British Copper Charged With Murder After Kicking Black Man's Head Like A Football.

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Lake District England

Sadly, and like you, in the US we in Britain also have an institutionally racist Police Force or Service as they now like to call themselves. The fact that they are institutionally racist has been admitted by them but unfortunately, they do not seem to be doing a lot to redress the balance. It may surprise Americans to learn that there have been many black deaths while in police custody over the decades in Britain and since I was a kid and that despite the fact that the ordinary police officer does not carry a gun.
As we were always told as kids you do not kick (generally attack - Queensbury rules) a man when he is down. Something either the police do not teach their recruits or PC Benjamin Monk and his female colleague just ignored.
According to witnesses the murdered victim Dalian Atkinson lay on the ground and did not pose any threat to anyone - he was incapable. Yet PC Monk felt it necessary to launch a rugby-style kick to the victim's head. indeed when a fellow officer arrived he saw Monk standing with his foot placed on top of Atkinson's head, like a prize trophy it sounds like.

Despite all the black deaths in police custody, no police officer to my knowledge has ever been convicted of murder. Thankfully you in the US have now changed that with the conviction of Derek Chauvin. I hope now a British court follows your lead and administers justice and Monk gets what he deserves, - life in prison.

Dalian Atkinson was a brilliant footballer and played for Aston Villa. He won 1992-3 BBC's Goal of the Season competition and had two of the goals in the top 9 selected by BBC pundits. He is worshipped by thousands of Villa fans for the goals he scored for them.

In the humanist funeral service, celebrant Peter Mansell, said: “There was no one quite like Dalian, there never was before and there never will be again.”

He told how, as a youngster, Atkinson played football in the street in Meadow Close with his brothers and friends - the same road where he was shot by police years later.

As a schoolboy, Atkinson was spotted by talent scouts, leading to his apprenticeship at Ipswich Town FC.

Mr Mansell said: “He found sitting at a school desk boring, but excelled at football and athletics.”

He added that Atkinson, who also played for Sheffield Wednesday, loved the “playboy lifestyle”, was “energetic, cheeky and funny” but also “generous, caring and protective”.

Family man Atkinson was “an inspiration to his nieces and nephews” and often returned “for his mother's home cooking”.

Mr Mansell added: “A part of their world is gone.”

Relatives said he was “not in his right mind” when he was shot with the Taser at about 1.30am.

His sister said: “Dalian was supposed to have been admitted to hospital for treatment on the day he died. - The Independent.

What a very sad waste of an inspirational life that was so unnecessarily snatched away.
If only those two Police Officers had shown just a little restraint.

Oh gawd---

Let's start you off with a few general corrections---we in America realize that Brit police don't typical carry weapons which has often lead to police being attacked by the criminals.....and even killed by the criminals. Also has lead to the criminals not fearing cops or law so the criminals have felt free to commit more various crimes against well everyone. Seems stupid that police aren't armed. These cops shouldn't have had to risk their lives in a knock down drag out fight with this crazy druggy.

Secondly, criminals die in custody all over the place for a host of reasons----criminals often have health issues and drug issues which do tend to kill. Atkinson certainly had a host of medical issues so attacking cops seems particularly stupid and drugged up crazy.

Third going after Chauvin was a travesty.........floyd was a violent drugged up criminal with heart and other health issues that lead to his death.

Fourth, Dalian Atkinson was also another crazy violent druggy. So obviously high was he that day that he was screaming at the street, claiming to be the messiah, and was tasered multiple times as he attacked cops with the taser having little to no effect on him initially.........poor cops fought with him in fear of their own lives against this maniac.

Fifth, how pathetic do you have to be to attack cops trying to keep people safe from the crazies and druggies? Atkinson another violent crazy druggy-------GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBAGE.
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Ok but if the guy was going mental the few days before his death, I am not so sure I automatically assume the police officer may not have be scared after mulitple tasers failed to incapacitate the self-proclaimed messiah.
"The prosecution say that once that last Taser deployment had been totally effective, causing Dalian Atkinson to fall to the ground as a result of neuromuscular incapacitation... the officers were no longer acting in self-defence,"

That about sums it up. Dalian Atkinson: Police officers 'colluded' after ex-footballer's death
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.

If the brits would just let their cops have guns--the criminals wouldn't be running the streets and terrorizing everyone--------and the cops could have just shot this violent druggy instead of allowing him the opportunity to attack them.
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
"The prosecution say that once that last Taser deployment had been totally effective, causing Dalian Atkinson to fall to the ground as a result of neuromuscular incapacitation... the officers were no longer acting in self-defence,"

That about sums it up. Dalian Atkinson: Police officers 'colluded' after ex-footballer's death
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.

