Breaking! TRUMP Soars in Latest Poll – Up 38 Points on DeSantis – Most Republicans View Indictment a Political Hit

The real numbers when you take the fraud out.
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Freaky with the map of largely empty space.
Really, Jack? You think 95% of the USA is just empty space? Maybe you are just confused with your head? Show me where in the Constitution it says anything about the population density of any area mattering to anything? Each county votes based on the popular vote of THAT area. And each area's outcome contributes to deciding the electors of the state. Guess you missed that in your Comedy College Remedial classes? Especially the areas that grow cattle and food for you to eat? Think just how much greener the planet would be if we just cut out supplying all food going to NYC, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Portland, SanFran and LA? I bet that would really cut down on the methane produced and the land needed and the fertilizers used!

No wonder you smell.
Gee, I wondered who had their nose up there in my ass! Here, let me cut a nice juicy fart for you! Whoops! Sorry Jack, that one wasn't a fart, but then, I'm sure you enjoyed it anyway.
It's already backfiring on democrats and RINO's. The American people know a political hit job when they see one. Oh, before you libs have a knee jerk reaction and complain about it being Gateway Pundit, their source is CBS News and they link to it like they do all their sources.

So, when have the majority of Americans voted for the Republican candidate lately? It’s only happened once in the last eight and they got lucky twice with the EC. Considering the Republican field, all Biden has to do is not mess up big time. Most people realize the charges brought against him are politically motivated by an increasingly panicked MAGA party.

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