Bust Up the US No Go Zones


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe and even popping up in numerous cities here in the U.S. This should heighten every American’s awareness concern antennae immensely. Once established they are unsafe for non-Muslims to inhabit, or even to walk through the neighborhood.

It starts off innocently and ambiguous to the untrained eye. They want to share a neighborhood with like-minded, religious thinking community dwellers. They grow larger and incorporate more Muslims into the area buying up property as fast as it becomes available or leasing it. Then they install their own courts, government, justice and punishment system, Sharia law. At that point threats are aimed at anyone living in the neighborhood that is non-Muslim. These areas have been formed with ‘ethnic cleansing’ harassment tactics; forcing existing residents out of their homes by Muslim provocation and fear of property damage and physical harm.

They declare it by hanging signs that say: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone, Islamic rules enforced.” Do not enter unless you are willing to submit to Islamic Sharia law, government orders! Only this is strict Muslim ideology rules, not the rules of the host country or state they are residing in. They are now self-governing in a “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves into closed societies and then demanding immunity from our criticism and our courts.

Even worse than all this is the terrorist training going on in these jihadist camps. After thousands of US troops gave up their lives in Afghanistan to stop al Qaeda from holding training camps like thisw, we should now allow this right here in our own backyard ? This is madness.
There is no question that terror training camps exist across the U.S. according to a documentary, “Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.” There are about 36 Islamic terrorist training compounds around the U.S. operating under the name, Muslims of the Americas. The documentary states: “Under the leadership of a radical Pakistani cleric, Sheik Mubarak Gilani, Muslims of the Americas has thousands of devoted followers who are being groomed for homegrown Jihad.”

Training includes instructions in “explosives, kidnapping, murder, firing weapons and guerrilla warfare”. The recruitment video shows American converts to Islam being instructed in the operation of AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers, machine guns and C4 explosives. It provided instruction in how to kidnap Americans, kill them and conduct sabotage and subversive operations.

State Police and Army National Guard units should go into these enclaves, confiscate weapons, arrest those committing crime, and bust up the enclaves. Forget Obama. People need to start acting, while ignoring Obama (like John Boehner did by inviting Netanyahu here). If Obama can ignore Congress as he and his Muslim ass-kissing DOJ does, so can the states and the people. Two can play this game.

Homegrown No-Go Zones - None Dare Call It Jihad Terrorist Training Camps PatriotUpdate.com patriotupdate patriotupdate

No go zones The Counter Jihad Report

Muslim Enclaves U.S.A. FrontPage Magazine - Part 2

Did You Know There Are Muslim 8216 No-Go 8217 Zones In The USA Truth Uncensored
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Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.
"Bust Up the US No Go Zones"

This is ignorant and ridiculous, given the fact 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived by some on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam.
"Bust Up the US No Go Zones"

This is ignorant and ridiculous, given the fact 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived by some on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam.

As with so many right wing conspiracies, the value isn't in the factual veracity. But in the fear mere repetition creates. To many conservatives, its how true a given accusation is. Its how true a given accusation feels.
"Bust Up the US No Go Zones"

This is ignorant and ridiculous, given the fact 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived by some on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam.
I'd like to think most of the nuts are on the Left, but this recurrence of the no go zone myth is a sure indicator we got some nuts too. It's a slander on our police departments that don't believe in no go zones and fearlessly extend protection to every part of every city. In fact, trouble spots are subject to increased patrols and surveillance; quite the opposite of the brainless claim that police are reticent. Whether it be left or right, conspiracy kooks irritate me because they use fear and exaggerations to distort the truth.
"Bust Up the US No Go Zones"

This is ignorant and ridiculous, given the fact 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived by some on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam.
The statement that no go zones is a myth, is a myth (and a stupid one) itself. There are at last count about 36 (for years) WELL-DOCUMENTED no go zones in America. They are all over the US. The Department of Homeland Security says that Muslims of the Americas is linked to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistani terrorist group. The State Department’s Patterns of Global Terrorism report in 1998 described ul-Fuqra as an “Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence.” Other fronts for the group include the International Quranic Open University, the United Muslim-Christian Forum, the Islamic Post newspaper, the Muslim Scouts of America, the Hands to Hands charity, Muslim Vets, the American Muslim Medical and Relief Team, and the Islamic Naat Group. A few examples of these no go zones are >>

1. Dearborn Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into our first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law).