If the brits would just let their cops have guns--the criminals wouldn't be running the streets and terrorizing everyone--------and the cops could have just shot this violent druggy instead of allowing him the opportunity to attack them.
Fucking clueless. This happens about once a year. In fully armed America it happens every day. Dalian was not a criminal he was someone who had some problems.
Most of these deaths occur in the custody cells so hardly a threat to the public. Private Eye keeps a rab on the deaths. Most seem to be young black men for some reason.

We know our police are racist. Ive commented before that my son in law is a black man and he gets stopped virtually very week by the police. When my daughter drives the same car she has never been stopped. Its a relief to me that the racist pigs stopping him have not got guns. Unlike the US where racist cops execute people every day, thus saving the courts valuable time.
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
It is ridiculous to get so upset over a sub-human black....nothing but parasites and a curse to whatever community they are located....the sooner white folk wake up to that fact the better off they will be.
Oh gawd---

Let's start you off with a few general corrections---we in America realize that Brit police don't typical carry weapons which has often lead to police being attacked by the criminals.....and even killed by the criminals. Also has lead to the criminals not fearing cops or law so the criminals have felt free to commit more various crimes against well everyone. Seems stupid that police aren't armed. These cops shouldn't have had to risk their lives in a knock down drag out fight with this crazy druggy.

Secondly, criminals die in custody all over the place for a host of reasons----criminals often have health issues and drug issues which do tend to kill. Atkinson certainly had a host of medical issues so attacking cops seems particularly stupid and drugged up crazy.

Third going after Chauvin was a travesty.........floyd was a violent drugged up criminal with heart and other health issues that lead to his death.

Fourth, Dalian Atkinson was also another crazy violent druggy. So obviously high was he that day that he was screaming at the street, claiming to be the messiah, and was tasered multiple times as he attacked cops with the taser having little to no effect on him initially.........poor cops fought with him in fear of their own lives against this maniac.

Fifth, how pathetic do you have to be to attack cops trying to keep people safe from the crazies and druggies? Atkinson another violent crazy druggy-------GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBAGE.
Ha Ha a typical response based on complete ignorance from a right-wing Trumpster
Turtlesoup. You just assume because police do not carry guns in the UK that murdered police officers must be at an astronomical level as in the US. However official figures show that while protected with their guns US Police Officers suffered 306 deaths in one year 2020. Where their unarmed counterparts in the UK suffered 4 deaths in 6 years. Of course, I could have expected a similar response from the likes of USMB racists MaryL or Harmonica. Trumpsters don't give a fruitbats wank about facts. That is why they never bother to do any research before opening their cakeholes

Law Enforcement Facts - National Law Enforcement Officers ...​

- National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund › facts-figures › law-enforcement-facts

US There were 306 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2020 in US.

UK 2020 1 Police SGT Matt Ratana Shot dead conducting a search in custody.
2019 1 PC Andrew Harper Killed when dragged by car after quad bike theft.
2018 0
2017 1 PC Keith Harper stabbed to death by terrorist Palace of Westminister.
2016 0
2015 1 PC David Phillips was knocked down and killed by a stolen pick-up truck.

"Secondly, criminals die in custody all over the place for a host of reasons----"
Atkinson was not a criminal. He had a very successful career as a Professional Footballer for many years. Apart from needing a very special level of skill to play in the world's most competitive Premier League a great deal of self-discipline is also imperative. Atkinson had both qualities in abundance. At some point he began to have mental health issues that can happen to anybody.

"Third going after Chauvin was a travesty." That would be funny if his actions weren't so tragic. Floyd may have committed criminal acts in his past but he had paid for them with a prison sentence. He was aware of his shortcomings as he taught youngsters not to go down the path he had. Fentanyl was found in his system. I take Fentanyl. It is prescribed as a very effective pain killer as I have terminal cancer, the only medicine I've had to take that doesn't; seem to come with side effects. It is an opiate like Heroin and had he taken enough to kill himself he would have instantly OD'd and his heart would have stopped. He couldn't have gone shopping and suffered some delayed reaction when arrested. As the medical professionals who testified made clear, it was law enforcement's action in putting pressure on his windpipe for nearly nine minutes cutting off oxygen to his brain that was wholly responsible for his death. Chauvin don't forget was found guilty of Floyd's murder in a court of law.

