Bush gave obama an economy that was flatlining.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.
None of Obama's policies caused unemployment, put people on food stamps or homeless. It did just the opposite. If so, name them. Back your allegations with some facts.
Do you have anything you can take for your fucking SENILITY? Good God... what a complete fucking MORON...

Back your allegations with some facts.

When the past administration had a VP how actually stated that Deficits do not matter, this is where we end up.

Its like someone stealing your credit card right after you paid it off, then running up a huge bill. It will take you far longer to pay that debt off then it did to run it up.

The debt shrunk by 200 billion as of last week. We are heading in the proper direction.
Here's the true obama... an America HATING muslim radical piece of FILTH...

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America took the word of a no-talent Community Organizer that he could fix the world's largest economy.

I would LOL, but it makes me cry.

He had NO INTENTION OF EVER "fixing our economy." He has EVERY intention of DESTROYING IT.
Do you have anything you can take for your fucking SENILITY? Good God... what a complete fucking MORON...


And you still have not explained what obama did to casue this, but there is plenty of fact that suport that it was caused by Bush's policies that did not come to a dead stop when he left office. It continrued to be Obama problem and Obama and spent trillions to fix it and it is well into recovery.
WTF did Obama do to make it worse. Answer that are shut the fuck up and sit down.
The debt shrunk by 200 billion as of last week. We are heading in the proper direction.


We're headed in the "right direction"?!? If you destination is HELL, than I guess you could say that. But how about we DEAL in some FACTS for once? Look at the arrows here (I know you're simple minded so I though arrows might help). Are those headed in the "right direction"?!?!

America took the word of a no-talent Community Organizer that he could fix the world's largest economy.

I would LOL, but it makes me cry.

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

By Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

What part of this do you stupid ass not understand? Community Organizer may well be a requirement when running for President. Seem to work for Obama and not for the last businessman we had in office. Running a business is not a requirement for presidency. How many of our past presidents ran a business?
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And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.

And Carter left the same for Reagan but Reagan, at this point in his presidency, brought unemployment down from 10.8% to under 6% and didn't borrow 6 trillion dollars to add to our national debt in the process. Yeah he added to the debt but Reagan added way less in 8 years than obama has added in 4
Do you have anything you can take for your fucking SENILITY? Good God... what a complete fucking MORON...


And you still have not explained what obama did to casue this, but there is plenty of fact that suport that it was caused by Bush's policies that did not come to a dead stop when he left office. It continrued to be Obama problem and Obama and spent trillions to fix it and it is well into recovery.
WTF did Obama do to make it worse. Answer that are shut the fuck up and sit down.

Obama spent trillions that he should not have, and things got WORSE. He promised if we spent those trillions, unemployment would never reach 8%. That was HIS policy. And instead, unemployment skyrocketed to over 10%.

He implemented Obamacare which has caused businesses to stop hiring as they are unsure what the total cost of that 2,000+ page monstrosity of a bill that was all kept secret from the American people will be on their business.

He implemented the Frank-Dodd "Finance Reform" (hilarious title) bill which added crushing costs and regulations to business which has caused them to not only not hire, but to cut back on staff. The result of that bill has also created checking fees now for people not carrying a significant balance in their account (ie wealthy people have no fees, but thanks to Obama, the middle class and the poor now have fees they can't afford - talk about being for the wealthy). Checking fees used to be FREE under Bush.

He inflated the US currency by printing off money at an alarming rate and devaluing the dollar.

Is that enough, or do you need more? Obama is just a community organizer marxist who has destroyed the largest economy in the world. He has no fucking clue what he's doing and that is evident. He's going home after 1 failed term, just like Jimmy Carter did. Accept it. Get over it.
The debt shrunk by 200 billion as of last week. We are heading in the proper direction.


We're headed in the "right direction"?!? If you destination is HELL, than I guess you could say that. But how about we DEAL in some FACTS for once? Look at the arrows here (I know you're simple minded so I though arrows might help). Are those headed in the "right direction"?!?!


John Thune, Chairman Senate Republican Conference? I rest my case.:eusa_hand:
If not for Obama policies it would be much worse and in a depression instead of economic recovery.
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The debt shrunk by 200 billion as of last week. We are heading in the proper direction.


We're headed in the "right direction"?!? If you destination is HELL, than I guess you could say that. But how about we DEAL in some FACTS for once? Look at the arrows here (I know you're simple minded so I though arrows might help). Are those headed in the "right direction"?!?!


John Thune, Chairman Senate Republican Conference? I rest my case.:eusa_hand:
If not for Obama policies it would be much worse and in a depression instead of economic recovery.

You have no "case" other than being one STUPID old SHIT FOR BRAINS ignorant FUCK.

I am so tired of this BLAME BUSH shit. BUSH IS NO LONGER PRESIDENT.. Obama has been in office almost 4 years. It is HIS FAULT now..


And Obama put it on life support and four years later it well on it way to a full recover.
Obama inherited an economy that was in free fall and Obama’s policies, the stimulus, bank and auto industry bailouts and more has created 5 million jobs. Obama’s policies are not hurting the economy, but helping. Men and women who are still unemployed is because of the side effects of the Bush’s 8 years of borrowing and reckless spending and it may be felt for decades to come. Two wars not paid for, tax cuts for the rich not paid for and a Medicare prescription drug program not paid for. Wrong answer. It’s being paid for by hard working taxpayers money. Obama’s policies stimulated the economy and put life back into it and we are well into recovery.
Romney is lying when he say Obama’s policies are hurting women and Tagg can take his best swing at me but I call a spade a spade. Romney flip flops so much that he even forgets and you cannot know where he stands on an issue from one minute to another. Meaning anything Romney say cannot be trusted. When is the Right going to stop blaming Obama for the flat lining economy he left Obama and give him credit for giving the economy a shock and bringing it back to life with the stimulus and bailouts for the banking and auto industry. Put blame were blame is and give credit where credit is due. The glass is half full. The economy is well into recovery and you don’t take a horse out of the race with he’s winning.
Radical Right Wing Extremists rhetoric that Obama took a bad economy and made it worse it not only a lie but a damn lie.
Bush didn't "give" Obama an economy. The president doesn't own the economy. Neither does the government. And it's not their job to monkey with it.

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