BREAKING: Second Arizona County Refuses to Certify Tainted 2022 Midterm Election

Geez, so now it is 7 million eh?

that should worry you, if true. It shows the Liz Cheney republicans strongly voted AGAINST MAGA candidates!

THAT is why you DID NOT have your red wave....some or your red wave voted blue.

Also, democrats were encouraged by some to change their party in the primaries to Republican to vote for a far out MAGA candidate.... They may not have changed their party back to Dem, after the primary....

That is a possibility. Democrats can't win elections fair and square. They have to cheat the system. But then again, when have you ever known a Democrat with integrity? After all, the only place Democrats greatly improved are the young voters by paying them off with college loan forgiveness. The 18 to 29 age bracket is the bracket most people are in who are repaying their loan.

Yes, Trump got 7 million more people to vote for him in 2020 than he did in 2016. He had a great increase in the minority vote as well. So I guess Lez didn't do so great after all. In fact they overwhelmingly threw her fat ass out of office.
Really? I'd do all that and more if that's what it took to keep someone from coming into my house. My family is that important. my vote is also important, so I want to pro-active to protect it.

So, why have you not done it yet? Is your family not important enough to you after all?

Yes, it is new that a partisan Sec States is in charge of her own election to the highest office in the state. At least I've never heard of that happening before, so it is new to me.

Yet you just admitted that SOS have ran for office in the past while being in charge of vote counting, including their office.

Harboring a terrorist leader made Afghanistan a threat to us. Threatening us with WMD's made Iraq a threat to us. I would have preferred bombing them and keeping the troops at home, but I prefer Bush's reaction to Gore's comparing terrorism to his concerns about the environment.

A trillion dollars wasted, more than 4000 dead Americans and more than 50,000 wounded, and you find that to be preferable. Easy to do when it was not you going to Iraq for no reason at all.

Almost anything would be better than having a person count the votes in their own election. I would prefer that the person in charge of elections be appointed by the governor, and confirmed by the legislature, with a requirement that if that person who is in charge of elections runs for office, they resign from that job as soon as they announce.

So, you do not think the Gov and legislature won't pick a partisan person?
That is a possibility. Democrats can't win elections fair and square. They have to cheat the system. But then again, when have you ever known a Democrat with integrity? After all, the only place Democrats greatly improved are the young voters by paying them off with college loan forgiveness. The 18 to 29 age bracket is the bracket most people are in who are repaying their loan.

Yes, Trump got 7 million more people to vote for him in 2020 than he did in 2016. He had a great increase in the minority vote as well. So I guess Lez didn't do so great after all. In fact they overwhelmingly threw her fat ass out of office.
:thankusmile::yes_text12::TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:You got to go back to the days of jfk to find a democrat thst had credibility.a fact Idiot4alll cannot handle.:auiqs.jpg:he was the last modern day president other than trump to do what he said he would do.idiot4all ignores that because trump is not the party she worships.she probably hates jfk as well sense he was nit corrupt as the current dem presidents have been in modern times.those were the days when you could be proud to be a Democrat.
well i am glad about mass voter fraud…but i am concerned about any voter fraud…just like i am concerned wirh any crime…while i am glad, for example mass robbery or murder is very rare, i would like to make sure all is not just ones on the mass scale
Agree, and we are catching the individual rats as well! Let's do all that we can to stop the fraudsters, but not at the expense of disenfranchising any citizen of their constitutional right to vote.

It needs to be easy for citizens to cast a vote, and HARD for the fraudster to cast a vote! That is what we all should be working towards imo!

We may never reach that 100 % perfect goal that we would all like to see, but we should still strive for it!!
Again, imo
That is a possibility. Democrats can't win elections fair and square. They have to cheat the system. But then again, when have you ever known a Democrat with integrity? After all, the only place Democrats greatly improved are the young voters by paying them off with college loan forgiveness. The 18 to 29 age bracket is the bracket most people are in who are repaying their loan.

Yes, Trump got 7 million more people to vote for him in 2020 than he did in 2016. He had a great increase in the minority vote as well. So I guess Lez didn't do so great after all. In fact they overwhelmingly threw her fat ass out of office.

7 million...??