"Fourth, Dalian Atkinson was also another crazy violent druggy." That is pure invention
on your part, there has been no evidence so far that he was either. We shouldn't be surprised Trumpsters delight in making shit up and presenting it as fact. Of course, Atkinson was black which seems to your average Trumpster a crime in itself.
Atkinson, it seems had kidney problems that lead to renal failure and he is also said to as a result have a weak heart.

"Fifth, how pathetic do you have to be to attack cops trying to keep people safe from the crazies and druggies? Atkinson another violent crazy druggy-------GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBAGE."

How pathetic do you have to be to state that somebody clearly suffering a mental health breakdown and without any evidence whatsoever that he was a violent crazy druggy suggest his murder (if that is what the jury find) was in some way beneficial to society? As for the pair of police officers responsible. Atkinson was as entitled to their protection as much as anyone else. Atkinson was lying unresponsive when Monk having tasered him for 33 seconds instead of the permitted 5, launched his rugby-style kick to his head. That can not be acceptable for any reason whatsoever.
What sort of police officers are they turning out these days that both on encountering Atkinson initially ran away? On returning and rendering him unconscious on the ground according to eyewitnesses illegally using a taser inappropriately, still maintain they were terrified. so instead of approaching him slowly to make sure he was all right, they decided to kick him in the head twice while Monks female colleague took her baton and gave Atkinson a good beating before they both sat on him in order to handcuff him. If the court find that that is an accurate description of what really happened then both should be found guilty Monk to murder and a life sentence and his colleague the maximum the law will allow for aiding and abetting Monk.

Turtlesoup will continue promoting Trumpism by continuing targeting those least able to defend themselves with lies and smears - divide and conquer, attempting to convince as many 'braindead' as possible that the return of the orange demigod is the answer to all America's woes.
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
It is ridiculous to get so upset over a sub-human black....nothing but parasites and a curse to whatever community they are located....the sooner white folk wake up to that fact the better off they will be.
Probably the most disgusting racist post I've ever read. If this was a European site you would have been arrested for hate crimes by now. Atkinson was a successful Pro footballer and drove a Porsche which you know full well yet you still call him a sub-human black and a parasite. There is currently a campaign in Europe and celebs are boycotting social media sites until their owners start to take action against people like you. It will no doubt spread to America next. I wonder how you will feel when outed and paraded in front of the world media as a defendant in a show trial exposing your vile racist views - not so cocky then I'd bet.
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
It is ridiculous to get so upset over a sub-human black....nothing but parasites and a curse to whatever community they are located....the sooner white folk wake up to that fact the better off they will be.
The only "sub-humans" here are those who can't accept that skin colour has nothing to do with whether you are human or not.
Oh gawd---

Let's start you off with a few general corrections---we in America realize that Brit police don't typical carry weapons which has often lead to police being attacked by the criminals.....and even killed by the criminals. Also has lead to the criminals not fearing cops or law so the criminals have felt free to commit more various crimes against well everyone. Seems stupid that police aren't armed. These cops shouldn't have had to risk their lives in a knock down drag out fight with this crazy druggy.

Secondly, criminals die in custody all over the place for a host of reasons----criminals often have health issues and drug issues which do tend to kill. Atkinson certainly had a host of medical issues so attacking cops seems particularly stupid and drugged up crazy.

Third going after Chauvin was a travesty.........floyd was a violent drugged up criminal with heart and other health issues that lead to his death.

Fourth, Dalian Atkinson was also another crazy violent druggy. So obviously high was he that day that he was screaming at the street, claiming to be the messiah, and was tasered multiple times as he attacked cops with the taser having little to no effect on him initially.........poor cops fought with him in fear of their own lives against this maniac.

Fifth, how pathetic do you have to be to attack cops trying to keep people safe from the crazies and druggies? Atkinson another violent crazy druggy-------GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBAGE.
Ha Ha a typical response based on complete ignorance from a right-wing Trumpster
Turtlesoup. You just assume because police do not carry guns in the UK that murdered police officers must be at an astronomical level as in the US. However official figures show that while protected with their guns US Police Officers suffered 306 deaths in one year 2020. Where their unarmed counterparts in the UK suffered 4 deaths in 6 years. Of course, I could have expected a similar response from the likes of USMB racists MaryL or Harmonica. Trumpsters don't give a fruitbats wank about facts. That is why they never bother to do any research before opening their cakeholes

Law Enforcement Facts - National Law Enforcement Officers ...​

- National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund › facts-figures › law-enforcement-facts

US There were 306 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2020 in US.

UK 2020 1 Police SGT Matt Ratana Shot dead conducting a search in custody.
2019 1 PC Andrew Harper Killed when dragged by car after quad bike theft.
2018 0
2017 1 PC Keith Harper stabbed to death by terrorist Palace of Westminister.
2016 0
2015 1 PC David Phillips was knocked down and killed by a stolen pick-up truck.

