Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

G.O.P. Ties to Extremism Go Beyond the Confederate Flag - The New Yorker

Links between the C.C.C. and G.O.P. politicians emerged in 1998, when it was reported that Congressman Robert Barr, of Georgia, had delivered the keynote address at the C.C.C.’s national convention. In South Carolina, members of the group participated in the political campaign to keep the Confederate flag flying from the dome of the State Capitol.
GOP bwanas claiming they are not racist that the Democrats are...smell like desperation...Southern Strategy Willy Horton Lee Atwater you all

you want to tell me what the gop supposedly did to "attract" southern whites?

or post more stupid memes?


the southern strategy.

if it is not a myth, we are talking about a plan that flipped over a third of the nation from one party to the other. must be huge.

so, you wan to support that claim?

or post even more stupid memes?

do you know what willie horton did when dukakis let him out of prison?
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.
Last edited:
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.

one of the big ones, imo, is the enlghtenment belief in god given, or inherent human rights.

libs today, hold the deeply illiberal belief that rights are granted by the state.

this goes against the principles of the enlightenment, the founding fathers, the us constitution, and even, for those that care, the un declaration on human rights.
the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

tell it to gwbush.

Yes...and of course the democrats in the media made sure to clip him out of the image they released.....
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.

Thank said what I wanted to say but usually can't find the words to explain it.....
the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....
First Black President ...Democrat
First Black Attorney General Democrat
First Black Female attorney General Democrat
In Congress all but two Black officials are Democrats
Percent of Black who vote the 90 s

Have you been drinking heavily?

And they come from the black racist wing of the democrat party.......I listed several minority, racist organizations that make up the heart of the democrat party...I have clearly stated that the democrat party is the home of all racists, of all colors, they all seek to use he power of the federal government to get even with their enemies and to empower their particular racial raza....which means the you think they want a color blind society....the nation of they want a color blind society, the modern they want a color blind society...or eric holder....or the racist judges obama put on the Supreme Court......ever hear what they had to say about race...

The democrat party is the home of all racists, they have changed tactics, not beliefs.
You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

Seriously, guy, what fucking deranged ass home School did you learn this at?

Okay, here's what REALLY happened. The Blacks started voting majority for the Democrats in 1932, the first time teh Republicans really fucked up the economy. But a good Republican could stil get a decent amount of the black vote. Eisenhower got 36% of the African American vote in 1956. Richard Nixon got 30% in 1960.

Then your boy Barry Goldwater came along and he got a whopping 6% of the black vote because he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Yes, some decent republicans supported it, but Barry did the damage.

Now, if the GOP had learned from that, they wouldn't be in the state they are now. Instead, they doubled down, starting with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of trying to pick up the disaffected whites who left the Democrats after LBJ supported Civil rights.

That continued with Reagan's "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" and Bush-41's "Willie Horton" ads. The GOP made a decision to play on white fears instead of making a sincere effort to get the black vote, and in that time period (1968-1988), the GOP only broke into the double digits with black vote once, with Reagan getting a whopping 11% in 1984. But since minority voters were only 15% of the electorate, it didn't matter.

Today they are about 30% of the electorate, but the damage has been done.

but you retards really think, "Hey, we want you guys to have freedom, so we are eliminating affirmative action and welfare so you can be extra-free!!!!"

No one is buying that.

the southern strategy is a myth. there was no pandering to racist in the south.

when called to support the myth, you libs end up talking about code words and rhetoric.

reagan mention welfare queens once or twice.

releasing a murderer serving life so that they can be ready when they are released back into society and he rapes and assaults an innocent couple for hours, is a completely valid issue. that you play the race card on that, shows how you libs use false accusations of racism as demagoguery.

plenty of republicans have tried to get more minority votes. but you libs are to good at demagoguery and race baiting.

Actrually, I have the truth about the welfare queen as well......that name came from the Chicago Tribune who called the woman in an article on people who cheat welfare a "Welfare Queen," and she wasn't shy about it either........
You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

Seriously, guy, what fucking deranged ass home School did you learn this at?

Okay, here's what REALLY happened. The Blacks started voting majority for the Democrats in 1932, the first time teh Republicans really fucked up the economy. But a good Republican could stil get a decent amount of the black vote. Eisenhower got 36% of the African American vote in 1956. Richard Nixon got 30% in 1960.

