental that we're much more leftist than America. It should have been something we may have been able to discuss calmly and rationally.

You've resorted to your usual behaviour by calling me a 'dipshit' and you'll now learn the logical consequences of that sort of childish behaviour.

Over and out.

The police haven't been gunning down black men....that is a lie pushed by democrats here in the states....they kill more White guys than black guys.....and almost all of those cases are morons fighting or resisiting lawful arrest instead of complying...

but don't worry, your leftards are doing it in Britain and Canada too......
The police haven't been gunning down black men....that is a lie pushed by democrats here in the states....they kill more White guys than black guys.....and almost all of those cases are morons fighting or resisiting lawful arrest instead of complying...

but don't worry, your leftards are doing it in Britain and Canada too......
Both true and false, depending on the figures used,
"...the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 37 fatal shootings per million of the population as of November 2021."
Utter drivel, as usual from 2aguy

True, but the presence/availability of guns makes the violence much, much worse.,

More lives are saved by guns in the hands of armed civillians....rapes, robberies, beatings, stabbings, and murders stopped because the victims have guns.
More lives are saved by guns in the hands of armed civillians....rapes, robberies, beatings, stabbings, and murders stopped because the victims have guns.

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