BREAKING UPDATE: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says “Whistleblower for Joe Biden is Not Missing”

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Great news. I bet Biden's ole butthole is going to pucker up when he gets news of this.

What 'Whistleblower'?

And what evidence against Biden?

You guys keep offering us accusations as evidence. And then seem confused and upset when you're laughed out of court.
Anybody know where the Butcher of Benghazi is?

The whistle blower needs to get his/her affairs in order.

Show us the evidence that Joe has 20 back accounts. really didn't think this through, did you?
It's evidence enough for the banks to have filed numerous "suspicious activity" reports, dumbfuck.

It's *usually* evidence enough for the Feds to get warrants to investigate RICO activity, dumbfuck.
It's evidence enough for the banks to have filed numerous "suspicious activity" reports, dumbfuck.

It's *usually* evidence enough for the Feds to get warrants to investigate RICO activity, dumbfuck.

Banks have filed numerous 'suspicious activity' reports against Joe Biden?

Show us.

Everytime I ask you for evidence, you ineptly fail to show us any....and just keep repeating your accusations backed by jackshit.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the right wing echo chamber.
Banks have filed numerous 'suspicious activity' reports against Joe Biden?

Show us.

Everytime I ask you for evidence, you ineptly fail to show us any....and just keep repeating your accusations backed by jackshit.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the right wing echo chamber.
The reason that the Oversight Committee is investigating is because of the suspicious activity reports, dumbfuck.

I was exactly correct...You moonbats are just parroting what you heard on antisocial media and the teevee.

The reason that the Oversight Committee is investigating is because of the suspicious activity reports, dumbfuck.

I was exactly correct...You moonbats are just parroting what you heard on antisocial media and the teevee.


Then why, pray tell, when asked if he has evidence directly linking Joe Biden to alleged malfeasance, Comer said this?


Once again, you poor hapless souls have confused accusations with evidence.

And you wonder why your Big Lies are laughed out of court.
Then why, pray tell, when asked if he has evidence directly linking Joe Biden to alleged malfeasance, Comer said this?

View attachment 785565

Once again, you poor hapless souls have confused accusations with evidence.

And you wonder why your Big Lies are laughed out of court.
Funny....That's pretty much the answer given to the press, about the supposed underlying crime in the NY indictment against Trump....But you hacks don't GAF about that.

GFY, parrrot.
Funny....That's pretty much the answer given to the press about the supposed underlying crime in the NY indictment against Trump....But you hacks don't GAF about that.

GFY, parrrot.

Laughing....and now an awkward attempt to change the topic.

Odd how quickly you flee when I ask you to show us the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime.

Y'all aren't well suited for life outside your little echo chambers.
That ^^^ is a quote you should have sent to Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Piglosi and Schiff.

What delightful whataboutry!

Now show us the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime. So far, you've got Comer and his BELIEFS.

“We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” he added, characterizing Wednesday’s update as the “beginning stages” of his investigation.

If only beliefs were evidence.....if only accusations were evidence.

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