BREAKING: Trump's lawyers ask for Judge Tanya Chutkan to be removed from his DC J6 case

As a general rule, the judge who is presiding is the one who makes the decision. In this case, to be plain, she makes the calm about her own alleged bias.

She can be (and plainly is) as biased as fuck. But she has the authority to say, “no. I can be and will be ‘fair.’”

No conscious person will believe it. But that won’t matter.
Any juror in any court of law that says they are biased but can be fair would be excused even if they told that to the judge. Lawyers would ask for them to be 'respectfully dismissed.'
Really? So, according to you, everyone including Trump's own lawyers, know he's guilty? Do you live in America?
Surely they do imo, but they will use every legal means they can, to get him off.... or reduce his sentence, or legal opening for an appeal, or etc....
Judges do not find defendants guilty or not guilty silly one, a jury made up of 12 do.
Tell that to yourself, YOU wrote: "it's not like any other judge in D.C. or anywhere, would do anything differently than she has done or Trump would fair any better with another judge in D.C"
Any juror in any court of law that says they are biased but can be fair would be excused even if they told that to the judge. Lawyers would ask for them to be 'respectfully dismissed.'
Absolutely. And a judge’s refusal to excuse such a prospective juror for cause could easily become a winning appellate point.
Surely they do imo, but they will use every legal means they can, to get him off.... or reduce his sentence, or legal opening for an appeal, or etc....
No reason to say “surely.” It isn’t “sure” at all

But, of course the lawyers will zealously try to defeat the persecution’s case.
Any juror in any court of law that says they are biased but can be fair would be excused even if they told that to the judge. Lawyers would ask for them to be 'respectfully dismissed.'
That's not true.... If they say, they can be fair and will base their judgement only on what evidence was presented in the trial, then sometimes the prosecutor, and defense attorney, and judge will accept them....

It happened to me once....I had been exposed to a situation similar to the trial case they were picking jurors for, of which I told the truth about to them, (kinda hoping to be recused cuz I had an awful lot of work to do at my job), but they asked me if I could be fair and only use evidence presented in the trial, and I said yes, I'm certain I could do that....

And I was sent to another room to wait to be dismissed, but about an hour and a half later I was called back in and told I was in the jury!!
That's not true.... If they say, they can be fair and will base their judgement only on what evidence was presented in the trial, then sometimes the prosecutor, and defense attorney, and judge will accept them....

It happened to me once....I had been exposed to a situation similar to the trial case they were picking jurors for, of which I told the truth about to them, (kinda hoping to be recused cuz I had an awful lot of work to do at my job), but they asked me if I could be fair and only use evidence presented in the trial, and I said yes, I'm certain I could do that....

And I was sent to another room to wait to be dismissed, but about an hour and a half later I was called back in and told I was in the jury!!
You were most likely not dismissed because there was someone even more biased than you. The fact remains, this judge is heavily biased against Trump and should recuse herself or be removed. You don't really care about justice, you only care about persecuting your "Orange Man Bad!"
Tis my opinion, which is me speaking my thoughts freely! Yay me! :D
You did qualify your silly view with an “imo.”

But that doesn’t square with “surely.”

In the real world, of course, Trump is obviously not guilty of any crimes at all. The dumbass persecutors can’t even spell out a crime. Not any real ones, anyway.
Maybe read the motions provided in the OP…it spells out her bias

With that said I doubt she’ll recuse herself, but this is just one more thing the SCOTUS will highlight when they overturn the political prosecution…if they need to
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You did qualify your silly view with an “imo.”

But that doesn’t square with “surely.”

In the real world, of course, Trump is obviously not guilty of any crimes at all. The dumbass persecutors can’t even spell out a crime. Not any real ones, anyway.
If there is a Statute of US CODE that is broken, then that's the crime allegedly broken and being indicted for.....

Yes he is innocent, until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, by all 12 of the jury.

And this still is a cover your ass when found guilty, move.... They are not planning to appeal a not guilty verdict silly one....

The part on surely them knowing he is,

Is the 'my opinion' part.... How could they think he wasnt, at least on a couple of the charges which are quite evident imo?? :dunno: :D
Maybe the 1st sentence where she states he tried to overthrow the election?

Which part triggered you the most?
What triggered me was that she’s overseeing the case despite her documented bias

She’s free to have her bias, but shouldn’t be overseeing the case
Tell that to yourself, YOU wrote: "it's not like any other judge in D.C. or anywhere, would do anything differently than she has done or Trump would fair any better with another judge in D.C"
Yes, I said that..... So, what does that have to do with a judge not determining guilt or innocence, and only the jury does?

She's made no unbiased moves, that any other judge would not have made. She's doing her job, of keeping the trial moving forward, of justice being completed and served, for both the defendant, and the victims.

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