Then your boy Barry Goldwater came along and he got a whopping 6% of the black vote because he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Yes, some decent republicans supported it, but Barry did the damage.

Now, if the GOP had learned from that, they wouldn't be in the state they are now. Instead, they doubled down, starting with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of trying to pick up the disaffected whites who left the Democrats after LBJ supported Civil rights.

That continued with Reagan's "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" and Bush-41's "Willie Horton" ads. The GOP made a decision to play on white fears instead of making a sincere effort to get the black vote, and in that time period (1968-1988), the GOP only broke into the double digits with black vote once, with Reagan getting a whopping 11% in 1984. But since minority voters were only 15% of the electorate, it didn't matter.

Today they are about 30% of the electorate, but the damage has been done.

but you retards really think, "Hey, we want you guys to have freedom, so we are eliminating affirmative action and welfare so you can be extra-free!!!!"

No one is buying that.

the southern strategy is a myth. there was no pandering to racist in the south.

when called to support the myth, you libs end up talking about code words and rhetoric.

reagan mention welfare queens once or twice.

releasing a murderer serving life so that they can be ready when they are released back into society and he rapes and assaults an innocent couple for hours, is a completely valid issue. that you play the race card on that, shows how you libs use false accusations of racism as demagoguery.

plenty of republicans have tried to get more minority votes. but you libs are to good at demagoguery and race baiting.

Actrually, I have the truth about the welfare queen as well......that name came from the Chicago Tribune who called the woman in an article on people who cheat welfare a "Welfare Queen," and she wasn't shy about it either........

Look up the truth about the welfare queen and Reagan, and the Chicago Tribune....

It is another democrat lie....

Just curious. What does the "N" denote?
Nasty, narcissistic, non- educated, needy, nitwit?

Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

There is no implication at all in that definition. It says what it says. Resistant to change. It speaks to nothing else.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Oh, you can. Your entire premise is made up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

Yes, conservatives worked very hard at resisting the changes put forth by Lincoln.
They were willing to kill 600k Americans to resist that change and uphold their " principles and values".

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.
Those "principles" nearly destroyed our culture.
Yes, the changes made that set the CW in motion were just for " the sake of change" and not based in any way on principle.

You and your slow brother really need to educate yourselves. There is no way either of you have ever read the history that you speak to or taken a college level (or maybe even a HS)class on the subject. Abject ignorance on the subject.
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.

Thank said what I wanted to say but usually can't find the words to explain it.....

You can't find the words because you don't even have a basic understanding of the subject.
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.

Thank said what I wanted to say but usually can't find the words to explain it.....

You can't find the words because you don't even have a basic understanding of the subject.


A2 has been bouncing your ass around this forum with you being helpless to do a dam' thing but lay there and take it for a week... .

And there you are stackin' hope upon optimism, that no one noticed...


How precious is THAT?
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.

Thank said what I wanted to say but usually can't find the words to explain it.....

You can't find the words because you don't even have a basic understanding of the subject.


A2 has been bouncing your ass around this forum with you being helpless to do a dam' thing but lay there and take it for a week... .

And there you are stackin' hope upon optimism, that no one noticed...


How precious is THAT?

You two are in your own world.Maybe one day you will find your way to reality by I doubt it. You cling to your ignorance and wear it proudly.

Just curious. What does the "N" denote?
Nasty, narcissistic, non- educated, needy, nitwit?

Obscurant deflection?

LOL! Good stuff...

Of course that's a demonstration of yielding from the argument... Thus you've opened your response with a concession.

Now as a general rule, that's a bad sign for argument.

Your argument fails at this point, but just to be cruel... let's see what ya felt was worthy of publishing.

Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

There is no implication at all in that definition. It says what it says. Resistant to change. It speaks to nothing else.

Oh... Now that's too bad.

Because what started off as what could have been explained as a hapless ignorance of the concept implication, just became a demonstrable, overt deceit. What's more, by demanding that the reference definitionally requires intransigence contest of all change, you quite literally stripped the definition of any affiliation to Political Conservatives, thus rendering the definition as YOU STATE YOUR USE OF IT... meaningless.

