Brees tries to recover


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.

If the libs don't like what Mr. Brees said, they should come to the games to boo him. Really let him have it.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.
Brees got jerked back into line by jock Stalinists and was forced to recant. I doubt he suddenly rejected his own value system and suddenly saw the value in a politicized fake protest movement populated by racists and phonies like Che Kaepernick.
So many apologies, so little sincerity.

If one says what they mean in the first place, there is no call for any apology. No one is bound by another's beliefs.
WTF. There are different approaches to addressing problems. Brees doesn't say that there isn't a problem only that there is a different way to address the problem.

Fking intolerant idiots can't stand respectful differences of opinion. We are really in trouble as a nation.


Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. ...
He shouldn't apologize for how he feels about the country, the flag, and the anthem. He has the right to his opinion just as his teammates do. No reason they can't respect one another anyway.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.

What he said was nothing. The overreaction was more insulting.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.

He will be destroyed anyway, because unless you toe the SJW line 100% you are the enemy.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I actually had no problem with his previous stance. I don't expect white people to actually get it so I dont get upset about him feeling the way he does. White people on the most part still hold some of the most deplorable enablers of human trafficking the world has ever known in high regard. These are the very same people that copied the concepts of the Iroquois Nation and formed the constitution and literally were against the common people having the right to vote. White people are either blissful ignorant, dumb or they are playing dumb in an effort to hold onto a racist system that has granted them a head start in life. I have more respect for the ones that will tell the truth and admit they dont want Blacks and browns to have the same level of participation. At least they are being honest. Its the ones that claim they are for my equal inclusion (both dem and repub) but consciously or passively work against that inclusion that I have absolutely no respect for. If your respect for a symbol, object or an idea is greater than your respect for someones humanity and equal rights then you are no longer a human.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
Fuck you asswipe there is nothing he said that he needs to apologize for

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I just lost a lot of respect for him. His remarks were spot on and there was nothing wrong with what he said. To back down and cave in the face of the partisan outcry is cowardice.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.
My position is, take a knee, break a knee

Then we will all have something to cheer about

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.

He will be destroyed anyway, because unless you toe the SJW line 100% you are the enemy.
Brees is on an apology tour right now. He generally does quite well in the press. I think this will pass.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.
My position is, take a knee, break a knee

Then we will all have something to cheer about
Better get used to it.

When the season resumes, expect whole teams, including coaching staff to take a knee. Many fans too

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.

He will be destroyed anyway, because unless you toe the SJW line 100% you are the enemy.
Brees is on an apology tour right now. He generally does quite well in the press. I think this will pass.

Another meaningless apology over nothing to apologize for because people are so fucking fragile.

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.
My position is, take a knee, break a knee

Then we will all have something to cheer about
Better get used to it.

When the season resumes, expect whole teams, including coaching staff to take a knee. Many fans too
I dont have to get used to it

I just wont watch the games

Doesn't cut it. Too late to apologize. The horses are already out of the gate and far, far across the prairie.

What he said was what he intended to say. He meant it, or he wouldn't have said it. He is just one of many flag hugging, waving neo-cons who claim to "love" our country and want to protect it (for white nationalists.)

Just be patient Drew, the chief Bunker Inspector, who set the gold standard for draft dodging, will defend you at some point.
I think Brees meant well and was trying to show his respect for our country.
But in doing so, he showed disrespect for those who have legitimate concerns for police brutality.
Police brutality? Think you mispelled "when a white cop kills a black person" because any other situation and nobody cares

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