BREAKING: Second Arizona County Refuses to Certify Tainted 2022 Midterm Election

Wasn't Brian Kemp the SoS in Georgia in 2018? You certainly had a problem with his being elected governor...right?
the 2022 election. and the massive beat down and rejection.of Stacy showed that election. was correct and the undermining of the democratic process by the dems after that wasn’t warranted

the voter suppression by the dems in AZ currently is very alarming…once again we see whatever they accuse folks of, they are actually guilty of
Alive or dead, eh? What happens when you are registered in more than one precinct? You naively assume that no one would EVER not be honest. Fraudulent elections are not a new concept. Ever hear of Tamany Hall? The Chicago Daley's?
I don't assume that every individual citizen is honest, nor do the legislators and election officers. Their laws, rules, regs, and checks and balances are all put in place, with the presumption that there is somebody out there that might try to be dishonest.... They have secured it, to where it is nearly impossible to commit any kind of mass voter fraud... over decades of reforms.
I don't assume that every individual citizen is honest, nor do the legislators and election officers. Their laws, rules, regs, and checks and balances are all put in place, with the presumption that there is somebody out there that might try to be dishonest.... They have secured it, to where it is nearly impossible to commit any kind of mass voter fraud... over decades of reforms.
well i am glad about mass voter fraud…but i am concerned about any voter fraud…just like i am concerned wirh any crime…while i am glad, for example mass robbery or murder is very rare, i would like to make sure all is not just ones on the mass scale
What? You mean an election with one of the candidates overseeing the count? What could possibly wrong with that?
But IS the candidate overseeing the count?

Did she not say that she is letting her people deal with it, and that she would recuse herself if any conflict arose with respect to decision-making?

Has she rendered any decision with respect to election oversight that you know of for which she should have recused herself but dit not?

If you know of such a decision, let's have the details.

If you do NOT know of such a decision, then this is nothing more than more MAGA whiny-bitch bull$hit and teenage angst over losing.
But IS the candidate overseeing the count?

Did she not say that she is letting her people deal with it, and that she would recuse herself if any conflict arose with respect to decision-making?

Has she rendered any decision with respect to election oversight that you know of for which she should have recused herself but dit not?

If you know of such a decision, let's have the details.

If you do NOT know of such a decision, then this is nothing more than more MAGA whiny-bitch bull$hit and teenage angst over losing.
Oh…She said so? Well, that makes all the difference….lol
But IS the candidate overseeing the count?

Did she not say that she is letting her people deal with it, and that she would recuse herself if any conflict arose with respect to decision-making?

Has she rendered any decision with respect to election oversight that you know of for which she should have recused herself but dit not?

If you know of such a decision, let's have the details.

If you do NOT know of such a decision, then this is nothing more than more MAGA whiny-bitch bull$hit and teenage angst over losing.
Translation: "I'm scared and if you don't agree with me, you're a big meanie".
What would the motivation be for that?

To further divide the country.

The mail-in ballots are the problem for election integrity.

No they are not. States were using them for a decease or more before you were told they were of the devil and none of you had any issues with it

So long as anyone can harvest a ballot, and ballots are mass-mailed with no way to verify who is receiving it and sending it in, elections will not be secure, thus not fair.

Yet Az does not do any of these things and you still say their election was not fair. Seems the only true definition of fair for you all is that your side wins, nothing else seems to matter at all.
Oh…She said so? Well, that makes all the difference….lol
The history of the United States is chock-full of examples in which an incumbent had control over the mechanics of his-or-her own election.

Such elections are subjected (rightfully) to a much closer scrutiny of operations and outcomes than would otherwise occur.

Dog bites Man.


If you have evidence of wrongdoing or conflict of interest or failure to recuse, with respect to any impactful and related decision... present your case.

Otherwise, it's just background noise, and, ultimately, pointless.

Haven't you Red-Caps embarrassed yourselves enough in the past couple of years?
Kari already stated a few days ago she is going to sue.
Release the Kraken!

Alleged expired certifications for the machines used.
We live in the world of Shane. And you are not him with the people of good not being loud. It's only the end game result which may differ from the film that is happening.
This could be good news for Kari Lake.

Arizona and Nevada have serious issues with their elections. This should be investigated.
No they are not. States were using them for a decease or more before you were told they were of the devil and none of you had any issues with it
2020 showed us the potential for mass cheating with mail-in ballots. Smart people adjust their thinking with new fact.
Yet Az does not do any of these things and you still say their election was not fair. Seems the only true definition of fair for you all is that your side wins, nothing else seems to matter at all.
Those are not the only ways to cheat.

Arizona just had an election in which a candidate for the top spot was also the official in charge of elections. No one could ever reasonably argue that that is fair or ethical.
2020 showed us the potential for mass cheating with mail-in ballots. Smart people adjust their thinking with new fact.

There is always a potential, I do not really give a fuck about potential as there is potential for cheating in every system.

Maybe one day you all will find some actual evidence for it.

Arizona just had an election in which a candidate for the top spot was also the official in charge of elections. No one could ever reasonably argue that that is fair or ethical.

Was this candidate the first Sec of State to run for office while holding the position?

Have you ever whined about it before?

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