British cops in full retreat as Muslim herd overwhelms them in streets

Winston Churchill silently weeps in his grave.
Churchill was a feral savage racist neanderthal. I'm happy he is weeping in his grave.

The REAL feral savage racist neanderthal is a person who hates the very same police who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect a self admitted cop hating subhuman trash like you.
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.

You might as well revel in the failed experience of a (half) black president. This guy failed so spectacularly, that it will never happen again.

He was a race traitor to white people. He never stood up for a single honest white person, but he was ready to adopt any black criminal as his own child.

He called police stupid, so you as a faithful acolyte seem to have learned the lesson well from your master.

According to you the white race can not co-exist with anyone else. So how come browns, blacks yellows and all other color of people are clamoring to go to predominantly white countries? How come they don't want to go to black Paradise like Zimbabwe, Togo, Niger, Angola or Sudan just to mention a few countries, where no white man has any influence since the 1960's, except of course, when they need the medicine and foreign aid provided by white people?
We had riots in the uk a few years ago. Businesses were looted and then burned to the ground. By and large, the cops just watched. What the cops did was scarier than what the rioters did.
. What did the cops do ?
They stood behind their lines and watched as historic businesses that have been in existence for over a hundred years burned to the ground. They just basically watched. It was a wake up call in the uk. Don't kid yourself that the police would do the right thing.

Here it is, 2011, the rioting went of for FIVE DAYS with the Police doing next to nothing.

2011 England riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This picture, instead of just wielding those batons THEY SHOULD HAVE CRACKED HEADS, that's WHAT a baton is for during such Anarchy and Mayhem.


This picture, rubber bullets and water cannon would have dealt with these thugs.




Here's many pictures of the riots, chaos, carnage and the Police in full riot uniform pretty much just standing around:

london riots - Google Search

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We had riots in the uk a few years ago. Businesses were looted and then burned to the ground. By and large, the cops just watched. What the cops did was scarier than what the rioters did.
. What did the cops do ?
Oh, and eventually, when the firefighters turned up, they also waited behind the lines. They were all scared of tackling the rioters. So they just didn't.

You can't allow Mob Rule, you must immediately get it under control using Zero Tolerance, you must show the Anarchists WHO the Boss is and you MUST crack the whip.

Fuck Political Correctness.
So where WERE the police? Shopkeepers mystified at tactics that left them defenceless
  • Officers accused of inaction as looting mobs go wild
  • Cameron leads calls for more robust policing
  • Top Yard commander: 'We need to do more for London'
  • All able-bodied officers and special constables called in
  • Plastic bullets would be used for first time 'if deemed necessary'
UPDATED: 06:23, 15 August 2011

Shopkeepers joined an increasing chorus of voices today demanding to know what the police were doing as swathes of London descended into chaos last night.

Business owners accused police of adopting a softly-softly approach which left their shops and businesses vulnerable to attack by baying mobs.

While police were criticised in some quarters for being far too slow to get to riot scenes, officers were accused by shopkeepers in Hackney of standing just yards away from looters as windows were smashed and armfuls of goods were scooped up...

So where WERE the police? Shopkeepers mystified at tactics that left them defenceless
Lucy, you should appreciate this.....


Frau Reker isn't Left-Wing, she's supposed to be an Independent Conservative, or what we now refer to as Cuckservative. The day before the election she was stabbed in the neck by a man who was pissed at her pro-Migrant stance ie. Treason.

Bitch should have resigned in a normal non-Cucked nation, but in the Cucked nation with Traitor Bitch Merkel and her Stasi running the place down the toilet, Traitor's keep their jobs whilst trashing the Ethnic population and licking the buttocks of filthy Muslim savages who like to sexually assault and rape girls.
Lucy, you should appreciate this.....

Yes, that WOMAN actually said that.
US, don't become like Europe (don't think you will, btw).
You Europeans, have SOOO MANY fucked up Socialist subversives, it's a wonder you still have countries that you can call your own!

So true. And so sad. I am in the UK. Unlike Austria, Poland and some other European countries, we are probably truly finished.
Lucy, you should appreciate this.....

Yes, that WOMAN actually said that.
US, don't become like Europe (don't think you will, btw).
You Europeans, have SOOO MANY fucked up Socialist subversives, it's a wonder you still have countries that you can call your own!


The simple message from European Patriots to these disgusting Traitors is FUCK YOU. We know The Plan and The Plan we also know ISN'T going according to plan.

We WILL win, the Traitors WON'T.

You either support your Ethnic population 100% OR you're a Traitor, if you support Multiculturalism you're a Traitor, if you put ANYONE before YOUR Ethnic population then you're a Traitor, if you say that Diversity is good, then you're a Traitor, if you support No Borders, then you're a Traitor.