"Secondly, criminals die in custody all over the place for a host of reasons----"
Atkinson was not a criminal. He had a very successful career as a Professional Footballer for many years. Apart from needing a very special level of skill to play in the world's most competitive Premier League a great deal of self-discipline is also imperative. Atkinson had both qualities in abundance. At some point he began to have mental health issues that can happen to anybody.

"Third going after Chauvin was a travesty." That would be funny if his actions weren't so tragic. Floyd may have committed criminal acts in his past but he had paid for them with a prison sentence. He was aware of his shortcomings as he taught youngsters not to go down the path he had. Fentanyl was found in his system. I take Fentanyl. It is prescribed as a very effective pain killer as I have terminal cancer, the only medicine I've had to take that doesn't; seem to come with side effects. It is an opiate like Heroin and had he taken enough to kill himself he would have instantly OD'd and his heart would have stopped. He couldn't have gone shopping and suffered some delayed reaction when arrested. As the medical professionals who testified made clear, it was law enforcement's action in putting pressure on his windpipe for nearly nine minutes cutting off oxygen to his brain that was wholly responsible for his death. Chauvin don't forget was found guilty of Floyd's murder in a court of law.

"Fourth, Dalian Atkinson was also another crazy violent druggy." That is pure invention
on your part, there has been no evidence so far that he was either. We shouldn't be surprised Trumpsters delight in making shit up and presenting it as fact. Of course, Atkinson was black which seems to your average Trumpster a crime in itself.
Atkinson, it seems had kidney problems that lead to renal failure and he is also said to as a result have a weak heart.

"Fifth, how pathetic do you have to be to attack cops trying to keep people safe from the crazies and druggies? Atkinson another violent crazy druggy-------GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBAGE."

How pathetic do you have to be to state that somebody clearly suffering a mental health breakdown and without any evidence whatsoever that he was a violent crazy druggy suggest his murder (if that is what the jury find) was in some way beneficial to society? As for the pair of police officers responsible. Atkinson was as entitled to their protection as much as anyone else. Atkinson was lying unresponsive when Monk having tasered him for 33 seconds instead of the permitted 5, launched his rugby-style kick to his head. That can not be acceptable for any reason whatsoever.
What sort of police officers are they turning out these days that both on encountering Atkinson initially ran away? On returning and rendering him unconscious on the ground according to eyewitnesses illegally using a taser inappropriately, still maintain they were terrified. so instead of approaching him slowly to make sure he was all right, they decided to kick him in the head twice while Monks female colleague took her baton and gave Atkinson a good beating before they both sat on him in order to handcuff him. If the court find that that is an accurate description of what really happened then both should be found guilty Monk to murder and a life sentence and his colleague the maximum the law will allow for aiding and abetting Monk.

Turtlesoup will continue promoting Trumpism by continuing targeting those least able to defend themselves with lies and smears - divide and conquer, attempting to convince as many 'braindead' as possible that the return of the orange demigod is the answer to all America's woes.

Well said. Bravo

Sadly, and like you, in the US we in Britain also have an institutionally racist Police Force or Service as they now like to call themselves. The fact that they are institutionally racist has been admitted by them but unfortunately, they do not seem to be doing a lot to redress the balance. It may surprise Americans to learn that there have been many black deaths while in police custody over the decades in Britain and since I was a kid and that despite the fact that the ordinary police officer does not carry a gun.
As we were always told as kids you do not kick (generally attack - Queensbury rules) a man when he is down. Something either the police do not teach their recruits or PC Benjamin Monk and his female colleague just ignored.
According to witnesses the murdered victim Dalian Atkinson lay on the ground and did not pose any threat to anyone - he was incapable. Yet PC Monk felt it necessary to launch a rugby-style kick to the victim's head. indeed when a fellow officer arrived he saw Monk standing with his foot placed on top of Atkinson's head, like a prize trophy it sounds like.

Despite all the black deaths in police custody, no police officer to my knowledge has ever been convicted of murder. Thankfully you in the US have now changed that with the conviction of Derek Chauvin. I hope now a British court follows your lead and administers justice and Monk gets what he deserves, - life in prison.

Dalian Atkinson was a brilliant footballer and played for Aston Villa. He won 1992-3 BBC's Goal of the Season competition and had two of the goals in the top 9 selected by BBC pundits. He is worshipped by thousands of Villa fans for the goals he scored for them.

In the humanist funeral service, celebrant Peter Mansell, said: “There was no one quite like Dalian, there never was before and there never will be again.”

