Boycott Israel

RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ et al,

While it may be unsavory and totally disagreeable to listen to the outrageous claims made by the various Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters → claiming to be representatives of the Arab Palestinian → spout off these vicious ad hominem attacks and spread misinformation, it is probably best not to respond in kind.

What needs to "often" addressed frequently is the lack of compliance (by the anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Coalitions) with the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR). The anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Coalitions are straying farther and farther away from some very important and central provisions for the protection of the life, liberty and physical security of the people (on both sides) in this Armed Conflict. The various and self-proclaimed anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Coalitions know (without a question) that the Arab Palestinians never had any intention “to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.” The self-proclaimed anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian Coalitions know that many "sources correctly describe the wording and intent of Resolution A/RES/242, others have misrepresented it as requiring Israel to return to the pre-1967 lines – the armistice lines established after Israel’s War of Independence." How do they know this? (RHETORICAL) Because the drafters and framer have explained the meaning and intent of UNSCR 242. Such an interpretation was explicitly not the intention of the framers of 242, nor does the language of the resolution include any such requirement.

There will always be those that believe the inciteful Propaganda advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence is not prohibited by Article 20 of the CCPR. It is, but the Hostile Arab Palestinians ignore this regularly.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
SUBTOPIC: Powers and Authorities.
⁜→. P F Tinmore, et al,

(PREFACE). You already know that you are mixing up your timelines on the definition... You are not understanding the context of the terminology relative to the timeline.

This commentary you injected is intentionally deceptive.

◈ Between 1920 and 1948, the Territory was designated the Government of Palestine under the British High Commissioner. It was considered a Political Entity.​
◈ Between 1949 and 1950, the West Bank was UN Trustee Territory under Jordanian Occupation​
◈ Between 1950 and 1967, the Territory was Sovereign under Jordanian Rule​
◈ Between 1967 and 1988 the Jordanian Sovereign Territory was Occupied by Israel. In 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was established as the recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.​
◈ Between 1988 and 1994 the territory was abandoned by the Jordanians and forfeited by default to Israeli Occupation​
◈ In 1994, the Jordanians Israeli and Jordan entered into a Treaty of Peace. New Bounders (International Boundaries) were established. The Armistice Lines encompassing the West Bank was dissolved.​
◈ Pursuant to resolution 43/177 of 15 December 1998, the designation "Palestine" was used in place of the designation "Palestinian Liberation Organization" in the United Nations.​
◈ In 2012, the designation "State of Palestine" was used to replace the use of the PLO, although the PLO retained the "observer Status."​

The reference to the Armistice Lines is more than a quarter-century out of context. The Armistice Lines were only in-force until a more permanent peace agreement was made.


Most Respectfully,
  • In 1924 Palestine became a state according to postwar treaties. This was affirmed by the League of Nations and others. Former Ottoman subjects became Palestinians.
  • 1924 - 1948 Palestine was administered by the Mandate. The Mandate had no territory, no borders, and no sovereignty.
  • In 1925 the Palestinians became citizens of Palestine by domestic law.
  • In December of 1947, Zionist gangs (later to become the IDF) started the Nakba by attacking and expelling Palestinian civilians. About 300,000 Palestinians became refugees before the start of the 1948 war. The Nakba has never ended.
  • May 15,1948 - Israel declares independence and five Arab armies enter Palestine to defend the Palestinians. The fighting stops in less than a year when a UN Security Council Resolution called for an armistice. An armistice ends the fighting without calling winners or losers.
  • There were four armistice agreements in 1949. Armistice lines (that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries) were drawn in and around Palestine to limit troop movements. Essentially these lines cut Palestine into three areas of occupation. These armistice lines did not affect Palestine's international borders that remained unchanged since 1924.
  • Jordan occupied the West Bank. Jordan attempted to annex the West Bank in 1950, however since annexing occupied territory is illegal, only Britain and Pakistan recognized that move. The West Bank remained occupied Palestinian territory. Israel took over that occupation in 1967.
  • Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip. Egypt made no attempt to annex that territory. Gaza remained occupied Palestinian territory. Israel took over that occupation in 1967.
  • Israel conquered, ethnically cleansed and occupied 78% of Palestine. It is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force. Israel never officially acquired that territory. The Palestinians regularly call Israel "48" as in 1948 occupied Palestine.
  • In 1924 Palestine became a state according to postwar treaties. This was affirmed by the League of Nations and others. Former Ottoman subjects became Palestinians.
  • 1924 - 1948 Palestine was administered by the Mandate. The Mandate had no territory, no borders, and no sovereignty.
  • In 1925 the Palestinians became citizens of Palestine by domestic law.
  • In December of 1947, Zionist gangs (later to become the IDF) started the Nakba by attacking and expelling Palestinian civilians. About 300,000 Palestinians became refugees before the start of the 1948 war. The Nakba has never ended.
  • May 15,1948 - Israel declares independence and five Arab armies enter Palestine to defend the Palestinians. The fighting stops in less than a year when a UN Security Council Resolution called for an armistice. An armistice ends the fighting without calling winners or losers.
  • There were four armistice agreements in 1949. Armistice lines (that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries) were drawn in and around Palestine to limit troop movements. Essentially these lines cut Palestine into three areas of occupation. These armistice lines did not affect Palestine's international borders that remained unchanged since 1924.
  • Jordan occupied the West Bank. Jordan attempted to annex the West Bank in 1950, however since annexing occupied territory is illegal, only Britain and Pakistan recognized that move. The West Bank remained occupied Palestinian territory. Israel took over that occupation in 1967.
  • Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip. Egypt made no attempt to annex that territory. Gaza remained occupied Palestinian territory. Israel took over that occupation in 1967.
  • Israel conquered, ethnically cleansed and occupied 78% of Palestine. It is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force. Israel never officially acquired that territory. The Palestinians regularly call Israel "48" as in 1948 occupied Palestine.

