Brennan and Comey should go to prison, but the death penalty ?

I would support the Death Sentence for former CIA Agent John Brennan.

This criminal traitor has violated both Constitution and Rule of law for DECADES.

He has betrayed the Constitution, his country his government, and every American citizen.

He has violated the constitutional and civil rights of Americans, from American citizens to reporters to the media to US SENATORS to USSC Justices to political opposition Presidential Candidates to newly elected President.

He has engaged in treason by actively engaging in and facilitating an attempt to overthrow the elected government / President of the United States.

He is also a proven unrepentant traitor who stood before Congress as an alternative to going to prison and admitted to illegally spying on US Senators and promised never to do such a thing ever again....and then was caught committing treason by attempting to help affect a soft coup against a newly elected President.

One could argue that such a punishment is only for traitors during War Time. I would respond by saying this:
- The United States IS at war, fighting war in no less than 3 countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

- Committing treason by attempting to overthrow the government of the United States / by attempting to affect a coup as was the case her should ALWAYS be punishable by death.

I would also argue that Brennan is not the only one who should who should face this fate.
That might be a tad harsh.

But that's what this former CIA agent says.

i'm all for buying some remote island where people can't find them and dropping off enough supplies for these people to make whatever country makes them happy and leaving these types of political criminals there. can you imagine how long they'd last if they didn't have a country to take advantage of?

but killing? no. too extreme for me in a time we've had more than enough extremes behavior.

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