Boycott Israel

It's the same interfaith visit

You posted a month ago Boycott Israel

And I'm guessing no Israeli's went on the promised visit to Bahrain?
As usual you do not read well, or chose what you understand.

Here is what the first article said a month ago:

"“This was not done under the radar. It was done openly by two NGO’s knowing full well it would generate controversy,” Cooper said. He says the delegation’s visit should be viewed as a follow-up of a pledge by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa to him and Wiesenthal Center dean Marvin Hier who visited Manama last February to allow his subjects to travel to Israel freely."

where does it say that someone from Israel promised to visit Bahrain after that visit.
It says that Marvin Hier visited Bahrain last year and that is where that visit came from.

Let us call it diplomacy, and a response to it.

Let us call it people in Bahrain who have no problem with Jews and wish to live in peace with all religions, who went to Israel to see for themselves what Israel is all about.

The promise to visit was from the King of Bahrain.
Here's that link again Israeli business leaders to travel to Bahrain in next normalization step
It's the same interfaith visit

You posted a month ago Boycott Israel

And I'm guessing no Israeli's went on the promised visit to Bahrain?
As usual you do not read well, or chose what you understand.

Here is what the first article said a month ago:

"“This was not done under the radar. It was done openly by two NGO’s knowing full well it would generate controversy,” Cooper said. He says the delegation’s visit should be viewed as a follow-up of a pledge by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa to him and Wiesenthal Center dean Marvin Hier who visited Manama last February to allow his subjects to travel to Israel freely."

where does it say that someone from Israel promised to visit Bahrain after that visit.
It says that Marvin Hier visited Bahrain last year and that is where that visit came from.

Let us call it diplomacy, and a response to it.

Let us call it people in Bahrain who have no problem with Jews and wish to live in peace with all religions, who went to Israel to see for themselves what Israel is all about.

The promise to visit was from the King of Bahrain.
Here's that link again Israeli business leaders to travel to Bahrain in next normalization step
What exactly are you bitching about?
The article was posted on December 13th, 2017
Not been a whole month yet, and January has only begun.

Go catch flies.
The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared.
Read the whole article and you will know if the visit did happen or not.
"The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared." "The article was posted on December 13th, 2017"

Did you forget you posted the same story a month ago, little Fly?
The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared.
Read the whole article and you will know if the visit did happen or not.
"The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared." "The article was posted on December 13th, 2017"

Did you forget you posted the same story a month ago, little Fly? have a spider complex !!!! How pathetic.
What exactly happened today in Jew Hatred world which led you to rant and bitch about nothing?

So......I posted about the story nearly a month ago......

Today there was more information.
Which you went on to attempt to misinform about.

So Shoot me!



Choose your weapons :)
The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared.
Read the whole article and you will know if the visit did happen or not.
"The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared." "The article was posted on December 13th, 2017"

Did you forget you posted the same story a month ago, little Fly? have a spider complex !!!! How pathetic.
What exactly happened today in Jew Hatred world which led you to rant and bitch about nothing?

So......I posted about the story nearly a month ago......

Today there was more information.
Which you went on to attempt to misinform about.

So Shoot me!



Choose your weapons :)
Actually this rehashed story has less information than last month's, where is the Israeli business leaders to travel to Bahrain in next normalization step ???

The Truth is the best weapon, Liars hate it:ack-1:
So apparently Israel has created a blacklist of BDS groups. Who won't be allowed into the country. Boycotting the boycotters.

Rumour has it they are pissy because they will now not be able to access Israel's medical services.

Bwahahaha! How's that working for ya?
So apparently Israel has created a blacklist of BDS groups. Who won't be allowed into the country. Boycotting the boycotters.

Rumour has it they are pissy because they will now not be able to access Israel's medical services.

Bwahahaha! How's that working for ya?
Includes many Jews who can no longer visit relatives or otherwise travel to Israel.

How's that working for ya?
The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared.
Read the whole article and you will know if the visit did happen or not.
"The article was clearly posted today on the link I shared." "The article was posted on December 13th, 2017"

Did you forget you posted the same story a month ago, little Fly? have a spider complex !!!! How pathetic.
What exactly happened today in Jew Hatred world which led you to rant and bitch about nothing?

So......I posted about the story nearly a month ago......

Today there was more information.
Which you went on to attempt to misinform about.

So Shoot me!



Choose your weapons :)
Actually this rehashed story has less information than last month's, where is the Israeli business leaders to travel to Bahrain in next normalization step ???

The Truth is the best weapon, Liars hate it:ack-1:
Bitch on !!!!!
So apparently Israel has created a blacklist of BDS groups. Who won't be allowed into the country. Boycotting the boycotters.

Rumour has it they are pissy because they will now not be able to access Israel's medical services.

Bwahahaha! How's that working for ya?
Includes many Jews who can no longer visit relatives or otherwise travel to Israel.

How's that working for ya?
If it is true, that is their problem.

They chose their side, they live with the consequences.
Attempting to destroy their ancestral homeland is not acceptable to Israel or any other country. Any other country would have done the same.
Which is why many born Muslim Germans and others are not being allowed to return to the countries where they have citizenship if they went to join ISIS or any other group intent on attacking those countries.

Actions have consequences .
The Israeli government has prepared a list of 20 organizations that lead BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns, such that officials of these groups will not be allowed to enter Israel. Reasonable people can disagree on whether or not banning activists who seek to harm the country they desire to enter is the best policy approach or not. To be sure, the critiques of this policy and similar legislation tend to be highly political instead of substantive.

