Breaking... Obama the Cocaine Dealer?

The desperation from the Romney supporters has reached a new high I see.
the hatred towards obama is just unreal. vicious candy.

Why should it be unreal?

He has completely debased and stained the Office with his lies and deceptions.
that your view. i don,t agree . i think he tried he best to do what he think is best for this country. you don,t like his views but does not make him evil satin out to destory the world
This is the third President in a row who did drugs when he was younger. Clinton did it in college and you tried to hang him for it. Bush did it as an adult and you gave him a pass. Obama did it in college and you want to lynch him. Get over it.

The story is yet to be substantiated, but your spin is you don't see any prob with a POTUS who used to be a narcotics dealer.

Got it.
well nobody saying that. look it could be story that will hurt obama badly but don,t think trump doing for any other reason then to destory him.
I don't buy this story for one second.

Everyone knows black people deal crack, not cocaine.



The desperation from the Romney supporters has reached a new high I see.

This is up there with the crap a few weeks ago where some people tried to make something seem sinister with the car crash Romney was in in 1968.

This needs the 24 hour rule before any real comments can be made on it.
When Romney loses, you guys on the right can thank the birthers more than this latest stunt.
i hope your right but feel bit break at mo.

in trade odds on romney to win increasing now and then you get andrew sullivan who left wing writer saying today he think obama will lose

all i know is president need a break to go his way next 14 days.
“The operatives close to the Romney campaign believed the man’s story would be the ultimate October Surprise but they got nowhere.

“People who would have taken the information to the highest levels of Romney’s campaign just wouldn’t touch it.

“They don’t want their candidate smeared with this type of activity.”


let me get this straight. The Romney campaign won't touch this because it can blow up in their face and Romney supporters put this out there?

Romney and his campaign are right to distance themselves as far from this as possible. If they appear to use it in anyway, it doesn't reflect well on them.
you know, if you guys can allow me to sort of change the subject here. I apologize for doing so.

I have always thought that in a country founded on capitalism it would only make sense that some lower privileged people would flock to the black market of cocaine dealing. If we preach that the bottom dollar rules, profits at all costs, no regulation, no govt oversight, then why do we act so surprised when Americas youth turn to drug dealing to make ends meet.

this has always been a subject on my mind. Its sort of obvious. in a Nation so obsessed with money, drug dealing is a legit source for some to compete with the more fortunate people in this nation. In other words, its the only boot straps some have to pull up and find upward mobility.

sorry for the rant.
“The operatives close to the Romney campaign believed the man’s story would be the ultimate October Surprise but they got nowhere.

“People who would have taken the information to the highest levels of Romney’s campaign just wouldn’t touch it.

“They don’t want their candidate smeared with this type of activity.”


let me get this straight. The Romney campaign won't touch this because it can blow up in their face and Romney supporters put this out there?

well they are right unless they know for sure. i just hope for sure its all bs
you know, if you guys can allow me to sort of change the subject here. I apologize for doing so.

I have always thought that in a country founded on capitalism it would only make sense that some lower privileged people would flock to the black market of cocaine dealing. If we preach that the bottom dollar rules, profits at all costs, no regulation, no govt oversight, then why do we act so surprised when Americas youth turn to drug dealing to make ends meet.

this is has always been a subject on my mind. Its sort of obvious. in a Nation so obsessed with money, drug dealing is a legit source for some to compete with the more fortunate people in this nation. In other words, its the only boot straps some have to pull up and find upward mobility.

sorry for the rant.

The "black" market is the only true "free" market.

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