Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.

You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

The democrat party is composed of all the racists in the country from la raza, the nation of islam to bill clinton, the violent rapist and his wife , to obama and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years.........

the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....

Nixon pushed the civil rights act? you mean the one that was passed by Johnson?



It's never hard to spot the British socialists posing as US Citizens.

They're knowledge of history is limited to the irrelevant.
the southern strategy is a myth. there was no pandering to racist in the south.

when called to support the myth, you libs end up talking about code words and rhetoric.

reagan mention welfare queens once or twice.

Yawn, guy, that was enough. Blacks saw it for what it was. I remember in 1980, when he tried to talk to some brothers in the Ghetto, and the Secret Service had to pretty much hustle him out of there because they were going to kick his senile old ass.

releasing a murderer serving life so that they can be ready when they are released back into society and he rapes and assaults an innocent couple for hours, is a completely valid issue. that you play the race card on that, shows how you libs use false accusations of racism as demagoguery.

Again, it was racist, and black folks saw through it. Bush 41 got 11% of the black vote in 1988 and in 1996 it went down to 8%. they knew what was going on.

plenty of republicans have tried to get more minority votes. but you libs are to good at demagoguery and race baiting.

Yes, there was Jesse Helms' "White Hands" ad telling people a black man got the job you deserved because of Affirmative Action.

And corkers 'Playboy Mansion" ad that said his black opponent wanted to fuck white women at the Playboy mansion.

There was Romney doing a shout out to the Birthers.

And not just limiting ourselves to blacks, there was Pete Hoeskstra's "Debbie Spend it Now" ad with a racist caricature of a Chinese woman.

Racist Political Ads 7 Top Contenders - The Root
Actrually, I have the truth about the welfare queen as well......that name came from the Chicago Tribune who called the woman in an article on people who cheat welfare a "Welfare Queen," and she wasn't shy about it either........

But Reagan carried on like that was a common thing and exaggerated the exploits of one grifter.

That's why it was racist.

It would be like if Obama said, "All White Christians are Dylan Roof".
Actrually, I have the truth about the welfare queen as well......that name came from the Chicago Tribune who called the woman in an article on people who cheat welfare a "Welfare Queen," and she wasn't shy about it either........

But Reagan carried on like that was a common thing and exaggerated the exploits of one grifter.

That's why it was racist.

It would be like if Obama said, "All White Christians are Dylan Roof".

But he didn't coin the term welfare queen the Chicago Tribune nuts just smear him with it....
2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.

You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

The democrat party is composed of all the racists in the country from la raza, the nation of islam to bill clinton, the violent rapist and his wife , to obama and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years.........

the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....

Nixon pushed the civil rights act? you mean the one that was passed by Johnson?


No dipshit the ones before that one....
Richard Nixon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the spring of 1957, Nixon undertook another major foreign trip, this time to Africa. On his return, he helped shepherd the Civil Rights Act of 1957 through Congress. The bill was weakened in the Senate, and civil rights leaders were divided over whether Eisenhower should sign it.

Nixon was fighting for black civil rights long before the democrats changed tactics..

In addition to desegregating public schools, Nixon implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970—the first significant federal affirmative action program.[183] He also endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment after it passed both houses of Congress in 1972 and went to the states for ratification.[184] Nixon had campaigned as an ERA supporter in 1968, though feminists criticized him for doing little to help the ERA or their cause after his election. Nevertheless, he appointed more women to administration positions than Lyndon Johnson had.[185]

Poor useless, slug you still can't help calling people smarter than you names.

I keep telling you an education might assist you. But perhaps you're too stupid to cure your ignorance with knowledge.

Mostly you're boring.

Yes....I show you are you don't respond to that.....who was wrong about Nixon and the Civil rights act? You or me? You need the education, a swap out for your moral compass, you need one that works, and you need a shot of Wisdom, and an understanding of truth and reality.
Actrually, I have the truth about the welfare queen as well......that name came from the Chicago Tribune who called the woman in an article on people who cheat welfare a "Welfare Queen," and she wasn't shy about it either........

But Reagan carried on like that was a common thing and exaggerated the exploits of one grifter.

That's why it was racist.

It would be like if Obama said, "All White Christians are Dylan Roof".

One grifter...right now the corruption in the welfare, medicaid, social security is was bad then and it is worse now.....
One grifter...right now the corruption in the welfare, medicaid, social security is was bad then and it is worse now.....

The trillion dollars spent in Iraq and the BLOOD = CORRUPTION

But he didn't coin the term welfare queen the Chicago Tribune nuts just smear him with it....

He's the one who made it a part of his campaign speeches, along with the term "Young Bucks".

He's the one who made a habit of pitting working class blacks against working class whites while dismantling the middle class.

The only problem you guys have is black folks remember that shit.
But he didn't coin the term welfare queen the Chicago Tribune nuts just smear him with it....

He's the one who made it a part of his campaign speeches, along with the term "Young Bucks".

He's the one who made a habit of pitting working class blacks against working class whites while dismantling the middle class.

The only problem you guys have is black folks remember that shit.

Yes....and the fact that the middle class grew and grew while he was are one smart guy......
One grifter...right now the corruption in the welfare, medicaid, social security is was bad then and it is worse now.....

Actually, it really isn't.

Just How Wrong Is Conventional Wisdom About Government Fraud - The Atlantic

It’s not easy to get agreement on actual fraud levels in government programs. Unsurprisingly, liberals say they’re low, while conservatives insist they’re astronomically high. In truth, it varies from program to program. One government report says fraud accounts for less than 2 percent of unemployment insurance payments. It’s seemingly impossible to find statistics on “welfare” (i.e., TANF) fraud, but the best guess is that it’s about the same.

A similar story emerges with everyone’s favorite punching bag, food stamps (or, as they’re known today, SNAP). Earlier this year, Senator John Thune of South Dakota and Rep. Marlin Stutzman of Indiana, both Republicans, introduced legislation to save $30 billion over 10 years from SNAP, purportedly by “eliminating loopholes, waste, fraud, and abuse.” Once you dig into their fact sheet, however, none of the savings actually come from fraud, but rather from cutting funding and tightening benefits. That’s probably because fraud levels in SNAP appear to be as low as with the other “pure welfare” programs we just touched on: “Payment error” rates -- money sent in incorrect amounts and/or to the wrong people -- have declined from near 10 percent a decade ago to 3 to 4 percent today, most of it due, again, to government error, not active fraud.

Meanwhile, you have big major corporations getting all sorts of tax breaks and you are ooooh, soooo fine with that.

Mitt Romney claimed a $77,000 tax deduction on his dancing horse, Rafalca, which is more than Most American household make.

You realize that Ty-rone and Joey have neither the knowledge nor IQ of a house plant between them.

And yet we keep mopping the floor with you, EuroTroll.
No guys, you are indeed painfully stupid. Joey, I have no doubt you know know to mop floors when you're government hand outs run low at the end of the month. Ty-rone, probably not, but I'm sure pimping and selling at the corner helps out.

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