He told how, as a youngster, Atkinson played football in the street in Meadow Close with his brothers and friends - the same road where he was shot by police years later.

As a schoolboy, Atkinson was spotted by talent scouts, leading to his apprenticeship at Ipswich Town FC.

Mr Mansell said: “He found sitting at a school desk boring, but excelled at football and athletics.”

He added that Atkinson, who also played for Sheffield Wednesday, loved the “playboy lifestyle”, was “energetic, cheeky and funny” but also “generous, caring and protective”.

Family man Atkinson was “an inspiration to his nieces and nephews” and often returned “for his mother's home cooking”.

Mr Mansell added: “A part of their world is gone.”

Relatives said he was “not in his right mind” when he was shot with the Taser at about 1.30am.

His sister said: “Dalian was supposed to have been admitted to hospital for treatment on the day he died. - The Independent.

What a very sad waste of an inspirational life that was so unnecessarily snatched away.
If only those two Police Officers had shown just a little restraint.


Police should leave every democrat controlled city
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
Oh Brother...…..

Put yourself in their shoes. They go to stop a violent crazy druggy...and get into a fight with the druggy putting them both in fear of their lives. One male cop and one female cop...and lets be honest here..the female cop isn't much help physically. The male cop and the druggy get into a life and death battle. ANYTHING GOES to subdue the violent druggy otherwise the cops puts his, his partner, and the public in danger.

Violent criminals/crazies/druggies must be dealt with...……….when a taser doesn't stop him-----its a good sign that he is way past being doped up where the cops can stop him easily.

The druggy has no value for society---he is a threat. He death is no loss to society while the cops are contributors and did a good deed stopping the crazy.

To support the druggies being babied will only lead to more crime and innocent victims----the druggy here is not an innocent victim but a threat.
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Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
It is ridiculous to get so upset over a sub-human black....nothing but parasites and a curse to whatever community they are located....the sooner white folk wake up to that fact the better off they will be.
Probably the most disgusting racist post I've ever read. If this was a European site you would have been arrested for hate crimes by now. Atkinson was a successful Pro footballer and drove a Porsche which you know full well yet you still call him a sub-human black and a parasite. There is currently a campaign in Europe and celebs are boycotting social media sites until their owners start to take action against people like you. It will no doubt spread to America next. I wonder how you will feel when outed and paraded in front of the world media as a defendant in a show trial exposing your vile racist views - not so cocky then I'd bet.
Arrested for hate crimes?

Why did we bother driving the Nazis from Europe in the first place?
Oh Brother...…..

Put yourself in their shoes. They go to stop a violent crazy druggy...
I've seen nothing reported that he was a violent drug adict. British Police in the main, are well trained enough to deal with such situations in any event. The man was tasered and on the ground. Tasered and on the ground. There is NO excuse in such circumstances to kick him in the head, or beat him to death.
Crazy drugged up violent Atkinson was trying to get back up to attack the cops again...
The cops kicked him trying to keep him down so they could arrest him.
Was he? Even if that was the case, there is no excuse for kicking him in the head. Two police officers should be able to subdue one tasered individual before he/she can get up. They learn such techniques in basic training.
It is ridiculous to get so upset over a sub-human black....nothing but parasites and a curse to whatever community they are located....the sooner white folk wake up to that fact the better off they will be.
Probably the most disgusting racist post I've ever read. If this was a European site you would have been arrested for hate crimes by now. Atkinson was a successful Pro footballer and drove a Porsche which you know full well yet you still call him a sub-human black and a parasite. There is currently a campaign in Europe and celebs are boycotting social media sites until their owners start to take action against people like you. It will no doubt spread to America next. I wonder how you will feel when outed and paraded in front of the world media as a defendant in a show trial exposing your vile racist views - not so cocky then I'd bet.
The issue is that you can not criticize the bad from certain groups. There are unfortunately many people who do not live near or close to areas where there are problems. The powers that be have proclaimed it racism and bigotry and are pushing hate crimes for comments. Even if it is about survival. To solve problems we need to recognize them first. Not shine them up for display. Correcting racism is good. Correcting irresponsible ways is spouted as racism.
Oh Brother...…..

Put yourself in their shoes. They go to stop a violent crazy druggy...
I've seen nothing reported that he was a violent drug adict. British Police in the main, are well trained enough to deal with such situations in any event. The man was tasered and on the ground. Tasered and on the ground. There is NO excuse in such circumstances to kick him in the head, or beat him to death.
There is ...the cops were in a fight for their life-----this violent druggy was a threat to them. Sometimes people die in fights....

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