Both sides need to cool down a bit


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Before both sides get too heated here, please consider this:

Right wing position - Donald J Trump is a strong, patriotic President, who had the balls to take out a very dangerous general that was a threat to American lives, and others around the world. You spineless faggots on the left wing had better get through your head, you don't make treaties with terrorist nations, they'll just turn around and stab you in the back. The only way you deal with terrorists is to bring them to their knees, and impose your will on them - because that's all they understand.

Left wing position - Donald Trump just pulled a little trick out of George W Bush's hat. Stir up some military action in the middle east to distract from the fact that he's not very popular, and has not accomplished much as a President. Who knows - if Trump whips up enough patriotic fervor, he might just get a 2nd term. It worked for "W" and those weapons of mass destruction (that we've still not found) The only question is, how many innocent civilians and American soldiers have to die this time around?!

So... who's right here? Frankly, I don't know. What I do know is no one else here does either! I very much doubt anyone here has a top secret security clearance. There is too much information we'll never have access to regarding this situation, so maybe both sides here need to cool down a bit.

We don't have all the facts. :bye1:
Look at it this way:
1. Obama gave Iran about $150b in sanctions relief to sign the JCPOA's 10-year delay of them getting nukes. Iran took the $150b and promptly used it to develop nukes and ICBMs. That was a moronic deal.

2. Trump said that Iran will not get a nuke on his watch, period. He hit Iran with sanctions and killed their top terrorist chief. If Iran kills an American they will be attacked severely, including refineries and other high value targets.

Do you need any other facts to see who is right?

Before both sides get too heated here, please consider this:

Right wing position - Donald J Trump is a strong, patriotic President, who had the balls to take out a very dangerous general that was a threat to American lives, and others around the world. You spineless faggots on the left wing had better get through your head, you don't make treaties with terrorist nations, they'll just turn around and stab you in the back. The only way you deal with terrorists is to bring them to their knees, and impose your will on them - because that's all they understand.

Left wing position - Donald Trump just pulled a little trick out of George W Bush's hat. Stir up some military action in the middle east to distract from the fact that he's not very popular, and has not accomplished much as a President. Who knows - if Trump whips up enough patriotic fervor, he might just get a 2nd term. It worked for "W" and those weapons of mass destruction (that we've still not found) The only question is, how many innocent civilians and American soldiers have to die this time around?!

So... who's right here? Frankly, I don't know. What I do know is no one else here does either! I very much doubt anyone here has a top secret security clearance. There is too much information we'll never have access to regarding this situation, so maybe both sides here need to cool down a bit.

We don't have all the facts. :bye1:

The fact is the commies acted just as expected, nothing Trump does is good, no facts or briefings will alter their POV. They could care less what's good for the country, it's party before country with them.

This exercise in stupidity is not over, not by a long shot. Trump's next stupid stunt is scheduled during the impeachment trial.
Do you need any other facts to see who is right?

Only #2 is factual.

Please provide a link proving I'm wrong. Nevermind, I'll just show you that you're wrong.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

"Uranium-enrichment activities will be limited to a single facility using first-generation centrifuges for 10 years."

The JCPOA was mostly about enrichment, not about developing ICBMs or other facets of nuclear bomb design and/or procurement. It was not as ironclad as Trump's "no nukes, period".
Do you need any other facts to see who is right?

Only #2 is factual.

Please provide a link proving I'm wrong. Nevermind, I'll just show you that you're wrong.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

"Uranium-enrichment activities will be limited to a single facility using first-generation centrifuges for 10 years."

The JCPOA was mostly about enrichment, not about developing ICBMs or other facets of nuclear bomb design and/or procurement. It was not as ironclad as Trump's "no nukes, period".

Do you need any other facts to see who is right?

Only #2 is factual.

Please provide a link proving I'm wrong. Nevermind, I'll just show you that you're wrong.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

"Uranium-enrichment activities will be limited to a single facility using first-generation centrifuges for 10 years."

The JCPOA was mostly about enrichment, not about developing ICBMs or other facets of nuclear bomb design and/or procurement. It was not as ironclad as Trump's "no nukes, period".


I didn't say Obama gave $150b in cash. I said "sanctions relief". The plane load of cash was "only" $1.7b.

From your link:
"Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence."

Before both sides get too heated here, please consider this:

Right wing position - Donald J Trump is a strong, patriotic President, who had the balls to take out a very dangerous general that was a threat to American lives, and others around the world. You spineless faggots on the left wing had better get through your head, you don't make treaties with terrorist nations, they'll just turn around and stab you in the back. The only way you deal with terrorists is to bring them to their knees, and impose your will on them - because that's all they understand.

Left wing position - Donald Trump just pulled a little trick out of George W Bush's hat. Stir up some military action in the middle east to distract from the fact that he's not very popular, and has not accomplished much as a President. Who knows - if Trump whips up enough patriotic fervor, he might just get a 2nd term. It worked for "W" and those weapons of mass destruction (that we've still not found) The only question is, how many innocent civilians and American soldiers have to die this time around?!

So... who's right here? Frankly, I don't know. What I do know is no one else here does either! I very much doubt anyone here has a top secret security clearance. There is too much information we'll never have access to regarding this situation, so maybe both sides here need to cool down a bit.

We don't have all the facts. :bye1:

Do you still think allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons seven years from now was a good idea?
I didn't say Obama gave $150b in cash.

You didn't need to, because it didn't happen.

I said "sanctions relief".