2. Islamberg, Hancock, NY - Islamberg is the 70-acre headquarters of Muslims of the Americas, the International Quranic Open University and the United Muslim Christian Forum. These organizations are led by a radical cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani.
Islamberg originally had a connection to the Muslim Brotherhood

3. Gwynn Oak, Baltimore, Maryland, consisting of Muslim immigrants and African-American converts. The project is led by John Yahya Cason, director of the Islamic Education and Community Development Initiative. Cason explained that the neighborhood is a response to the problem that “Muslim communities are ruled by Western societal tenets, many of which clash with Islamic norms.” In his opinion, there is a need for communities with “the totality of the essential components of Muslim social, economic, and political structure.” As such, the Gwynn Oak enclave follows specific moral rules based on Islam and people there speak Arabic. On September 13, 2009, the construction of its three-story mosque began. Approximately 400 Muslims now live in the vicinity.

4. Islamic Center for Human Excellence, Little Rock, Arkansas - receives funding from the United Arab Emirates. In August 2004, it was granted permission to build a Muslim neighborhood in Little Rock, Arkansas, complete with a mosque, school, and 22 homes; it would not allow the presence of alcohol. The goal was for Muslims to find an area to escape the alleged crime and depravity of American life, although the imam behind the effort said that non-Muslims are welcome to join. (if they become Muslims)

5. Holy Islamville, York County, SC - A 2004 report funded by the Justice Department identifies York County, S.C. as a “training compound” for Muslims of the Americas.[3] A 2006 report for law enforcement on the organization also said that York County, S.C. is home to one of at least seven “covert paramilitary training compounds.”[4] In 2010, nearby residents told a local newspaper that they had seen armed guards patrolling Islamville and that they sometimes heard gunfire at night.[5] The sound of gunfire coming from Islamville was recorded in November 2009, March 2011 and May 2011. A local resident reported the sounds of explosions on January 26, 2012 and April 6, 2012.[6]

6. Aliville, Odum, GA - a commune with a street named “Mecca Circle” that is believed to be run by Muslims of the Americas.

Others exist in >>

7.Red House, VA,

8.Hyattsville, MD, Falls Church, VA,

9. Macon, GA,

10. Dover, TN,

11. Buena Vista, CO,

12. Talihina, OK

13. Tulare Country, CA

14. Commerce. CA

15. Onalaska, WA

16. Sherman, PA Just to name a few

"Bust Up the US No Go Zones"

This is ignorant and ridiculous, given the fact 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived by some on the right with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam.
The statement that no go zones is a myth, is a myth (and a stupid one) itself. There are at last count about 36 (for years) WELL-DOCUMENTED no go zones in America. They are all over the US. The Department of Homeland Security says that Muslims of the Americas is linked to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistani terrorist group. The State Department’s Patterns of Global Terrorism report in 1998 described ul-Fuqra as an “Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence.” Other fronts for the group include the International Quranic Open University, the United Muslim-Christian Forum, the Islamic Post newspaper, the Muslim Scouts of America, the Hands to Hands charity, Muslim Vets, the American Muslim Medical and Relief Team, and the Islamic Naat Group. A few examples of these no go zones are >>

1. Dearborn Michigan: Over 100,000 Muslims, 45% of the city has settled into our first ‘no-go’ zone. The city and police officials have been sued in many cases that allege discrimination “against Christians” effectively by the authorities applying Sharia law. Dearborn-Dar-al-Islam, (a place governed by Islamic Sharia law).

2. Islamberg, Hancock, NY - Islamberg is the 70-acre headquarters of Muslims of the Americas, the International Quranic Open University and the United Muslim Christian Forum. These organizations are led by a radical cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani.
Islamberg originally had a connection to the Muslim Brotherhood

3. Gwynn Oak, Baltimore, Maryland, consisting of Muslim immigrants and African-American converts. The project is led by John Yahya Cason, director of the Islamic Education and Community Development Initiative. Cason explained that the neighborhood is a response to the problem that “Muslim communities are ruled by Western societal tenets, many of which clash with Islamic norms.” In his opinion, there is a need for communities with “the totality of the essential components of Muslim social, economic, and political structure.” As such, the Gwynn Oak enclave follows specific moral rules based on Islam and people there speak Arabic. On September 13, 2009, the construction of its three-story mosque began. Approximately 400 Muslims now live in the vicinity.

