
The reason land theft can't be accepted is that if it was, Israel's allies would have to look at the actions of their own countries. Of course that is not to be contemplated.
New Zealand stole land from the Maori....YOU need to leave and go back to Whitelandia from which you oozed!!! OK; so the Maori ate the locals when they what???

Thank you Mortimer.

Since 1948 the day of the creation of Israel things have been going on over there.

They know how to defend themselves. Trust me.
Yes, it will be the poor innocent women and children that will pay in blood as their tower block dwellings in places like Ramallah get ripped apart by Israeli rockets, but like all good caring fascist's the Israeli's will announce to the world they did give a one-minute warning.
They shouldn't give any warning. You don't want Israel firing rockets at you then don't fire them at Israel. If your incapable of stopping Hamas from iniciating combat you can't bitch if Israel gets violent in return.
What is Hamas trying to gain by firing those rockets? Think they can conquer Israel with their rockets, and if not why do it at all? I don't understand why Israel allow them to live. If Hamas cared about their people they wouldn't be starting something and not expecting return fire. What is not fair is Hamas doesn't form an army and come out so we know who to kill forcing us to kill everyone to get to them. Blame Hamas for this not Israel.
Hamas is not firing the rockets. It's just kids with nothing else to do, no jobs, no future. Israel may have a right to exist but it doesn't have the right to exist in Palestine. The British had no right to allow tens of thousands of Jews trying to escape Europe after the Holocaust to flood into Palestine, steal the land from the Palestinians and start building walls to keep them out of their own land that was theirs for thousands of years. Despite the UN issuing more resolutions against Israel than any other country, no sanctions have ever been imposed, mainly because the US always vetoes any such intentions. Does the US taxpayer really know how much of their taxes go to support Israel?
How much??

Neato! Did baby jesus tell you that in a piece of toast, shaman?

You guys want to blame everyone and everything but the actual causes: magical iron age religious belief. This is because all of you are steeped in it. 3 Abrahamic piles of crap still colliding on the world stage in 2021. Embarrassing.

You bash traditional religion, but I have no doubt, like most leftists, you're into astrology. What's your sign?
His sign is "Out to Lunch".
There is a huge mess in the mixed cities. They don't show much of that overseas, but the chaos in the mixed cities is much more dangerous now than the events in Gaza. It scares us, really.
Two weeks ago Turkish forces launched a military assault in the Duhok region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Villagers were forced to ‘flee in terror’ from raining bombs. It was only the latest bombardment of the beleaguered Kurds by Turkey, NATO member and Western ally. It did not trend online. There were no noisy protests in London or New York. The Turks weren’t talked about in woke circles as crazed, bloodthirsty killers. Tweeters didn’t dream out loud about Turks burning in hell. The Onion didn’t do any close-to-the-bone satire about how Turkish soldiers just love killing children. No, the Duhok attack passed pretty much without comment.

But when Israel engages in military action, that’s a different story. Always.

RE: Breaking
SUBTOPIC: Comparative "NAZI"
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

BLUF: This is crazy.

Spike said:
‘What’s the difference?’, said a placard at a march in Washington, DC showing the Israeli flag next to the Nazi flag. The Jews are the Nazis now, you see. Ironic, isn’t it?
SOURCE: Why won’t Israelis let themselves be killed?

When the anti-Israeli activist uses the claim that there is a NAZI-like resemblance with the Israelis, I have trouble understanding this.

