Breaking! QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley is released 14 months early from prison after Jan. 6 footage showed him being ESCORTED into Senate by cops

He was NEVER procedurally charged. He was arrested with a media show of accusations and imprisoned. They tortured him to sign a confession or plea deal admitting guilt . He would not.
The video evidence they withheld was finally forced out and when blind men saw he was being escorted around the pressure became too great to continue his false political imprisonment
This is Bidens Nazi America. Oppose us and we will concoct anything we want to take your freedom away
Nauseating lib loons are peppering this thread with “but….but….you read it wrong…he’s really not released” but the longer they offer their delusions over reality, the worse this overall farce is becoming

The beginning of the slow and thorough destruction of the "insurrection" bullshit narrative.

Just watch the snowballing!

New TDS malarkey will burst forth to try and mitigate this disaster for lib loons
If he was charged then where was the trial
They denied him a trial because he would not sign a plea deal admitting guilt
It’s as commie as it gets

His trial was delayed due to the backlog caused by so many people being involved in Sedition Day. And his best reason for pleading guilty was because prosecutors agreed to drop 5 of the 6 charges against him AND to recommend a sentence of several years whereas he was facing 20 years on that one charge alone.
TDS.......Trump Defense Sycophant?
TDS .....Trump's Duped & Snookered?
Marty, with no wish to offer free advice, but......but your avatar is coming across as a bit scattered, a bit discombobulated.
Settle down, son. Let the game come to you.
Good luck.


What injustice? There are several criminal behaviors being discussed here. Which, it seems to me, is appropriate given the January 6th seditious attack on our Representatives. No?

In other words, prove it.
Or, show us some credible vetting of your allegation.
You slander the DOJ if you cannot show that you have some substance to your allegations.
Batter up, amigo.


Talk about playing to type!
Trumpers and QAnon'rs have long owned the reputation for under-education, under-informed, and a bit inappropriately crass and vulgar.

And up jumps a cliche'd spokesman for 'em. In character!
It's bad for Trumpers/QAnon'rs reputations.....true that.
However, it does offer a cheap way for everybody else to feel a little bit superior.
Sort of a 'There-but-for-the-grace-of-God vibe.

Show us.
Prove it.
Show or go.
(ps.....try to abstain from parading your coprophilia obsession with poop in front of the forum again. It's icky.)

Why are they hiding the other 47-minutes of Goathead Guy's romp in the Capitol? What's up Tucker and Kevin not being transparent? Just what are they afraid of? What are they hiding?

Prove it.
Or go.
Don't be a fatuous whiner, earnest poster Lastamender.
Show this chatroom that you have gravitas.
Being credible and responsible are better character attributes than having your weird internet fascination with feces and excrement - your poop-fetish. (what's up with that, mon ami?'s icky, and juvenile. I'm mildly sure you should know that.)

So, Jesus asked for -and got - all those dead 9yr olds shot dead in our classrooms?
Who knew?
And here, they advertised him as 'peaceful' celebrity!
Jesus a 2nd Amendment guy?
Despite all those dead kids?
Your laundry list of diversion demanding “proof” is rejected
The proof is the guy is out of DC illegal Gitmo
The ultimate repercussions to the unlawful acts of false imprisonment with no trial date ever set after two years will eventually be a lifelong problem for those who took the political prisioners
Doesnt matter. If the cops showed him around like tour guides obviously it doesn't fit the MSM narrative does it?

It is clearly not congrous with the narrative.
Exculpatory would be video of him in San Diego all that day.
It's not that.
It is video that the defense would like to present though.
BAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah keep clinging to your J6 fantasy. The whole thing was a manufactured sham by the Democrats.

Also the duress agreement hecwas forced to sign that he would not persue his just legal remedies is heinous and unenforceable and proof of their fears that they had zero to begin with
His trial was delayed due to the backlog caused by so many people being involved in Sedition Day. And his best reason for pleading guilty was because prosecutors agreed to drop 5 of the 6 charges against him AND to recommend a sentence of several years whereas he was facing 20 years on that one charge alone.
Trial was not delayed but rather never set Because he would not sign the false plea deal they demanded
All thanks go out to Tucker Carlson for exposing this. Now Jacob Chansley can sue, have his conviction expunged, write a book and make millions.



What happens now that the Big Lie is exposed... they all knew. But democrats sacrifice America and Americans for power. N greed
It is clearly not congrous with the narrative.
Exculpatory would be video of him in San Diego all that day.
It's not that.
It is video that the defense would like to present though.

Led by cops into where? Jail?
Around the Capitol dummy
You’ve lost your train of though, which is less a train and more like a blind squirrel.

Trump’s cultists have done nothing but lie since the riot on January 6th. Anything to avoid any blame.
Very weak response, but what else is new.
He was released for good behavior, not because of Tucker Carlson. It is normal policy to subtract a certain amount of time for good behavior.

Chansley now has to spend time in a halfway house.

He's no longer a fan of Donald Trump. He realized he was conned by the Big Liar.
The real reason is Tucker Carlson.

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