And this is because, even as we speak, US Conservatism; which was born from the recognition of principles which, once declared initiated profound change... which consequently caused extreme change... all of which lead from the former status quo of what is today unimaginable poverty, removing such from the United States, in all a tiny, drug addled, mentally disordered minority, through the application of those principles.

Thus, you've conceded THIS point. Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

Yes, conservatives worked very hard at resisting the changes put forth by Lincoln.


That's just pitiful.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.
Those "principles" nearly destroyed our culture.


So Adherence to Natural Law, nearly destroyed the culture?

LOL... Reader, they're just helpless. But hey... such is the nature of children and fools.
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.


Now I love this definition... because the naked implication is that traditional attitudes and values are inherently flawed AND even more hysterically, that 'change' in and of itself... is axiomatically sound, inherently good, incapable of bearing anything except positive and otherwise enviable consequences.

LOL! You cannot make this crap up.

Of course, in reality, thus in TRUTH... Conservatives seek to conserve recognition of, respect for and adherence TO the principles upon which those traditions and values rest.

And that is because those principles are what sustain the viability of their culture... and when children and fools come demanding "CHANGE" for purely the sake of CHANGE ITSELF... those sufficiently long in the tooth will oppose such because they recognize that only idiots allow children and fools to change anything. It's simply bad policy... as the 7 years of the Brown Clown Show have proven IN SPADES... once again.

Thank said what I wanted to say but usually can't find the words to explain it.....

You can't find the words because you don't even have a basic understanding of the subject.


A2 has been bouncing your ass around this forum with you being helpless to do a dam' thing but lay there and take it for a week... .

And there you are stackin' hope upon optimism, that no one noticed...


How precious is THAT?

You two are in your own world.Maybe one day you will find your way to reality by I doubt it. You cling to your ignorance and wear it proudly.


Isn't that Precious?
he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.

You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

The democrat party is composed of all the racists in the country from la raza, the nation of islam to bill clinton, the violent rapist and his wife , to obama and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years.........

the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....

Nixon pushed the civil rights act? you mean the one that was passed by Johnson?

he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.

You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

The democrat party is composed of all the racists in the country from la raza, the nation of islam to bill clinton, the violent rapist and his wife , to obama and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years.........

the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....

Nixon pushed the civil rights act? you mean the one that was passed by Johnson?


No dipshit the ones before that one....
Richard Nixon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the spring of 1957, Nixon undertook another major foreign trip, this time to Africa. On his return, he helped shepherd the Civil Rights Act of 1957 through Congress. The bill was weakened in the Senate, and civil rights leaders were divided over whether Eisenhower should sign it.

Nixon was fighting for black civil rights long before the democrats changed tactics..

In addition to desegregating public schools, Nixon implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970—the first significant federal affirmative action program.[183] He also endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment after it passed both houses of Congress in 1972 and went to the states for ratification.[184] Nixon had campaigned as an ERA supporter in 1968, though feminists criticized him for doing little to help the ERA or their cause after his election. Nevertheless, he appointed more women to administration positions than Lyndon Johnson had.[185]

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he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.

You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

The democrat party is composed of all the racists in the country from la raza, the nation of islam to bill clinton, the violent rapist and his wife , to obama and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years.........

the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....

Nixon pushed the civil rights act? you mean the one that was passed by Johnson?


No dipshit the ones before that one....
Richard Nixon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the spring of 1957, Nixon undertook another major foreign trip, this time to Africa. On his return, he helped shepherd the Civil Rights Act of 1957 through Congress. The bill was weakened in the Senate, and civil rights leaders were divided over whether Eisenhower should sign it.

Nixon was fighting for black civil rights long before the democrats changed tactics..

In addition to desegregating public schools, Nixon implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970—the first significant federal affirmative action program.[183] He also endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment after it passed both houses of Congress in 1972 and went to the states for ratification.[184] Nixon had campaigned as an ERA supporter in 1968, though feminists criticized him for doing little to help the ERA or their cause after his election. Nevertheless, he appointed more women to administration positions than Lyndon Johnson had.[185]

Poor useless, slug you still can't help calling people smarter than you names.

I keep telling you an education might assist you. But perhaps you're too stupid to cure your ignorance with knowledge.

Mostly you're boring.

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