Bushs Veto of stem cell research flat out SUCKS !!!!

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Active Member
May 24, 2006
This guy is just the biggest idiot. He vetos a bill for federal funding of stem cell research that holds hope for millions of people with diabetes, parkinsans and various other diseases. All this because of his religious beliefs. How about that.

The problem is he is unable to put himself in the position of someone with a disease that this can potentially cure. Nancy Reagan a former opponent of Stem Cell research has even changed her mind in support of stem cell research after watching her husband suffer. Why does it take that to understand ? Thats just like giving a big ol F-YOU to everyone out there suffering from one of these diseases. OH the poor little eggs. What a freaking religous nutcase this guy is. I cant wait till he gets out of office and what would be better would be to watch him suffer brutally from Parkinsans disease. Then lets see what he has to say.

T-bor out.
Great - there are plenty of other stem-cell threads in which you can bitch and complain about stuff you don't understand. :)

here's the thanks I get...LMFAO! Everything (Sic)

T-Bor said:
Your really not that smart.
Oh I understand exactly what it is. You obviously dont. Tell me big shot, if you were dying from parkinsans and someone waived a cure in your face that was made from stem cells , you going to turn it down ? Thought so. Consider yourself Owned.
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