British cops in full retreat as Muslim herd overwhelms them in streets

I would not use "intimidation" to characterize the reticence of the armed citizens to turn their arms on other citizens. Should things deteriorate sufficiently, you might be surprised. Kudos to the Korean-Americans who protected their families, their businesses, their livelihoods, and their lives against the rioting sub-humans.
All I can say to that is I hope you're right. But what I've observed over the past few decades is not very encouraging.

I will say a lot depends on where one lives in the U.S. I have lived in New York and New Jersey, which probably have the most repressive gun laws in the Nation. I was quite surprised some time ago to learn that Florida had passed what is known as the "Stand Your Ground" law. More recently I was doubly surprised to learn that a considerable number of other states have adopted similar legislation. But New York, New Jersey and a number of other Northern states continue to impose the "Duty To Retreat" on their armed citizens. These are the states wherein citizens who own guns are intimidated by repressive state laws governing their possession and, mainly, their use.
Last edited:
Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.

That is kind of like the Black Lives Matter movement. Cops know the consequences when they are not politically correct as per Ferguson and Baltimore.

Brits are lucky they don't have a Black Lives Matter movement. YET.

America, on the other hand, has reason to fear a double whammy: Black Lives Matter AND Islamic terrorism.

Is it any wonder that so many black Americans joined the (potentially) terrorist group Nation of Islam?

When whites become the minority in their own countries, not only will the British white cops be on the run but also the whites of all those countries will be on the run also. If one thinks that non-whites love white people will just wait until they become the majority. We will then see if they still love us.

PC deference - drilled into us by Leftie freaks, over decades - has been the means by which minority cultures win through. Native culture suffers at the expense of any and all foreign imports of alternatives.

You are wrong to see this as a race issue .. it's not. It's a cultural issue, one of cultural identity. I don't care what the colour of anybody's skin is, just so long as they fit in with the society they opted to become a part of.

Richard Reid .. the Shoebomber - was white. He was also a Muslim terrorist. He was no less a scumbag than any 'person' of another skin colour who'd choose to commit any equivalent act to Reid's own.

It does all boil down to race. White people make up approx. 8% of world population, and appears to be declining every year. In Canada, 80-85% of it's new immigrants are coming from non-white countries, and this has been going on for decades. This should tell you that if this continues for another decade or two, whites will be in the minority.

Caucasian countries are committing racial suicide because of their foolishness of not trying to increase, not decrease, their white populations. It is a stupid immigration policy that has to change or else it will be goodbye whitey. Some would call this racisthave for bringing this up but I say screw them if they don't like what they read here.
. There is something going on for sure, and what is crazy is that their are those who are constantly bragging on it now. Hey 2+2 is 4 as I recall, and this stuff is adding up big these days. Of course they brag about it all, but when confronted about it, then they act as if you are a fool for confronting them about something that is being bragged about by them. That is what they have successfully done to this nation. They have made up down and down up if you ask them about any of it.
Perhaps if you were not so concerned about "races", and more concerned about humans, you would not be so in need of psychiatric intervention.

Genetically, if you look at the number of genetic differences between you and a random neighbor, and then look at the difference between the most genetically diverse populations on the planet (which I have read is between the Mayans and the natives of the Kalahari), their genetic difference would add less than one percent to the difference between you and your neighbor -- and most of that tiny difference is literally "skin-deep".

All modern humans descend from a very small population "bottle-neck" about 70,000 years ago. Far too short a time for any very significant genetic differences to have emerged.

We are all closely related members of the human FAMILY !!

Complain about cultural differences if you like, but don't be so stupid and uneducated as to worry about "racial" differences!
While you are right about us all being closely related members of the human family, a more appropriate term than family for the purpose of this discussion is species, and a far more descriptive term than race for the purpose of acknowledging "ethnic" disparities is sub-species.

In examining the various internal differences within the human species it has been found that the Intelligence Quotient of the Asian sub-species is significantly higher than that of the Caucasian and the Caucasian is greater than the Negroid. The reason for the dissimilarities is attributed to natural conditions which call for greater or lesser adaptive effort for survival, the final effect being qualities and characteristics which translate to substantial cultural distinctions.

In Nature the various sub-categories of all species, regardless of their more broadly basic similarities, tend to remain separate and apart, preferring to associate and breed with those which are most familiar and similar in appearance and habits. The result of this natural tendency as it occurs within the substantially more complicated example of the human species is referred to as, racism.
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Margaret Thatcher wouldn't tolerate this crap from feral savages, nor having the Police worry about "human rights" of feral savages.

David Cameron and that idiot woman who's the Interior Minister, I forget her name, anyhow both of them weak, pathetic and complete Cuckservative spineless POS.
Cameron is a traitor to the UK and destroying it from the inside in the name of Globalism.
The OP video is a load of shite from a dodgy source. The police are obviously escorting a march on a difficult route --
--as the marchers happily and traditionally toss bottles, sticks and traffic cones at their accommodating police escort.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.
. Can't wait to see the reply from Tommy on this one... wow. Keep up the good works Jim.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.

So you respond to me dissing a youtube clip by.............posting up another one. You are one thick fucker.

Absolutely 100% uncorroborated shite.

Its bullshit and only plays with dickheads like yourself.

Bigger picture ?

Where are you going with this shite ? Do you want to alienate all the moderate voices in the Muslim community ?
One of these days you will succeed and your wet dream will come true.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.
. Can't wait to see the reply from Tommy on this one... wow. Keep up the good works Jim.

The facts speak for themselves once you have them.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.

So you respond to me dissing a youtube clip by.............posting up another one. You are one thick fucker.

Absolutely 100% uncorroborated shite.

Its bullshit and only plays with dickheads like yourself.

Bigger picture ?