The organizations listed by Israel include the leaders of BDS against Israel – groups that through their “anti-normalization” and selective application of the universal principles of human rights, fail to promote peace and a two-state framework. Likewise, many of these groups go beyond simple critiques of Israel and instead aim their frustration at the very existence of the Jewish State.

For 15 years, NGO Monitor has tracked the funding and activities of self-proclaimed human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that promote BDS and other delegitimization campaigns against Israel. NGO Monitor’s years of research into many of the organizations on the Israeli government list exposes that many of these groups advocate for a total boycott of Israel – including Israeli-made products, as well as academic, cultural, and sports institutions. This research also demonstrates that these groups are active in campaigns that promote hatred, antisemitism, and even utilize violent language regarding Israelis.

(full article online)

The Members of Israel’s BDS Blacklist
Over the years, we have been following utterances, insinuations and rumors that Benjamin Netanyahu is so troubled by human rights organizations that he dedicates a significant portion of his time and energy to fighting them. That struggle has been documented on this blog and on another blog, 0139, in detail. This week, working on a tip, we found Gerald Steinberg’s resume from 2004, two years after he established NGO Monitor. In it, under “additional activities,” Steinberg testifies that he served as a “consultant [to the] Government of Israel,” and as a member of the “Steering Committee, Forum on Antisemitism, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Israel.” On his Hebrew-language profile on the NGO Monitor website, Steinberg describes himself as a “consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” (His English profile is missing that information.) In a profile attached to a 2006 op-ed, he is described as a consultant to the National Security Council, which is a part of the Prime Minister’s Office.

In other words, Gerald Steinberg claims that he works — or at least has worked — for the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, and that is long after he founded NGO Monitor. Why is that important? It is necessary to explain, first of all, what Steinberg and his organizations are trying to accomplish. We’ll start by defining an NGO: a non-governmental organization, which carries out work that governments have difficulty performing, or don’t want to perform. Such organizations are called “civil society organizations” in Israel, or sometimes, human rights organizations, according to their respective functions. They do the work the government cannot do, precisely because one of their central roles is to levy criticism against, or to reveal crimes committed by the government.

What is NGO Monitor’s connection to the Israeli government? | +972 Magazine
NGO Monitor (Non-governmental Organization Monitor) is a non-governmental organization based in Jerusalem, which analyzes and reports on the output of the international NGO community from a pro-Israel perspective.[1] It has been characterized as being pro-Israel[4][5] and as right-wing.[6] NGO Monitor says in its mission statement that it was founded "to promote accountability, and advance a vigorous discussion on the reports and activities of humanitarian NGOs in the framework of the Arab–Israeli conflict."

The organization was founded in 2001 by Gerald M. Steinberg under the auspices of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.[7] NGO Monitor became a legally and financially independent organization in 2007.[8]

The organization has been criticized by academic figures, diplomats, and journalists who have said that NGO Monitor's research is not objective,[9] that it does not examine right-wing NGOs,[10] and that it puts out information that it knows is wrong
NGO Monitor - Wikipedia
Over the years, we have been following utterances, insinuations and rumors that Benjamin Netanyahu is so troubled by human rights organizations that he dedicates a significant portion of his time and energy to fighting them. That struggle has been documented on this blog and on another blog, 0139, in detail. This week, working on a tip, we found Gerald Steinberg’s resume from 2004, two years after he established NGO Monitor. In it, under “additional activities,” Steinberg testifies that he served as a “consultant [to the] Government of Israel,” and as a member of the “Steering Committee, Forum on Antisemitism, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Israel.” On his Hebrew-language profile on the NGO Monitor website, Steinberg describes himself as a “consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” (His English profile is missing that information.) In a profile attached to a 2006 op-ed, he is described as a consultant to the National Security Council, which is a part of the Prime Minister’s Office.

In other words, Gerald Steinberg claims that he works — or at least has worked — for the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, and that is long after he founded NGO Monitor. Why is that important? It is necessary to explain, first of all, what Steinberg and his organizations are trying to accomplish. We’ll start by defining an NGO: a non-governmental organization, which carries out work that governments have difficulty performing, or don’t want to perform. Such organizations are called “civil society organizations” in Israel, or sometimes, human rights organizations, according to their respective functions. They do the work the government cannot do, precisely because one of their central roles is to levy criticism against, or to reveal crimes committed by the government.

What is NGO Monitor’s connection to the Israeli government? | +972 Magazine
NGO Monitor (Non-governmental Organization Monitor) is a non-governmental organization based in Jerusalem, which analyzes and reports on the output of the international NGO community from a pro-Israel perspective.[1] It has been characterized as being pro-Israel[4][5] and as right-wing.[6] NGO Monitor says in its mission statement that it was founded "to promote accountability, and advance a vigorous discussion on the reports and activities of humanitarian NGOs in the framework of the Arab–Israeli conflict."

The organization was founded in 2001 by Gerald M. Steinberg under the auspices of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.[7] NGO Monitor became a legally and financially independent organization in 2007.[8]

The organization has been criticized by academic figures, diplomats, and journalists who have said that NGO Monitor's research is not objective,[9] that it does not examine right-wing NGOs,[10] and that it puts out information that it knows is wrong
NGO Monitor - Wikipedia
I am so happy that you are upset that those NGOs are not going to be allowed into Israel.

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