IF you support the Dictatorship of the EU Commission, then you're a Traitor.
Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.

They're at mid-point all shouting "Palestine" for reasons I'm not sure.

Anyhow, how pathetic, what a great example of the Politically Correct police, impotent and in then retreat. The easy way to deal with these feral savages is rubber bullets, rubber batons, water cannon, then rounding them all up and dragging them to cells and dealing with them.

Why in hell waste time and effort with rubber anything, and then dragging and dealing with them. Administer a swift dose of lead poisoning and get it over with. I'm sure there must be a local land fill capable of processing livestock mortalities.
Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.

As long as none of us working class American citizens have guns to protect ourselves, it's good. Cuz we all know that we are much more violent than any other culture, because ranchers carry sidearms...

HUGE difference, our government has not yet managed to disarm us to the point where we are reliant upon government agents to "protect" us.
This is why Hillary cannot be our next president. She will bring these people here thinking she'll get their votes, but what America will get is "no go" zones. Fuck that!
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.

You're a racist and a complete fool.

You don't like white people, that makes you a racist.
You lack the credibility to convince me but nice try.

Nobody has to convince anyone that you're not a black racist who doesn't like white people, you're not as bad as Tigger, but you're nearly there.

At least Tigger has a sense of humour, something you're devoid of.
I like some white people just fine like my god daughter, her mom, my oldest daughter is half white and I like her grandparents.

I obviously have a sense of humor. I laugh at you racists all the time.
Oh wonder the left wants tens of millions more of these animals brought here. They're FAR BETTER at defeating the cops than the typical American leftist!!!

This is gonna work out SO WELL in the West.


I think this just about sums it up.

Criticise any 'minority' in society ... especially Muslims ... and you're called racist, bigoted, in fact, any word or insult that'll work to neutralise any opposition to them.

In 'PC-World' (not the store) it doesn't matter how Muslims behave, just so long as there's latitude to defer to them somehow. The Left Demand Such Understanding, you see.
Churchill was a feral savage racist neanderthal. I'm happy he is weeping in his grave.

The REAL feral savage racist neanderthal is a person who hates the very same police who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect a self admitted cop hating subhuman trash like you.
I have no problem with cops that do what i pay them to do. I'm talking about the feral animals that roam the streets planting shit and being fake tough guys until they loose their weapon.
. And no one makes these cops go bad ? They just went bad on their own ? All criminals are innocent eh, and the cops are the criminals now in your mind ?... Got it.. Who flipped it all like this? It wasn't the whites, because it sure wasn't like this during the Sanford & Son episodes or during all the other great achievements that blacks and whites had made over time together in this nation. What happened to the progress, and what has since given birth to the attitudes exhibited by those who are just like you in America now ? Is it Barack who has brought all this about for someone like you ? Is this the attitude that was hidden until Obama was elected ? Is he the one that you silently hoped for, and was he the one that you hoped would get you vengence on whitey finally one day ? Did he disappoint you ? Do you want vengence or do you want equality and peace with your white brothers and sisters in America ? Do you feel that you can't ever get equality and peace along side of your white brothers and sisters in America ?
Make the cops go bad? :laugh:

The only people that make cops go bad are cops. They are adults and responsible for themselves. What happened to being a professional? Obviously the vast majority of cops cant handle that task. If they cant handle the job of being a cop then they need to quit the job.

Your suggestion that all criminals are innocent is a reach on your part that reveals to me you are not feeling very secure about yourself. No need to try and put words in my mouth.

White cops have been doing this since before slavery so your suggesting that it wasnt the whites is foolish nonsense. Nothing has changed except Blacks are tired of waiting for whites to get their shit together. It was never hidden. You just notice it more because you panicked when a Black POTUS was elected and to your utter horror reelected. The whiteys i would want to get vengeance on are dead. i dont think the race in general is capable or intelligent enough to coexist peacefully with anyone let alone Black people.

You might as well revel in the failed experience of a (half) black president. This guy failed so spectacularly, that it will never happen again.

He was a race traitor to white people. He never stood up for a single honest white person, but he was ready to adopt any black criminal as his own child.

He called police stupid, so you as a faithful acolyte seem to have learned the lesson well from your master.

According to you the white race can not co-exist with anyone else. So how come browns, blacks yellows and all other color of people are clamoring to go to predominantly white countries? How come they don't want to go to black Paradise like Zimbabwe, Togo, Niger, Angola or Sudan just to mention a few countries, where no white man has any influence since the 1960's, except of course, when they need the medicine and foreign aid provided by white people?
Your opinions are hilarious due to them being so idiotic. Then you wonder why and complain that i laugh at you all the time.
Meanwhile, in Japan, where they value and.protect their traditions and culture..

No muslim onslaught. No south american drug cartels. Excellent schools.


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