Breaking! Obama Briefed On Private Trump Meeting Before Comey Fed Details To FBI Russia Team


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
The usurper along with Biden cooked this whole thing up from the beginning. Comey is going down when the IG FISA Report is released in several weeks. This is mindboggling what took place in the White House. No wonder Biden is running for president. He's hoping he'll win so he can't be indicted as a sitting president for the treachery he committed along with Obama and the other coup plotters..

Read this: Obama, Biden Briefed on Private Trump Meeting Before Comey Fed Details to FBI Team Investigating Russia Collusion | Breitbart
The Hussein spied on the Donald. Regressives won’t care, because to them winning by any means necessary is all that matters.
Obama spied on Trump to attempt to put Hillary in the white house...there has been evidence that he spied on other republicans as you would have to be an idiot to think he didn't spy on Bernie and other dems in the primary too....
Obama spied on Trump to attempt to put Hillary in the white house...there has been evidence that he spied on other republicans as you would have to be an idiot to think he didn't spy on Bernie and other dems in the primary too....

Dude you nailed that one. You would think Bernie would openly ask the question.
The usurper along with Biden cooked this whole thing up from the beginning. Comey is going down when the IG FISA Report is released in several weeks. This is mindboggling what took place in the White House. No wonder Biden is running for president. He's hoping he'll win so he can't be indicted as a sitting president for the treachery he committed along with Obama and the other coup plotters..

Read this: Obama, Biden Briefed on Private Trump Meeting Before Comey Fed Details to FBI Team Investigating Russia Collusion | Breitbart

Comey is a lying cowardly weasel who deserves nothing but contempt. The information that has already been released by the DOJ proves Comey to be a man without honor, a man who repeatedly lied even under oath. The infractions the DOJ declined to prosecute are petty compared to the felony charges Comey will face rather soon. The DOJ report establishes one thing with absolute certainty: Trump had the right, indeed he had the duty to fire the incompetent dishonest traitor. The charge of obstruction of justice in firing Comey was a joke.

Of all the information released about the Mueller report and the investigation into unfounded allegations of collusion and obstruction of justice, the following is the most damning and should send Comey and others to prison:

“The Justice Department inspector general has determined all four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said this week.

“In an investigation that began last year, Inspector General Michael Horowitz examined the DOJ's and FBI's compliance with legal requirements, as well as policies and procedures in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court related to Page as part of a larger counterintelligence inquiry into President Trump's campaign.

“Back in May, diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said the three FISA warrant extensions against Page were illegally obtained, adding, "The only question now is whether or “not the first FISA was illegally obtained."

“Now diGenova says Horowitz made the same determination about the warrant that started it all.

“The warrant applications were approved by a number of high-ranking officials, including former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates”

DOJ inspector general found all four Carter Page FISA warrants were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

“The Nunes memo says, “Then-Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question in behalf of the FBI, and [then] Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one. “

The Comey-Brennan Conspiracy to Violate Trump’s Civil Rights | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Comey told the FISA court that the Steele Fairy Tale (dossier) was verified and he knew damn well that it was not. - none of it. That's a felony and he deserves to be disbarred and imprisoned.

Since the warrants were illegally obtained, the entire witch hunt was illegal from its inception. None of the information obtained as a result of the surveillance allowed by the warrants can be used against any person in any court of law. This going to send shock waves throughout both the federal and state courts. There are many other issues involving Comey that could land him in prison for a long, long time, including obstruction of justice in the handling of the Clinton “matter”.
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The usurper along with Biden cooked this whole thing up from the beginning. Comey is going down when the IG FISA Report is released in several weeks. This is mindboggling what took place in the White House. No wonder Biden is running for president. He's hoping he'll win so he can't be indicted as a sitting president for the treachery he committed along with Obama and the other coup plotters..

Read this: Obama, Biden Briefed on Private Trump Meeting Before Comey Fed Details to FBI Team Investigating Russia Collusion | Breitbart

FINALLY ... I wonder how long it will be before the Obama Administration Conspirators etc. start begging Trump for pardons .. :beer:
Nothing will happen. One reason the Repubs and Romney tanked the 2012 election was the massive fear of riots and civil unrest. You saw the 2016 election results. I am disappointed in Romney's politics as a Repub that is to far left. However he makes Obama look like a mental midget.
The usurper along with Biden cooked this whole thing up from the beginning. Comey is going down when the IG FISA Report is released in several weeks. This is mindboggling what took place in the White House. No wonder Biden is running for president. He's hoping he'll win so he can't be indicted as a sitting president for the treachery he committed along with Obama and the other coup plotters..

Read this: Obama, Biden Briefed on Private Trump Meeting Before Comey Fed Details to FBI Team Investigating Russia Collusion | Breitbart

FINALLY ... I wonder how long it will be before the Obama Administration Conspirators etc. start begging Trump for pardons .. :beer:
Some probably have already but if I were Trump I wouldn't grant not one of them.
The Somalian/Kenyan POS needs to testify to Congress as to his involvement in the attack on our Democracy and our President, admit his guilt and pay the price. Pelican Bay, not Martha's Vineyard is Hussaine's destination if the balance of justice have not rusted to favor savages who are Europhobes..
you people are every bit as funny as the "We got Trump now" people!

The usurper along with Biden cooked this whole thing up from the beginning. Comey is going down when the IG FISA Report is released in several weeks. This is mindboggling what took place in the White House. No wonder Biden is running for president. He's hoping he'll win so he can't be indicted as a sitting president for the treachery he committed along with Obama and the other coup plotters..

So... um, the President is informed that the Russians are trying to influence our election and that a candidate MIGHT be on their payroll.

Gee, I would HOPE someone would tell the president that.
Nothing will happen. One reason the Repubs and Romney tanked the 2012 election was the massive fear of riots and civil unrest. You saw the 2016 election results. I am disappointed in Romney's politics as a Repub that is to far left. However he makes Obama look like a mental midget.

The GOP has gotten so bizarre that even McCain and Romney are too the :"left" for them.

This is what a cult looks like.
Lads, You are over 2.5 years in charge, what are ye waiting for... Ye have your bullshit charges, go arrest someone and put them on trial...

Come on... Mueller showed you how it is done... Go on...

You have all the allegations in the world but asked to back them up in court or any legal setting and all we get is mute...

This bullshit is the same a Benghazi, a bunch of assholes wanking on their keyboards with no evidence...
Lads, You are over 2.5 years in charge, what are ye waiting for... Ye have your bullshit charges, go arrest someone and put them on trial...

Come on... Mueller showed you how it is done... Go on...

You have all the allegations in the world but asked to back them up in court or any legal setting and all we get is mute...

This bullshit is the same a Benghazi, a bunch of assholes wanking on their keyboards with no evidence...

Nope Ted .. this is the beginning of the end ... :FIREdevil:

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