4. Islamic Center for Human Excellence, Little Rock, Arkansas - receives funding from the United Arab Emirates. In August 2004, it was granted permission to build a Muslim neighborhood in Little Rock, Arkansas, complete with a mosque, school, and 22 homes; it would not allow the presence of alcohol. The goal was for Muslims to find an area to escape the alleged crime and depravity of American life, although the imam behind the effort said that non-Muslims are welcome to join. (if they become Muslims)

5. Holy Islamville, York County, SC - A 2004 report funded by the Justice Department identifies York County, S.C. as a “training compound” for Muslims of the Americas.[3] A 2006 report for law enforcement on the organization also said that York County, S.C. is home to one of at least seven “covert paramilitary training compounds.”[4] In 2010, nearby residents told a local newspaper that they had seen armed guards patrolling Islamville and that they sometimes heard gunfire at night.[5] The sound of gunfire coming from Islamville was recorded in November 2009, March 2011 and May 2011. A local resident reported the sounds of explosions on January 26, 2012 and April 6, 2012.[6]

6. Aliville, Odum, GA - a commune with a street named “Mecca Circle” that is believed to be run by Muslims of the Americas.

Others exist in >>

7.Red House, VA,

8.Hyattsville, MD, Falls Church, VA,

9. Macon, GA,

10. Dover, TN,

11. Buena Vista, CO,

12. Talihina, OK

13. Tulare Country, CA

14. Commerce. CA

15. Onalaska, WA

16. Sherman, PA Just to name a few

Yuh huh.

And how many of these have you actually seen?

Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.

-- says the wag who creates a thread based on JihadWatch and FrontPage... :lol:

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into Islamapologists. Who then pretend to laugh to try to give the impression that they know what they're talking about. These dumbos (in another for forum) were given an Islamization Quiz (which I created), and the highest grade they got was 5% (most got ZERO).
Of course. Because >>
1. Islamization is not taught in schools, and
2. Liberal media exclude it. Result: liberals know nothing about Islamization (I mean NOTHING), and thus are easily suckered by Islamists when they apply their standard litigation threat MO (which is all the Fox News thing is (just another one of them)
They don't exist, except where the do. Truth is, in both the US, (fewer), and Europe, (more) there are areas that are at least partially under Sharia, and for the majority of time are 'no go' zones for police and fire departments without swat team back ups.

Don't want to call them 'no go zones?' fine, though that is the definition of what is occurring in real time.
If it were put to a vote Americans would vote overwhelmingly to bust up the enclaves, root out the terrorists, and convert the compounds into amusement parks, or some beneficial use. This is especially true now that terrorism is the # 1 top priority concern among Americans (Pew Research Center)

In France, the newspaper France Soir published poll results showing that nearly 60% of French citizens are in favor of sending the army into troubled no go zone suburbs to restore order.

Sondage L arm e en banlieue Oui France Soir
Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.

-- says the wag who creates a thread based on JihadWatch and FrontPage... :lol:

INVALIDATION is hard-wired into Islamapologists. Who then pretend to laugh to try to give the impression that they know what they're talking about. These dumbos (in another for forum) were given an Islamization Quiz (which I created), and the highest grade they got was 5% (most got ZERO).
Of course. Because >>
1. Islamization is not taught in schools, and
2. Liberal media exclude it. Result: liberals know nothing about Islamization (I mean NOTHING), and thus are easily suckered by Islamists when they apply their standard litigation threat MO (which is all the Fox News thing is (just another one of them)

So your answer is "none".

Also known as "I believe everything I read on the internets".

And btw "liberal media exclude it" is circular reasoning. It's the same argument as "Satan's most evil trick is to get people to not believe in him, that proves he exists".
What kind of fucking moron applauds and excuses disgusting stinking muslims who want them dead? Oh yeah, LIBERALS.

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