Where are you going with this shite ? Do you want to alienate all the moderate voices in the Muslim community ?
One of these days you will succeed and your wet dream will come true.

The utube video has the time and date stamp on it, moron.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.

So you respond to me dissing a youtube clip by.............posting up another one. You are one thick fucker.

Absolutely 100% uncorroborated shite.

Its bullshit and only plays with dickheads like yourself.

Bigger picture ?

Where are you going with this shite ? Do you want to alienate all the moderate voices in the Muslim community ?
One of these days you will succeed and your wet dream will come true.

Yes. I want to alienate all Muslims. They can move back to the desert.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.

So you respond to me dissing a youtube clip by.............posting up another one. You are one thick fucker.

Absolutely 100% uncorroborated shite.

Its bullshit and only plays with dickheads like yourself.

Bigger picture ?

Where are you going with this shite ? Do you want to alienate all the moderate voices in the Muslim community ?
One of these days you will succeed and your wet dream will come true.

The utube video has the time and date stamp on it, moron.

Lol. Must be 100% gospel then.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.

So you respond to me dissing a youtube clip by.............posting up another one. You are one thick fucker.

Absolutely 100% uncorroborated shite.

Its bullshit and only plays with dickheads like yourself.

Bigger picture ?

Where are you going with this shite ? Do you want to alienate all the moderate voices in the Muslim community ?
One of these days you will succeed and your wet dream will come true.

Yes. I want to alienate all Muslims. They can move back to the desert.
. How did this nation go from an American values, American culture, American religious nation into a multi-cultural anything goes, support for anything and everything kind of nation, where abuse against this nation and it's people has become wide spread and allowed now ? I mean there are people living freely here now, who hate American values, it's culture, it's mainstream religions, and especially the freedoms that women have here. There are people in this nation who won't allow their people to marry an American, and they are becoming super rich & powerful in this nation. Now how do you think they will rule if we're to gain a vast number of political offices in this nation, along with the power the office holds ? How can this nation have been fooled so badly over time ? I know how... It was corporate power that has done all these things to this nation. The influence of corporate power to cause us to lay down with the devil to make it easier on them has all but created a time bomb in this nation. It has been going off in little incidents all over this nation, and then came the ultimate on 9-11-01. But no matter this nation is to be changed no matter how many Americans die or find themselves in extreme poverty over time.
Yes. I want to alienate all Muslims. They can move back to the desert.
You know, we wouldnt be having all these fucking problems if those god damned dinosaurs would have just picked some other place to die than the ME.
Yes. I want to alienate all Muslims. They can move back to the desert.
You know, we wouldnt be having all these fucking problems if those god damned dinosaurs would have just picked some other place to die than the ME.
We also wouldn't have these problems if the leftards would just stop lying and stop force feeding ideas of special status and victim hood on Muslims who move to the West. Oh and if they would only stop encouraging ghettoisation by way of 'multiculturalism', and they could also cut the islamofauxbia crap. But ain't gonna happen any time soon.
Only a fucking moron would be taken in by this shite.
Its a clip from the 2010 student protests in London. It has nothing to do with Muslims or no go zones that dont exist. Total fail.
Was it your innately superior perceptiveness and vastly superior memory that enabled you to recognize this conspiratorial deception on the part of the news media, or is there some recognizable clue which we lesser individuals failed to notice that alerted you?

Please help us to understand.
You dont have to be very bright to work it out.

1. The op is based on a clip from a website that basically posts anything. A week ago they posted crap about muslim marchers attacking drinkers in London.It turns out that it was actually marchers in Cardiff beiing attacked by drunks.
2. The guy who actually posted it on liveleaks has had his account deleted.
3. There is no context given to the clip. No names,no dates - nothing.
4. There has never been an event even remotely similar to that which the video purports to be. Ever.
5 There arent any no go zones in the UK.

Liveleaks is not news media. Its a place where anyone can post videos. It has no authority and its only use is to provide a platform for the politically motivated to feed fuckwits like the OP with laughable shite.

This is then fed to bigger idiots who are too thick to understand that they are being fed a line.

If you want me to believe this garbage tell me where it happened,when it happened and who was involved.

To save you some time I know that you cant do this.

So I will settle for one link to a newspaper or media article that outlines the events as presented in the OP.

I am not holding my breath.

It makes me angry that the cynical can present this stuff as fact and get some bites.

It makes me more angry that there are so many credulous people out here who have been failed by education.

Hope this helps.

Lol, you are such a lying PoS.

The clip is from an incident in January 2009 and is by Muslims running out UK cops from a section of London.

Just like an ideological nit wit, you choose to focus on trivial details and ignore the big picture that is the whole point; Muslim communities are not assimilating, are hostile to Western authority that they see as corrupt and immoral, and they are creating 'no go' zones all over Europe.

You dont even know what the hell a 'no go' zone is as they predate the current squabbles and we have some here in this country as well entirely unrelated to Muslims, moron.

No-go area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A no go zone is not a place where the cops absolutely cannot go, but where it is advised to them or various civilians to not go there unless given orders or they have some serious reason to. Any area in the world can be entered if enough force is lined up to invade it, but that doesnt mean it is normally safe for everyone to go there otherwise.

So you respond to me dissing a youtube clip by.............posting up another one. You are one thick fucker.

Absolutely 100% uncorroborated shite.

Its bullshit and only plays with dickheads like yourself.

Bigger picture ?

Where are you going with this shite ? Do you want to alienate all the moderate voices in the Muslim community ?
One of these days you will succeed and your wet dream will come true.

Proof on video at the 10:00 mark the 60 Minutes Crew is assaulted, Swedish cops says he cant enter the Muslim area and 60 minutes reporter states that there are over 55 No Go areas in Sweden.

You again are shown to be the ignorant ass hat that you truly are, dude.
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