"Almost 75 million people voted for our campaign, the most of any incumbent president by far in the history of our country, 12 million more people than four years ago. ~ Donald Trump, loser of the 2020 presidential election, 1.6.2021

So lemme get this right....

Biden gets 15 million more votes than an unpopular incumbent over the previous Democrat in 2016 -- that's cheating

But the unpopular incumbent gets 12 million (according to Trump) more votes than he got in 2016 -- but that's totally legit

That about sum up your insanity?
So, why have you not done it yet? Is your family not important enough to you after all?
I said, "If that's what it took."

I have an alarm system, motion-activited lights, so no spotlights needed, two big dogs and Ol' Black Betty on the night stand.

I have all that, even though we have never been broken into. I have a teacher friend who lives in the Heights, an affluent area with lots of wealthy Democrats. She's had her townhome broken into three times and hasn't taken any steps to improve security other than complain about being burglarized three times.
Yet you just admitted that SOS have ran for office in the past while being in charge of vote counting, including their office.
Yes, that doesn't make it right.
A trillion dollars wasted, more than 4000 dead Americans and more than 50,000 wounded, and you find that to be preferable. Easy to do when it was not you going to Iraq for no reason at all.
I know you don't want to talk about election security. I can't blame you given the position you have put yourself in the position of defending.
So, you do not think the Gov and legislature won't pick a partisan person?
Sure. There's always going to be partisanship in politics. But just because you cannot eliminate it completely doesn't mean that your only option is to let it be a free-for-all. Having the election administrator not be an elected politician themselves is a step in the right direction. Having them administer their own election is absurd. You honestly tell me you don't see the problem their?
Agree, and we are catching the individual rats as well! Let's do all that we can to stop the fraudsters, but not at the expense of disenfranchising any citizen of their constitutional right to vote.

It needs to be easy for citizens to cast a vote, and HARD for the fraudster to cast a vote! That is what we all should be working towards imo!

We may never reach that 100 % perfect goal that we would all like to see, but we should still strive for it!!
Again, imo
agreed. it’s easy for folks that want to vote to get an ID, and make it to the booth
That happened in Georgia in 2018. I don't see you ever complaining at that.

Selective outrage much?
Like Kemp in Georgia, when he was Secretary of State running for governor? NOT!
I hereby state that I am outraged that the Georgia Sec State was in charge of vote-counting when he was running for governor. It sucks where ever and when ever it happens that the laws allow such a blatant conflict of interest.

I haven't complained about it, because it wasn't publicized and I have no reason to care about the Georgia governor's race.

I don't know why the Democrats love Stacy Abrams so much and never give her a job. She would have been a great replacement for Michelle Obama as the healthy nutrition Czar. Or Minister of Exercise. Or put her in charge of getting airlines to stop charging extra for heavy people to fly.

I did complain about the Florida Sec State being a partisan Republican in 2000. It affected the whole country, so it wasn't just about Florida.
I hereby state that I am outraged that the Georgia Sec State was in charge of vote-counting when he was running for governor. It sucks where ever and when ever it happens that the laws allow such a blatant conflict of interest.

I haven't complained about it, because it wasn't publicized and I have no reason to care about the Georgia governor's race.

I don't know why the Democrats love Stacy Abrams so much and never give her a job. She would have been a great replacement for Michelle Obama as the healthy nutrition Czar. Or Minister of Exercise. Or put her in charge of getting airlines to stop charging extra for heavy people to fly.

I did complain about the Florida Sec State being a partisan Republican in 2000. It affected the whole country, so it wasn't just about Florida.

Sorry, complaining about the barn doors left open after the horses escaped doesn't help your feigned outrage.
Sorry, complaining about the barn doors left open after the horses escaped doesn't help your feigned outrage.
So never learn from the past, so we can keep repeating the same mistakes over and over?

Sounds like the Democratic MO alright.
said, "If that's what it took."

I have an alarm system, motion-activited lights, so no spotlights needed, two big dogs and Ol' Black Betty on the night stand.

I have all that, even though we have never been broken into. I have a teacher friend who lives in the Heights, an affluent area with lots of wealthy Democrats. She's had her townhome broken into three times and hasn't taken any steps to improve security other than complain about being burglarized three times.

Yet you want to do the equivalent of what I posted to our election system despite no actual evidence it needs to be done.

