Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

lets see, can obozo find another lesbian, half black, half Hispanic, pro-choice, liberal, socialist, America-hating female? maybe a gay Asian male who shares those beliefs?

Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi.

Will congress grow some balls and block it until president Trump takes over?

Horse shit! Ms Clinton or Bernie Sanders will be next.
Time for leftists to celebrate, so their America-hating commie dictator in the White House can try to appoint another America-hating commie to the SCOTUS
Maybe he'll appoint a Muslim for the sake of diversity.

Or a transgender

A half negro, Hispanic transgender homosexual Muslim!

Don't forget communist.

only in rightqingnuthackworld.
You went from this :
Left loons cheer death...easy to see their priorities, eh? The man isn't even cold yet

to this :
How about a trifecta, Obama, Hillary and Sanders? The nation would sigh with relief and I could realize my dream of pissing on Obama's grave

What, it's OK for you to cheer death, but not 'left loons'?
Would be a good moment for Ginsburg to retire. Then Obama could appoint a 'librul' and a 'moderate', and the Republican bitching could be held in check.

For Anton...

Time for leftists to celebrate, so their America-hating commie dictator in the White House can try to appoint another America-hating commie to the SCOTUS
Maybe he'll appoint a Muslim for the sake of diversity.

Or a transgender

A half negro, Hispanic transgender homosexual Muslim!

He can't appoint himself

i'm so glad i don't know anyone as disgusting as you in real life.

Interesting that you would say this about this poster, but not about the ones who are rejoicing in Scalia's death.
You are an asshole.
Time for leftists to celebrate, so their America-hating commie dictator in the White House can try to appoint another America-hating commie to the SCOTUS
Maybe he'll appoint a Muslim for the sake of diversity.

Or a transgender

A half negro, Hispanic transgender homosexual Muslim!

He can't appoint himself

i'm so glad i don't know anyone as disgusting as you in real life.

Unless you make a habit of hanging out in trailer parks with out of work mental patients, the odds are you'd never know anyone like her.
Uh, Oh....Who is Uncle Clarence Thomas going to lean on now that his mentor is gone?

I don't rejoice over anyone's death and my condolences to the bereaved. Looks like Obama has the last laugh after all and his Obamacare is all but guaranteed well into the 21st century, BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

R.I.P 'Tony"
Trump will get to appoint three more justices, at least. Ginzburg is not long for this world. Kennedy probably also won't last through two Trump terms. Of course, the court can do a lot of damage in the meantime.

Let's have a Double Header .....Thomas next?

How about a trifecta, Obama, Hillary and Sanders? The nation would sigh with relief and I could realize my dream of pissing on Obama's grave

We shouldn't be hoping for anyone to die.
lets see, can obozo find another lesbian, half black, half Hispanic, pro-choice, liberal, socialist, America-hating female? maybe a gay Asian male who shares those beliefs?

Sharpton, Jackson, Whoopi.

Will congress grow some balls and block it until president Trump takes over?

you're an incredible moron

I am an incredible person, but you are the moron.

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