BREAKING: Hezbollah Reportedly Opens Up Second Front In War Against Israel, U.S. Evacuates Lebanese Embassy


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This will now get really ugly, and we will likely now be getting more involved.

The Lebanese, Iran-linked terrorist organization Hezbollah launched an attack on Israel’s northern border Wednesday, reportedly using drones and paragliders — potentially opening up a second front in the war being waged against Israel by Hamas from the Gaza Strip.

This could mean three fronts. China and Russia have to be enjoying this immensely. Israel needs to handle one group at a time, beginning with Hamas. Other nations in the M.E are going to have to express whst they support as well, the West has for too long placed human right requirements on the backburner we cannot keep supporting vile regimes, it doesn't end well for any of us!
There are a number of local media reports about the transfer of the most combat-ready pro-Iranian formations from Syrian Deir ez-Zor in the direction of Damascus with suspected subsequent transfer to Lebanon or directly across the border with Israel into the Golan Heights.....Things are looking to get froggy so I guess we will see how "don't" works-out.
This could mean three fronts. China and Russia have to be enjoying this immensely. Israel needs to handle one group at a time, beginning with Hamas. Other nations in the M.E are going to have to express whst they support as well, the West has for too long placed human right requirements on the backburner we cannot keep supporting vile regimes, it doesn't end well for any of us!
Biden talks a good game but he still hasn't stopped all funding to Iran. He's obviously been compromised by Iran, Russia and China.
This could mean three fronts. China and Russia have to be enjoying this immensely. Israel needs to handle one group at a time, beginning with Hamas. Other nations in the M.E are going to have to express whst they support as well, the West has for too long placed human right requirements on the backburner we cannot keep supporting vile regimes, it doesn't end well for any of us!
Israel will bomb southern Lebanon into oblivion.

Precision strikes and trying to avoid civilian casualties have to go out the window now. They are going to push Israel has to into a corner.
A possible northern front is certainly heating not full blown yet....

Hopefully it will be contained, fighting Hamas AND Hezbollah is not a good idea.
A possible northern front is certainly heating not full blown yet....

Hopefully it will be contained, fighting Hamas AND Hezbollah is not a good idea.
Well, my idea still is to drop small nukes, like neutron bombs that Jimmy Carter had developed for just these purposes.

IDF says no drone infiltrated after entire north placed under alert​

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari stated later on Wednesday evening that there was no security incident in the north and that the alerts had been activated by mistake. It is as of yet unclear what caused the mistake and the IDF is investigating the incident.​


IDF says no drone infiltrated after entire north placed under alert​

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari stated later on Wednesday evening that there was no security incident in the north and that the alerts had been activated by mistake. It is as of yet unclear what caused the mistake and the IDF is investigating the incident.​

Probably something bungling Biden or the Biden administration had something to do with.
A possible northern front is certainly heating not full blown yet....

Hopefully it will be contained, fighting Hamas AND Hezbollah is not a good idea.
Not a good situation, but it could be time to straighten the situation out for good, but that'll be up to the Almighty as to how it all plays out.
Small nukes are still nukes. Do you want to bring about WWIII and the end of life as we know it?
Who says we will be the first to throw them? Maybe Biden helped Iran get their nukes and they are there now. WW3 will happen anyways if nothing is done. Turkey is saying Net is going to be dead. Syria, Taliban, Iraq and Iran are saying they are sending in terrorists.
Small nukes are still nukes. Do you want to bring about WWIII and the end of life as we know it?
Tactical nukes would cause that ? How so ? Stay tuned, because overwhelming odds bring about overwhelming responses. Equalizers can be used if a situation becomes dire, especially for an entire nation if it is being threatened.
Tactical nukes would cause that ? How so ? Stay tuned, because overwhelming odds bring about overwhelming responses. Equalizers can be used if a situation becomes dire, especially for an entire nation if it is being threatened.
Yep! Israel will not lose this or any other war without a fight unless idiots like Biden tell them to not hit back. Or, if we and the rest of the free world that gave the land to the Jews don't fight with Israel. That's more like what will happen before the coming of that great and terrible day of the Lord. Great for those who are prepared to meet Christ and terrible for those who are not.

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