Breaking News Update: New Enhanced Video Reveals Walter Scott Shot Officer Slager With His Taser

I'd also like to know what the dead guy was saying to his wife while in the car........ report said he was on phone most of the time
His wife? Are you saying he was talking to her on the phone or that she was the passenger?

Report was he was talking to her for good part of the incident
On the phone or was she a passenger? He was only in the car for a few minutes after the cop went to his cruiser before he ran.

On the phone...guy in the car was fellow criminal
Oh...he was breaking the law...which law was that...being on the wrong side of the tracks afdter noon? Passengering while black. Witnessing a racist cop kill an innocent man? Why was he a criminal?
Even IF Mr Scott did shoot the pig with the taser it DOES NOT give the pig the right to execute someone with 8 shots to the back.

Teach your children respect for authority and they'll stand a much better chance of not being shot by someone in authority.
When did wrestling with a cop become a good idea? If the man had stayed in his car he would be alive today. You don't get to fight with a cop and then decide his actions. He will react.
Did an unarmed Scott run away from Officer Slager? Did Slager apply deadly force?

What is the defense for applying deadly force? It really comes down to this.

I don't agree with first degree. Should be manslaughter, but nonetheless I don't see how in this case, with Scott running away unarmed and being mowed down by the Officer one can justify the use of deadly force.

The justification is that a fleeing felon who both physically fights and attempts to disarm a police officer in the performance of a legal arrest is a threat to the officer, other officers and the public....based on Supreme Court decisions Tennessee v Garner and Graham v Conner.
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If he was shot by his own tazer, why is he not reacting to being shocked?


I've got air tasers like the one the cop has (there are minor differences) and I've made an extensive study of how they work because we consider them to be our first line of defense. If the cop had been tased, he would have been on the ground.

BUT, even if the cop had been tased and magically did not react, it doesn't change the fact that he shot a man in the back who posed no threat to him.

The cop murdered Scott because he was black. No other reason.

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Slager never said he was shot with the taser. Odd don't you think?

If you just killed a man and you need a reason for doing so, why would Slager only say "he felt threatened".

Why wouldn't he say....

"I shot the motherfucker after he tazed me".

How do you know what he has said?

He's in jail.
Wouldn't the autopsy of the negro have showed marks from the stun gun? I thought that was in the report :dunno: But, if so, how could the dead negro and the killer cop BOTH have 2 prongs from a taser on them?

I don't think they were. We talked about this in the other thread. jon_berzerk came up with the theory that during the struggle, the taser wires became entangled with the officers body. You can see in the video that the taser wires are wrapped around the officers wrist.

If the suspect (Mr. Scott) triggered the weapon during the struggle over the taser, it is the officer that would have received the brunt of the shock.

It would have also left him stunned and disoriented.

It may also have caused an involuntary release by the officer of the taser.

That would explain both the officer exclamation that he had been shocked and his belief the suspect had taken his taser.

Controlling and restraining a subject during CEW exposure may put the CEW user and those assisting at risk of accidental or unintended shock.

Avoid touching the probes and wires and the areas between the probes during the electrical discharge.

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the cop may have had both

the other wire can be seen on or near his left leg

in debriefing video the cop can be seen with his left pant leg pulled up

Wouldn't the autopsy of the negro have showed marks from the stun gun? I thought that was in the report :dunno: But, if so, how could the dead negro and the killer cop BOTH have 2 prongs from a taser on them?

I don't think they were. We talked about this in the other thread. jon_berzerk came up with the theory that during the struggle, the taser wires became entangled with the officers body. You can see in the video that the taser wires are wrapped around the officers wrist.

If the suspect (Mr. Scott) triggered the weapon during the struggle over the taser, it is the officer that would have received the brunt of the shock.

It would have also left him stunned and disoriented.

It may also have caused an involuntary release by the officer of the taser.

That would explain both the officer exclamation that he had been shocked and his belief the suspect had taken his taser.

Controlling and restraining a subject during CEW exposure may put the CEW user and those assisting at risk of accidental or unintended shock.

Avoid touching the probes and wires and the areas between the probes during the electrical discharge.

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:lol: You do realize, the wires are insulated to prevent the shock you are talking about...of course there is going to be a warning...just lke there is a warning on your mattress, your toaster and everythng thing else...but show me where/ when the officer yelled he was shocked.

Have evidence of that? Because I couldn't find any. I'll wait.

It makes sense that the wires would be insulated...but it also makes sense that they are not insulated to save weight.

The warning definitely makes the possibility that the wires are not insulated much more likely.

lightly insulated

however the wire will deliver a charge if touched and makes a circuit

Depending on the circumstances surrounding an incident, it is possible that a probe may either come loose or miss the subject. When this occurs, a circuit can still be created if a probe or wire comes in close contact with the opposing probe,
I don't see shit! It was murder.He will get convicted and serve life. Period.
You don't know this yet.

I saw the video and what I saw was a man running away who was gunned down by multiple shots fired by a police officer. It was murder. You do not shoot someone repeatedly unless you are trying to kill them, Steve. The officer was clearly determined to kill the man. That is murder.

The first report I heard was that the mans crime was that he had not payed child support. Is that true? So a man runs from the police afraid he will be arrested for non payment of child support - gets gunned down by a police officer - and you think he was acting in the line of duty? Really? It's murder. The cop is going to prison.

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