Boycott Israel

What unifies all these examples is the highly questionable benefit to actual Palestinians. In the Israeli context, though, this might be the point. For many NGOs, besmirching Israel’s name is the goal, not improving the universal human rights for Palestinians and Israelis. The disconnect between real human rights work that seeks to protect all people, and hollow social media advocacy campaigns, is stark.

Regardless of the NGOs’ intentions, it is significantly easier to promote hashtag and other social media campaigns. Likes, shares and retweets are cheap. Yet there is little evidence that such slacktivism generates lasting change.

The governmental and private funders must therefore ask themselves: Is this what we paid for? Has all our money been wasted on ineffective and counterproductive social media campaigns?

(full article online)

If it wasn't effective, why is Israel spending hundreds of millions to counter it?
SAFE's activities prompt new questions about the legal, moral and ethical implications of allowing student groups to promote their hateful ideology by deceptive practices.

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Hostile Takeover By SAFE At University Of Michigan [incl. Jasbir Puar] - Campus Watch
60's with respect 80% of Dates exported worldwide are from Iran....I bet you have never purchased is a funny thing and people do have predudice...sic,what is being promoted throughout the world these days is clay facemasks and dead-sea liquid clay for the face and body...the gleaning and manufacture of this product is in Palestinian Territory,it is promoted as an Israeli product...That is not right...steven ...Some of our Supermarket Chains are Jewish owned(no problem with that) but I note that all Israeli product is in an out of the way bottom shelf,and lets say Gherkins from Israel are never put with the Australian,German,Polish and Macedonian Gherkins,just saying.
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You invited the terror organisation Hamas to your conference. And that is inexcusable. Ignorance is not a justification because all you needed to do was to glance over the Hamas Charter and you would understand that they desire the death of Jews. They are an Islamist terror group like ISIS and like Boko Haram. And you have invited them in to our precious and young democracy.

Their goals are not democratic – yours are. They persecute women and gays – you protect them. They do not allow freedom of speech – you do. And they believe in kidnapping, murdering and terrorising the innocent.

To say that the ANC was once called a “terror” organisation is to sell your own history short and to rewrite every lofty ideal that the ANC stood for.

Your focus on Israel is hypocritical at best and anti-Semitic at worse. You have remained embarrassingly silent with regard to China’s treatment of the Tibetans and the Syrian crises. You have been largely responsible for the chaos in Zimbabwe when you were the only ones that had the power to address this years ago. You are silent on the treatment of the Yazidis and the Kurds. The list of goes on and on.

(full article online)

An open letter to the ANC from a South African Jew
You invited the terror organisation Hamas to your conference. And that is inexcusable. Ignorance is not a justification because all you needed to do was to glance over the Hamas Charter and you would understand that they desire the death of Jews. They are an Islamist terror group like ISIS and like Boko Haram. And you have invited them in to our precious and young democracy.

Their goals are not democratic – yours are. They persecute women and gays – you protect them. They do not allow freedom of speech – you do. And they believe in kidnapping, murdering and terrorising the innocent.

To say that the ANC was once called a “terror” organisation is to sell your own history short and to rewrite every lofty ideal that the ANC stood for.

Your focus on Israel is hypocritical at best and anti-Semitic at worse. You have remained embarrassingly silent with regard to China’s treatment of the Tibetans and the Syrian crises. You have been largely responsible for the chaos in Zimbabwe when you were the only ones that had the power to address this years ago. You are silent on the treatment of the Yazidis and the Kurds. The list of goes on and on.

(full article online)

An open letter to the ANC from a South African Jew
No,the worst Terrorist Organizations were the Zionist ones Stern etc,...Considering where they came from,mainly Europe...makes them even more DISPICABLE...Israel IS A TERRORIST STATE always has been.FACT...They are not a legitimate peoples anymore,as most Jews are Converts from other nations....Zionists and the State of Israel are Sick Indeed and throughout the world for such a minute group of people,these Zionists are making the World Sick...Zionists are the True Terrorists,and have taught Despicables like ISIS to SPAWN...SAY NO TO ZIONISM TERRORISM

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JVP is there only to cause a rift in the Jewish communities, and enable the open racism of anti-Israel rhetoric. Siding with those who shout "Jews to ovens", is not really promoting peace or Jewish values.

"You shall not go around as a gossipmonger amidst your people. You shall not stand by [the shedding of] your fellow's blood. I am the Lord."

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The Maximalist Arab position

The original Arab position was that there should be no Jewish self-rule, and Jewish refugees should not be accepted into Palestine. A boycott of Jewish businesses began in the early 1920’s. By 1930 Arabs had committed massacres against ancient Jewish communities. Much of the Arab effort of the 1930’s was spent violently protesting the arrival of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. By 1939, they had forced the British to shut the gates. The two-state solution was born as a response to Arab violence.

From 1948, Arab State violence was also based on no acceptance of Israel behind any borders. This stance most famously displayed in the Khartoum Resolution of 1967 and the ‘three no’s’ – no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with it. This position existed even when EVERY INCH of the West Bank and Gaza was under Arab control.

This unaccommodating position was rejected by everyone who sought a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict. It rejects Israel’s right to exist. It sees Jews as European invaders, and will use any methods to oppose peaceful co-existence.

(full article online)

Boycott - BDS - maximalist Arab rejectionism and failures of logic
The Maximalist Arab position

The original Arab position was that there should be no Jewish self-rule, and Jewish refugees should not be accepted into Palestine. A boycott of Jewish businesses began in the early 1920’s. By 1930 Arabs had committed massacres against ancient Jewish communities. Much of the Arab effort of the 1930’s was spent violently protesting the arrival of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. By 1939, they had forced the British to shut the gates. The two-state solution was born as a response to Arab violence.

From 1948, Arab State violence was also based on no acceptance of Israel behind any borders. This stance most famously displayed in the Khartoum Resolution of 1967 and the ‘three no’s’ – no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with it. This position existed even when EVERY INCH of the West Bank and Gaza was under Arab control.

This unaccommodating position was rejected by everyone who sought a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict. It rejects Israel’s right to exist. It sees Jews as European invaders, and will use any methods to oppose peaceful co-existence.

(full article online)

Boycott - BDS - maximalist Arab rejectionism and failures of logic
The two-state solution was born as a response to Arab violence.
Not so. It was a response to the Zionist settler colonial project in Palestine.

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