BREAKING: Last year Hillary Clinton quietly settled a campaign finance violation over reporting the *Steele Dossier* funding as legal services

Judge dismissed the case on December 8, 2020. Trump granted him a pardon on November 25, 2020.

Judge dismisses Flynn case AFTER presidential pardon. Ready to admit you were wrong? I doubt it.
Dumbfuck the case was still in process no pardon can happen until the process has finished.
Clinton launder money to pay for russian disinformation that lead to the russian hoax…she claimed the money for foreign agents was legal fees…she did this out of rhe NY office, yet she’s not charged…
Dumbfuck the case was still in process no pardon can happen until the process has finished.


You're dumb as shit, con. Quote the Constitution where is says a president has pardon powers but not while his intended recipient completes their legal process...

Judge dismissed case you can't get a pardon when their is no case

You were already shown the pardon...

You were already shown the pardon came before the dismissal...

You were already shown the case was dismissed because Trump pardoned Flynn...

Yet you still cling to your insanity.

Complete bullshit.

Opposition research into your opponent is pretty much as old as elections themself. Especially in light of most of the Trump campaign management having been convicted felons; mainly involving their contacts with Russia and having subsequently lied about it at various times. Flynn, Manafort, Sessions, etc...

Only a Trump supporter would try to raw a parallel between opposition research and paying a porn star for sex.

But that is where the Trump cult is...unhinged to the bitter end.

Oppo research nor sex with a pornstar are illegal, but how you handle the money to pay for them can be a campaign finance violation. I think that’s what they are saying.
You were already shown the pardon...

You were already shown the pardon came before the dismissal...

You were already shown the case was dismissed because Trump pardoned Flynn...

Yet you still cling to your insanity.

the DoJ moved to dismiss the case before the pardon. The pardon only came because the motion had been heard yet snd we know that xiden won and how the dems abuse their office to go after political rivals
the DoJ moved to dismiss the case before the pardon. The pardon only came because the motion had been heard yet snd we know that xiden won and how the dems abuse their office to go after political rivals

Moron, it was Trump's DoJ who went after Flynn. Regardless, Flynn was pardoned and bigrebnc1775 is proving to be the forum's biggest idiot.
Moron, it was Trump's DoJ who went after Flynn. Regardless, Flynn was pardoned and bigrebnc1775 is proving to be the forum's biggest idiot.
it was the office of Speciel Counselor…Mueller’s team. Once they were forced to turn over the Brady evidence they were hiding and it all came to light then Trumps DOJ filed the motion to dismiss
You were already shown the pardon...

You were already shown the pardon came before the dismissal...

You were already shown the case was dismissed because Trump pardoned Flynn...

Yet you still cling to your insanity.

Fake shit you can't be pardon when a judge dismissed the case you dumbfuck

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