Burger King sued over false adverts of the Whopper

There is a truth in advertising law, that requires using the actual product in the advertisement now.
For example, they used to use a scoop of mashed potatoes to represent a scoop of ice cream, because the ice cream would melt under the hot lights. They used Elmer's glue for milk and motor oil for maple syrup...

And that is a problem how?

They makeup people in films and advertising all the time. You mean Paul Giamatti really isn't Einstein in those Phone commercials!!!!!!!

Yikes! I thought I was in an alternate universe when I went to England and, in the midst of a lot of the stereotypical English food, I had a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and an order of fries at the Liverpool McDonalds and thought I was back in the USA! What a weird experience eating totally American food in England!

And sitting on the wrong side of the car while doing so!

Nobody can stand the food over there, so eat American or Indian, which is fantastic.
Nobody can stand the food over there, so eat American or Indian, which is fantastic.

My hosts tried hard to talk me into moving there and starting an American-style eatery in their small village!

One of them had visited me in Seattle and we went out for good barbecue and she wanted nothing more to eat while she was here! She packed a bunch of barbecue sauce in her bag for the trip home.


My hosts tried hard to talk me into moving there and starting an American-style eatery in their small village!

One of them had visited me in Seattle and we went out for good barbecue and she wanted nothing more to eat while she was here! She packed a bunch of barbecue sauce in her bag for the trip home.

OH HORRORS, don't let Tunafish know.

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Apparently the ads are nothing like the product you are served. On the whole I agree with this. but it is well nigh impossible to recreate the picture in the restaurnt. Ive never had one that looks like that picture.

Burger King is far superior to Macdonalds although the whopper can be hard work when you start eating it. It tends to fall apart. The colonels chicken sandwich suffers the same fate.

You have to order it without the condiments if you want it to remain intact. They put far too much on them and it compromises the molecules by increasing the turgor pressure until they explode. The e coli can only hold sweaty hands for so long before they start losing their grip.

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Apparently the ads are nothing like the product you are served. On the whole I agree with this. but it is well nigh impossible to recreate the picture in the restaurnt. Ive never had one that looks like that picture.

Burger King is far superior to Macdonalds although the whopper can be hard work when you start eating it. It tends to fall apart. The colonels chicken sandwich suffers the same fate.
Food ads have always been unrealistic. They’d have to sue anyone that ever made a commercial.
Then you didn't watch a modern shoot. They don't use real food because real food changes under lights and over time. They use plastic pieces sized and painted very precisely to look the very best and stay that way for as long as the photographYeah, it must have been 30 years ago.er needs. Basically, you couldn't eat the burgers you see in the pictures.
Yeah, it must be 30 years ago now.
Food ads have always been unrealistic. They’d have to sue anyone that ever made a commercial.

Maine will I think. Heard somewhere that they have some laws related to blueberries in advertising. Basically if the ad shows blueberries from Maine, the products must contain blueberries from Maine. It is because companies were using pretty Maine blueberries in their ads but then putting inferior quality and looking Michigan blueberries in their actual products.
This is common practice.

I've ordered burgers from fast food joint before and told them to make it look like the picture on the menu. I usually doesn't.
You'd of been better off asking them, rather than telling them. They probably spit in yours for that. What I can't figure out, is why don't they use the one that looks like somebody sat on half of it in their commercials? Sure it doesn't look as appetizing, but honesty has a magnetism all it's own.
Lol.....I'd argue that it was the individual stores not making them like the Pic as they are instructed.

Now, this would apply to nearly every product on the market.

They are all made up to look their best in Ads.

Maine will I think. Heard somewhere that they have some laws related to blueberries in advertising. Basically if the ad shows blueberries from Maine, the products must contain blueberries from Maine. It is because companies were using pretty Maine blueberries in their ads but then putting inferior quality and looking Michigan blueberries in their actual products.
This argument has been settled decades ago in CA as well as other places. In CA, many wineries were obtaining grapes from the central valley and shipping them to Napa or Sonoma to be made into wine and bottled. Some wineries then claimed they were Napa/Sonoma wines. The courts saw through this ruse and determined that in order to receive the Napa/Sonoma appelation, the grapes had to be GROWN there. Internationally, French wineries settled this question long before the US.
You are not kidding. When I started this new driving job they put me up in a hotel and down the street was an in n out. I decided to see what the hype was about. the burger was the size of a whopper, 2 dollars cheaper and DELICIOUS.
And freshly cooked with fresh sliced vegetables and fries that are peeled, washed, and cut on location.
Lol.....I'd argue that it was the individual stores not making them like the Pic as they are instructed.

Now, this would apply to nearly every product on the market.

They are all made up to look their best in Ads.

Yup, and a lot of them are not even real, they are of plastic, and such to look like the perfect product.

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