In 1924 Palestine became a state according to postwar treaties.

Which treaties made it a state?
There were four armistice agreements in 1949. Armistice lines (that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries) were drawn in and around Palestine to limit troop movements.

On the Israeli side, who signed those agreements?
On the Palestinian side, who signed those agreements?
Jordan occupied the West Bank. Jordan attempted to annex the West Bank in 1950, however since annexing occupied territory is illegal, only Britain and Pakistan recognized that move. The West Bank remained occupied Palestinian territory.

The West Bank was Palestinian territory before Jordan invaded?
Who was in the Palestinian government the day before the Arab invasion?
What was Palestinian currency the day before the Arab invasion?
RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Colonial Allegations
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al

  • In 1924 Palestine became a state according to postwar treaties. This was affirmed by the League of Nations and others. Former Ottoman subjects became Palestinians. (CMT). NOT TRUE, YOU WILL NOT FIND ANY TREATY THAT CREATED A SOVEREIGN STATE OF PALESTINE

  • 1924 - 1948 Palestine was administered by the Mandate. The Mandate had no territory, no borders, and no sovereignty. (CMT) I DO NOT BELIEVE ANY ONE SAID THIS. THE MANDATE WAS A WWI VINTAGE TRUSTEESHIP.


  • In December of 1947, Zionist gangs (later to become the IDF) started the Nakba by attacking and expelling Palestinian civilians. About 300,000 Palestinians became refugees before the start of the 1948 war. The Nakba has never ended. (CMT). THIS IS JUST PROPAGANDA, WITH JUST A BIT OF TRUTH.

  • May 15,1948 - Israel declares independence and five Arab armies enter Palestine to defend the Palestinians. The fighting stops in less than a year when a UN Security Council Resolution called for an armistice. An armistice ends the fighting without calling winners or losers. (CMT). YES, THE UN DID BROCKER ARMITICE AGREEMENT. SO, WHAT IS THE POINT BEING MADE HERE?

  • There were four armistice agreements in 1949. Armistice lines (that were specifically not to be political or territorial boundaries) were drawn in and around Palestine to limit troop movements. Essentially these lines cut Palestine into three areas of occupation. These armistice lines did not affect Palestine's international borders that remained unchanged since 1924. (CMT). NO BORDERS WERE ESTABLISHED IN 1924. THE GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE (AKA: THE TERRITORY UN MANDATE) WAS NOT A PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL BORDER.

  • Jordan occupied the West Bank. Jordan attempted to annex the West Bank in 1950, however since annexing occupied territory is illegal, only Britain and Pakistan recognized that move. The West Bank remained occupied Palestinian territory. Israel took over that occupation in 1967. (CMT). WHAT TRUTH IS HERE COMPARED TO THE ACTUAL REALITY?

  • Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip. Egypt made no attempt to annex that territory. Gaza remained occupied Palestinian territory. Israel took over that occupation in 1967. (CMT). EGYPT ATTEMPTED TO ESTABLISH A PUPPET GOVERNMENT UNDER THE GUISE OF THE "ALL PALESTINE GOVERNMENT (APG)." THE APG PLOY FAILED POLITICALLY AND APG WAS FINALLY DISSOLVED BY tHE EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT IN 1959.

  • Israel conquered, ethnically cleansed and occupied 78% of Palestine. It is illegal to acquire territory through the threat or use of force. Israel never officially acquired that territory. The Palestinians regularly call Israel "48" as in 1948 occupied Palestine. (CMT). THIS IS A POLITICAL STATEMENT WHICH IS CURRENTLY HAVING NO EFFECT ON THE ISRAELIS.

I see absolutely no value in rehashing the commentary found it• POSTING 9904 • AND •.9915 • (supra)... If you ignored the demonstrated facts then, you will ignore the re-establishment of the same demonstrated now.

Your entire argument rests on your application of 21st Century interpretations to early 20th Century political language. Between 1922 and 1948, just as the British Mandate Authority stressed, the entirety of the territory west of the Jordan River was a Legal Entity. And just as the Assistant Secretary-General of the UN (Legal Affairs) stated that prior to December 2012, "Palestine" could not be identified as a "state" or "country" and had no Arab Palestinian Government infrastructure.

Nowhere in the Treaty of Lausanne was there any passage of territory to the Arab Palestinians. You cannot use Article 30 pertaining to Nationality - and apply it to - territorial disposition (that is mistaking apples for oranges).


Most Respectfully,
Al Di Meola: "BDS pressure me not to come to Israel, but it doesn't prevent me from performing for You"

In anticipation of the arrival of one of the best acoustic guitar players in the world, for another tour in Israel, Al Di Meola talks in an interview with Walla! about recordings that finally see the light of day, and about the determination to reach his favorite
Israeli fans despite the BDS intimidation tactics


WallaNews!: Where does the love for Israelis and Israel, come from?

Al Di Meola: "I think Israelis remind me of our Italian family we
grew up in - directness, warmth, loudness...really like us."

Read more:
Last edited:
Garbage in, garbage out is an apt description for the ever-failing BDS clubbers.

Garbage in, garbage out: What passes for an Israeli-Palestinian debate at Harvard​

On campus, Israel-bashing today is like wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt was 20 years ago – it’s tribal and trendy.​

[ I say to the Band, get in touch with Israel, reschedule and go. BDS is nothing. Others have gone, you can go, too. ]


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