Brexit screwed

The UK has sold itself out to the Russian oligarchs, and now to make up for it, it is trying to beat it down on its own people.

The U.K. has now quickly turned into a closely controlled Nazi style state but with full soviet style administration and legislation. The number one justification for all new UK legislations is the "public interest" and "public purse", same as the Soviet "enemy of the people".

You’re still crying over your globalist Agenda being rejected by the people?
Britain fell for the same reason the U.S. did to Trump. Too many people stayed home assuming that the madness would lose out in the end.
Russian trolls hit heavily in Britain.

But Brexit is a total mess and May has no idea what she's doing. She wants to keep the UK in the EU customs union for two years after Brexit, so by the time the British economy tanks, there'll probably be another PM.

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