◈ The “Aryan Law” • Jewish citizens forced out Professional Civil Service
✦ There are all manner of ethnic diversity in the Israeli Civil Service
◈ Jewish doctors prohibited to treat non-Jews
There are all manner of ethnic diversity in the Israeli Civil Service​
◈ “The Night of the Long Knives”
There has never been a purge of the Israeli Civil Service​
◈ “The Night of Broken Glass" • vandalism and destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes
There has never been a night of wholesale vandalism and destruction of Palestinian-owned businesses, mosque, and homes
◈ Jewish doctors eliminated from the Berlin social welfare services
No laws were established to eliminate Arab Palestinian Doctors from practice​
◈ Jewish Lawyers forbid to practice
No laws were established to eliminate Arab Palestinian lawyers from practice
◈ Jewish students in limited public schools - Jewish children expelled from public schools​
No laws were established to eliminate Arab Palestinian students from Israeli schools​
◈ Revokes the citizenship revoked from naturalized Jews and “undesirables"​
No laws were established to revoke Arab Palestinian - Israeli citizenship​
◈ Jewish officers expelled from the Army​
No laws were established to eliminate Arab Palestinian from the IDF​
◈ Jewish Ownership of silver, gold, and diamonds forbidden • and other precious Metals and Stones​
No laws were established to confiscate precious Metals and Stones from Arab Palestinians​

Now I am sure the Israelis can challenge the list of NAZI characteristics much better than I can. But just in these very few moments, I have demonstrated just how ridiculous the claim is. And that these places some question as to the validity of other Arab Palestinian claims.


Most Respectfully,

I dont hate MENA people or muslims that must be said. I like them and respect them. But I dont understand where people get the ideas from that Israelis torture innocent children, Im sure they dont. And as far as I know the muslim world wants to exterminate Israel and I side with Israel. I consider Israel the victim and democracy not the other way around.

Erdogan the Sultan said he will rise the whole world against Israel and threatened Israel. I just need to look at the threats and aggressivenes of muslims all over the world to see the Israelis are not the fascists.
Thank you Mortimer.

Since 1948 the day of the creation of Israel things have been going on over there.

They know how to defend themselves. Trust me.
Yes, it will be the poor innocent women and children that will pay in blood as their tower block dwellings in places like Ramallah get ripped apart by Israeli rockets, but like all good caring fascist's the Israeli's will announce to the world they did give a one-minute warning.

You never heard of “never again”?
Yes but the innocent women and children of Ramallah should not have to pay for the Holocaust.
Besides these rockets never seem to kill anyone and rarely do any damage. Why don't the Israeli's invest in a US-made Patriot anti-missile defense system? The fact they don't suggest the Israeli's like these rockets to fly in and never kill anyone. They can then point to them as an excuse for a multitude of human rights abuses against the Palestinians.

A 6 year old jewish boy was killed in his home by palestinian rockets.
Israel’s Achilles heel has always been the media. In any conflict where we have tried to defend ourselves, we constantly lose the war raging against Israel in the mainstream and social media. And we are doing so again. It’s no surprise that a flood of photos (some real and some manipulated) claiming the “bloody war crimes of Israel” are flooding platforms inciting the world’s oldest hatred to again raise its ugly head.

Courage is needed for war, not just for Israelis, but for anyone outside of Israel who faces a barrage of hatred for standing up for our country’s absolute right to defend her citizens.
For twenty years, the Israeli villages around Gaza have suffered tens of thousands of rockets aimed at their schools, farms and clinics. Every other conflict with Hamas has seen the Israeli government get cold feet and capitulate to the inevitable tough images which the International community has used to pressure us to withdraw. Our hope is that this time, the Israeli government will stand firm from a military point and ethically from the knowledge that this is a just war, and caring what others think has never helped us before.

If the pro-Palestinian world really cared about the Palestinians, they would get behind Israel, not for the sake of Israel of course, but for the sake of the civilians of Gaza who are under the whip of the Hamas.


Yes, a sad lone event. I would not expect you to show the young Israeli Jew, father of two, who was lynched at acre or the one fighting for his life in Lod. The residents of Arad cannot leave their city since yesterday evening since the police blocked all roads because of stoning. Just today an Arab mob attacked a car while there was a baby inside.

Yet those hypocrites don't even whistle about that.

Yes, a sad lone event. I would not expect you to show the young Israeli Jew, father of two, who was lynched at acre or the one fighting for his life in Lod. The residents of Arad cannot leave their city since yesterday evening since the police blocked all roads because of stoning. Just today an Arab mob attacked a car while there was a baby inside.

Yet those hypocrites don't even whistle about that.


That person is merely flame baiting. For whatever reasons he may have.

I have yet to see him hold anything resembling a discussion about events in the ME,

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