I know you don't want to talk about election security. I can't blame you given the position you have put yourself in the position of defending.

You are the one that choose to bring Gore vs Bush and how much better off we were into the thread, do not whine when I respond to your postings.

Sure. There's always going to be partisanship in politics. But just because you cannot eliminate it completely doesn't mean that your only option is to let it be a free-for-all.

Which it is not now.

Having the election administrator not be an elected politician themselves is a step in the right direction.

Which is what most counties have and votes are all pretty much counted at the county level.

Having them administer their own election is absurd. You honestly tell me you don't see the problem their?

If they had some sort of total control over the election then you could be correct. But the decentralized nature of our elections keeps that from happening. The person in charge of our county election office has far more control over things than does our SOS.
Hobbs should have recused herself from overseeing election results. It was a conflict of interest and the courts should have removed her from that responsibility.

Brad Raffensperger is the SOS for Ga and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Paul Pate is the SOS for Iowa and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Scott Schwab is the SOS for Ks and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Bob Evenen is the SOS for NE and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Frank Larose r is the SOS for Oh and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?
Brad Raffensperger is the SOS for Ga and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Paul Pate is the SOS for Iowa and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Scott Schwab is the SOS for Ks and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Bob Evenen is the SOS for NE and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?

Frank Larose r is the SOS for Oh and was running for reelection. Did he recuse himself, did you demand he do so?
A weak argument by you but you generally do post nonsense.
Learn what? You still have no evidence Hobbs or her department did anything wrong. No one cares about your emotions.
They did a lot wrong and that is not in dispute:

Arizona Attorney General’s Office Sent a Letter to Maricopa County Regarding 2022 Midterm Election Day Irregularities

The letter is signed by Jennifer Wright, the Assistant Attorney General from the state of Arizona.

In the letter Jennifer Wright explains that the Attorney General’s Elections Integrity Unit has received HUNDREDS of complaints by concerned citizens since pertaining to issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election in Maricopa County. The complaints include first-hand accounts from witnesses raising concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election code.

The Attorney General’s office also includes how at least 60 voting locations out of 230 in the county had tabulators and printing machines that were not working on Election Day.

The Attorney General’s office demanded that Maricopa County provide a comprehensive list on the equipment failures on Election Day.

The AG’s office admits that the machines were allegedly working the night before the election but that 25-30 percent of the machines were down hours later on Election Day morning.

Instead of tabulating their ballot directly, voters are being told to put their ballot into a box under the tabulator so that their ballot may be tabulated at a later time downtown.

Voters are told to just drop their ballot into the open door seen below.

This is also happening in Queen Creek, Arizona, and Carefree, Arizona.

We are hearing that more than 15 tabulators are down.

The following video came from the Anthem Outlet Mall polling location this morning.

Voters are being told that 25% of ballots are being misread, and they have the option to put their ballot into a separate box to be sent Downtown and be tabulated later. “The choice is to wait…” said the employee.
A weak argument by you but you generally do post nonsense.

It shows your insincerity and hypocrisy. The only time a SOS being in charge of an election that they are in is when your beloved party does not win, otherwise you do not give a shit.

You are just one more mindless partisan drone
Yet you want to do the equivalent of what I posted to our election system despite no actual evidence it needs to be done.
No, your analogy is terrible. All I'm asking is the the most obvous of conflict of interest be ended, and that ID be required to vote. That is not in any way analogous to concertina wire around my yard.
You are the one that choose to bring Gore vs Bush and how much better off we were into the thread, do not whine when I respond to your postings.
We were definitely better off with Bush than Gore. Since you insist on talking about it, what would Gore's response had been to Afghanistan's harboring of Bin Laden, and Iraq's threats to use WMD's on the U.S.?

Which it is not now.
With no voter ID requirement and unlimited mail-in ballots, that is a free-for-all.
Which is what most counties have and votes are all pretty much counted at the county level.
But Hobbs was still in charge of her own election.
If they had some sort of total control over the election then you could be correct. But the decentralized nature of our elections keeps that from happening. The person in charge of our county election office has far more control over things than does our SOS.
Ours also. It is an election administrator hand-picked by our Democratic Socialist County Judge. He managed to screw up the general election in Harris County even worse than his hand-picked predecessor had screwed up the primary.

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