BREAKING: Shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch

And good guys with guns saved lives...because they had their guns with them...the church was not a gun free zone, and the shooter was stopped.

Off duty law enforcement. People who are TRAINED to deal with these situations.

And of the two people injured, one of them was a five year old girl that was with the shooter. So given the high probability one of their bullets hit her, it wasn't such a great thing, was it.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Well Regulated Militia... you leave that part out.
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Or left wing Christophobia. Thank God for the armed off duty police that were a part of the congregation, and that they were carrying. Actually most larger churches now have people in the congregation that carry due to left wing violence against Christianity.

Do we actually know she had something against the Church?

I'll tell you something that bothered me about the coverage. Olsteen still had that same goofy smile he always has when talking to the press. It's like he can't help himself.
Who would know better about the teachings of Christ than the party dominated by secularists and atheists? You folks think you are experts on everything. Funny stuff.

Uh, yeah, about that.

When did Jesus talk about Tax Cuts for rich people? (In fact, he told the priests to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.)
Or told them to refuse entry to refugee children?



Uh, yeah, about that.

When did Jesus talk about Tax Cuts for rich people? (In fact, he told the priests to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.)
Or told them to refuse entry to refugee children?

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Like I said, you guys fancy yourselves experts on anything and everything. Now, if you guys could only put all the superior intellect and knowledge to use and be more successful and not rely on us “dumb” folks to bail you out of all your poor life decisions.
Like I said, you guys fancy yourselves experts on anything and everything. Now, if you guys could only put all the superior intellect and knowledge to use and be more successful and not rely on us “dumb” folks to bail you out of all your poor life decisions.

Hey, I'm all for ending Corporate Welfare...oh, wait, that wasn't what you were talking about.

And of course, not all of us can have a shiny new Double Wide like you, Cleetus.
Do we actually know she had something against the Church?

I'll tell you something that bothered me about the coverage. Olsteen still had that same goofy smile he always has when talking to the press. It's like he can't help himself.
The same guy who wouldn't open his church to people during a catastrophic storm.
Churches are not gun-free zones.

EVERY large church has taken to having police AND members patrol the parking lots, entrances, and foyer during services. They aren't unarmed....and they have a group which goes to the range on a regular basis. (Bible study and target practice with a potluck to follow)

With the nature of things today with violent transvestites shooting up every religious affiliated school, club, or even church....Christians aren't stupid and have prepared. There are plenty of guns at Churches during services...and they are proficient in their use.

The shooters probably feel bad about the 5 year old child...and there will be an investigation to examine ballistics and firing paths to determine what exactly happened. There's likely HD video footage of every angle too.

Those who fired their weapons and all who patrolled will be treated as heroes....because they are....they protected the congregation from someone who wanted to harm them.

Where the Christian haters are coming up with fiction to blame Christians is not their fault.
Do you own guns?

Nope. I do have an Illinois FOID Card (which cost me all of $11.00 to get after I pinky swore to the state that I wasn't a crazy person), but I haven't bought one. I was thinking about buying one, but Mrs. B131 doesn't want one in the house. I have no doubt I'd have no problem getting one if I really wanted one.

I was a supply sergeant/Armorer in the Army for 11 years. I've handled enough guns to last me 10 lifetimes.
Churches are not gun-free zones.

EVERY large church has taken to having police AND members patrol the parking lots, entrances, and foyer during services. They aren't unarmed....and they have a group which goes to the range on a regular basis. (Bible study and target practice with a potluck to follow)

With the nature of things today with violent transvestites shooting up every religious affiliated school, club, or even church....Christians aren't stupid and have prepared. There are plenty of guns at Churches during services...and they are proficient in their use.

The shooters probably feel bad about the 5 year old child...and there will be an investigation to examine ballistics and firing paths to determine what exactly happened. There's likely HD video footage of every angle too.

Those who fired their weapons and all who patrolled will be treated as heroes....because they are....they protected the congregation from someone who wanted to harm them.

Where the Christian haters are coming up with fiction to blame Christians is not their fault.

So a couple of trigger happy guys shoot a child while killing a disturbed woman, and they are heroes to you.

Hey, was the substance she spread on the floor actually dangerous? Did the find the bombs she claimed to have planted?

It sounds like the only people hit by bullets were the ones shot by these two guys who responded.

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