Call it what you want - still bullshit.

The plane load of cash was "only" $1.7b.

Which already belonged to Iran.

1. It happened as described in your fucking link. Don't you know how to read? I copied & pasted it!
2. See #1 its a FACT
3. True, but why give money to terrorists? A wiser move is to wait for a legitimate non-terrorist regime.
I didn't say Obama gave $150b in cash.

You didn't need to, because it didn't happen.

I said "sanctions relief".

Call it what you want - still bullshit.

The plane load of cash was "only" $1.7b.

Which already belonged to Iran.

1. It happened as described in your fucking link. Don't you know how to read? I copied & pasted it!
2. See #1 its a FACT
3. True, but why give money to terrorists? A wiser move is to wait for a legitimate non-terrorist regime.

Iran received money that was already theirs. Who the fuck are you to decide who is a terrorist? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The arrogance astounds.

Before both sides get too heated here, please consider this:

Right wing position - Donald J Trump is a strong, patriotic President, who had the balls to take out a very dangerous general that was a threat to American lives, and others around the world. You spineless faggots on the left wing had better get through your head, you don't make treaties with terrorist nations, they'll just turn around and stab you in the back. The only way you deal with terrorists is to bring them to their knees, and impose your will on them - because that's all they understand.

Left wing position - Donald Trump just pulled a little trick out of George W Bush's hat. Stir up some military action in the middle east to distract from the fact that he's not very popular, and has not accomplished much as a President. Who knows - if Trump whips up enough patriotic fervor, he might just get a 2nd term. It worked for "W" and those weapons of mass destruction (that we've still not found) The only question is, how many innocent civilians and American soldiers have to die this time around?!

So... who's right here? Frankly, I don't know. What I do know is no one else here does either! I very much doubt anyone here has a top secret security clearance. There is too much information we'll never have access to regarding this situation, so maybe both sides here need to cool down a bit.

We don't have all the facts. :bye1:

I don't know who is right... but the leftists are certainly wrong as usual. Trump is not popular? That is some class projection right there.
I didn't say Obama gave $150b in cash.

You didn't need to, because it didn't happen.

I said "sanctions relief".

Call it what you want - still bullshit.

The plane load of cash was "only" $1.7b.

Which already belonged to Iran.

1. It happened as described in your fucking link. Don't you know how to read? I copied & pasted it!
2. See #1 its a FACT
3. True, but why give money to terrorists? A wiser move is to wait for a legitimate non-terrorist regime.

Iran received money that was already theirs. Who the fuck are you to decide who is a terrorist? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The arrogance astounds.

That's a stupid argument. The CIA knows who are supporting terrorism and who are not. Your naivete' astounds.
This is real life and death, not whatever you call your ignorance or tolerance about terrorism.
BREAKING: Sen. Lee, Republican from Utah, heavily criticizes Trump admin.'s briefing for senators today on Iran, saying officials expect Senate to be "good little boys and girls" and not debate in public.

Sen. Cory Booker: "Just stepped out of a 75-minute briefing regarding President Trump’s military actions in Iraq—we were provided no evidence of an imminent threat. I remain deeply skeptical that he had justification for this attack."
" There will be no haggling with the House over Senate procedure. We will not cede our authority to try this impeachment. The House Democrats’ turn is over. The Senate has made its decision. This is for the Senate, and the Senate only, to decide." - Moscow Mitch
Do you need any other facts to see who is right?

Only #2 is factual.

Please provide a link proving I'm wrong. Nevermind, I'll just show you that you're wrong.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

"Uranium-enrichment activities will be limited to a single facility using first-generation centrifuges for 10 years."

The JCPOA was mostly about enrichment, not about developing ICBMs or other facets of nuclear bomb design and/or procurement. It was not as ironclad as Trump's "no nukes, period".

Trump just asked the world to back out of JCPOA, for whatever new 'deal' he has in mind to 'bring peace and prosperity' to the Iranian people

I didn't say Obama gave $150b in cash.

You didn't need to, because it didn't happen.

I said "sanctions relief".

Call it what you want - still bullshit.

The plane load of cash was "only" $1.7b.

Which already belonged to Iran.

1. It happened as described in your fucking link. Don't you know how to read? I copied & pasted it!
2. See #1 its a FACT
3. True, but why give money to terrorists? A wiser move is to wait for a legitimate non-terrorist regime.

Iran received money that was already theirs. Who the fuck are you to decide who is a terrorist? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The arrogance astounds.

That's a stupid argument. The CIA knows who are supporting terrorism and who are not. Your naivete' astounds.
This is real life and death, not whatever you call your ignorance or tolerance about terrorism.

And there's the thing: you call it 'real life and death'. :auiqs.jpg: Such a profoundly stupid statement that it's difficult to take you seriously. This is theater, nothing more. Seems you've already bought the ticket, might as well enjoy the ride.
I didn't say Obama gave $150b in cash.

You didn't need to, because it didn't happen.

I said "sanctions relief".

Call it what you want - still bullshit.

The plane load of cash was "only" $1.7b.

Which already belonged to Iran.

1. It happened as described in your fucking link. Don't you know how to read? I copied & pasted it!
2. See #1 its a FACT
3. True, but why give money to terrorists? A wiser move is to wait for a legitimate non-terrorist regime.

Iran received money that was already theirs. Who the fuck are you to decide who is a terrorist? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The arrogance astounds.

That general was a terrorist. He made that decision decades ago. Now he's gone and you're sad. Pathetic.

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