Breaking! Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results

Native American Forum Focuses On Elizabeth Warren’s Policies, Not DNA Test

WASHINGTON ― When Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) gave remarks Monday at a presidential forum on Native American issues, she began with an apology.

“Like anyone who’s been honest with themselves, I know I have made mistakes,” Warren said at the event in Sioux City, Iowa, referring to the controversy over her past claims of Native American ancestry. “I am sorry for harm I have caused. I have listened and I have learned a lot, and I am grateful for the many conversations that we’ve had together.”

“It is a great honor to be able to partner with Indian Country,” she added. “That’s what I’ve tried to do as a senator, and that’s what I promise I will do as president of the United States of America.”

The audience applauded. But despite the media’s attention on the DNA issue, it wasn’t the focus of the forum. Warren talked about the contents of her sweeping plan for empowering tribal nations and indigenous peoples. And it was a hit.

“What I’d like to see us do is reverse Oliphant,” Warren said to applause, referring to the Supreme Court decision in Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe, which prevents tribal governments from prosecuting non-Indians.

Native American Forum Focuses On Elizabeth Warren’s Policies, Not DNA Test

Go Liz! Sounds like she is well-received by Native Americans.
Stop lying, Injun! She was not well received.

PLEASE CLAP: Moderator at Native American Forum Frazzled Over Lack of Enthusiasm for Elizabeth Warren (VIDEO)
Elizabeth Warren - in her scamming of American-Indian set-asides - reminds me of those low-budget, cheesy Billy Jack movies in the early '70s; in which most of the Amerindian characters are played by actors/actresses every bit as 100% white as I am! Who did the movie-makers think they were fooling? And who does that scamming waste of fallopian tubes Warren think she's fooling?
Lol....I remember when the actor who played Billy Jack ran for president years later.
Elizabeth Warren - in her scamming of American-Indian set-asides - reminds me of those low-budget, cheesy Billy Jack movies in the early '70s; in which most of the Amerindian characters are played by actors/actresses every bit as 100% white as I am! Who did the movie-makers think they were fooling? And who does that scamming waste of fallopian tubes Warren think she's fooling?
Lol....I remember when the actor who played Billy Jack ran for president years later.

America has already had a legitimate Indian as Vice President. So she really wouldn't be that unique.

A wave of anti-injun socialism in 1932 drove Vice President Curtis from office

What about the woman's healthcare? You fetus nuts always ignore that. If only you cared as much about a live baby as a fetus.


Abortion actually isn't "health care" at all. The new New York abortion law allows non-physicians to do it. The Democrat candidates even want to expand Abortion to so-called "transwomen", or men in dresses.

It sure as hell is healthcare for women! That includes mental/physical/financial healthcare!
Elizabeth Warren - in her scamming of American-Indian set-asides - reminds me of those low-budget, cheesy Billy Jack movies in the early '70s; in which most of the Amerindian characters are played by actors/actresses every bit as 100% white as I am! Who did the movie-makers think they were fooling? And who does that scamming waste of fallopian tubes Warren think she's fooling?
Lol....I remember when the actor who played Billy Jack ran for president years later.

America has already had a legitimate Indian as Vice President. So she really wouldn't be that unique.

A wave of anti-injun socialism in 1932 drove Vice President Curtis from office
Not true. Half Injun, VP Curtis, finished his one term under Hoover after being defeated by Roosevelt and Nance.
Elizabeth Warren - in her scamming of American-Indian set-asides - reminds me of those low-budget, cheesy Billy Jack movies in the early '70s; in which most of the Amerindian characters are played by actors/actresses every bit as 100% white as I am! Who did the movie-makers think they were fooling? And who does that scamming waste of fallopian tubes Warren think she's fooling?
Lol....I remember when the actor who played Billy Jack ran for president years later.

America has already had a legitimate Indian as Vice President. So she really wouldn't be that unique.

A wave of anti-injun socialism in 1932 drove Vice President Curtis from office
Not true. Half Injun, VP Curtis, finished his one term under Hoover after being defeated by Roosevelt and Nance.
May I interest you in a DNA test?
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.

Not enough to matter and you know it. She can not apply to a Tribe to gain benefits, so she need to end this discussion and admit she benefited off a lie...
Lakota, there is no point defending Elizabeth Warren. She has no chance of getting elected President.

I would defend anyone under similar circumstances. I know many people who simply rely on what their ancestors have told them about their heritage. Don't you?

Similar circumstances? You mean another liberal caught in a lie.

What lie?

The lie that she had enough Native American in here to count!
I wonder what Trump's DNA would show - besides German?

What difference does that make? Is he falsely claiming to be Native American, black, or Hispanic?

Should we have a Congressional investigation into his genealogy now?

He's claiming to be an American.

He was born in the United States of America, so yeah he is American!

Let me guess and you will claim only those from Tribes can be American when there was no America when the Cherokee, Sioux and so on once filled this land...
Amazing! She still doesnt see the foolishness and destruction of playing identity politics.


Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results
It is incredible to me how you people harp on this yet completely ignore all the retarded things Trump says on a daily basis. I guess you think he is smart, I don’t know. May god have mercy on your dumb soul.

Why they harp on it is because it shows you believe a lie by Warren and excuse it while crying about Trump lies...
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
She lied and got a job. She's a fraud.

She merely capitalized on what her grandmother had told her. No harm, no foul.
She got a job based on a lie. That's harm to those of us who believe in telling the truth.

College said that is not true.

Only after she got caught.

She brought the whole issue up again yesterday, why? If it’s no big deal why does she keep harping on it? Probably guilt.

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