Both sad and ridiculous

The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.

Nuclear: We built Yucca Mountain to store nuclear waste. This is how lame Democrats are. You predict global catastrophe from AGW, then you come up with lame excuses why we can't use energy you don't want to use. Nuclear is the ONLY fully zero emissions energy production method we have that produces large scale energy with current technology. And nuclear is several generations technologically past the last plants that were built

And natural gas produces a FRACTION the emissions of coal. And we have nothing else that does that. I'd say you want perfect (zero emissions), but you rejected that too (nuclear).

You're just a partisan hack. AGW is just a hammer to get socialism. You don't believe it's a problem, not at all

No cars, no trains, no planes just horse and buggy. No cows because they fart. These people are idiots.
We need to get rid of termites too. They produce more C02 than all of the cows on earth. No shitter. Like 2.5 times more.
I am voting by mail. I should not have to expose myself to health risks. Deny me this and stuff hits the fan. Put the mailboxes back while you are at it.
Obama's Post Office removed the mailboxes. 14,000 of them. Get a clue ignorant one.

The USPS is always moving or removing boxes according to cost/benefit analyses. It's a standard part of their business. They're not going to pay a mail carrier $18 an hour - or whatever ungodly rate they get now - to drive out every day to empty a mailbox that only has maybe three pieces of mail in it to pick up, if that. Pretty clearly, any people around there have found other ways to facilitate their communications.
I am voting by mail. I should not have to expose myself to health risks. Deny me this and stuff hits the fan. Put the mailboxes back while you are at it.
Obama's Post Office removed the mailboxes. 14,000 of them. Get a clue ignorant one.

The USPS is always moving or removing boxes according to cost/benefit analyses. It's a standard part of their business. They're not going to pay a mail carrier $18 an hour - or whatever ungodly rate they get now - to drive out every day to empty a mailbox that only has maybe three pieces of mail in it to pick up, if that. Pretty clearly, any people around there have found other ways to facilitate their communications.
Why are you telling me this? Tell that to those that I quoted.
I am voting by mail. I should not have to expose myself to health risks. Deny me this and stuff hits the fan. Put the mailboxes back while you are at it.
Obama's Post Office removed the mailboxes. 14,000 of them. Get a clue ignorant one.

The USPS is always moving or removing boxes according to cost/benefit analyses. It's a standard part of their business. They're not going to pay a mail carrier $18 an hour - or whatever ungodly rate they get now - to drive out every day to empty a mailbox that only has maybe three pieces of mail in it to pick up, if that. Pretty clearly, any people around there have found other ways to facilitate their communications.
Why are you telling me this? Tell that to those that I quoted.

Well, it WAS intended to add to and support your post. But now I don't feel the need to treat you like a serious conservative poster deserving of my respect, and will toss you in the can with all the other "2-digit IQ dipshits who just want a partisan fight."

Thanks for clearing that up, mouthbreather. Toodles.
Unless you have a reason beyond your control to be out of your voting area, or unavailable on Election Day, NOBODY should ever be allowed to vote by mail.

if you don’t have the ability to find a way to the polling place, you shouldn’t be voting.

Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater defeat since Goldwater.
Last edited:
Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater lose since Goldwater.

I’m only a marginal a Trump supporter. I AM a supporter of expecting people to get off their lazy asses when they want to Exercise their Right to Vote.

If he loses we will burn this country to the ground and bury you leftists in shallow graves. You’ll get a chance to see what RESISTANCE really means.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric care are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls or plug ins.
Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater lose since Goldwater.

I’m only a marginal a Trump supporter. I AM a supporter of expecting people to get off their lazy asses when they want to Exercise their Right to Vote.

If he loses we will burn this country to the ground and bury you leftists in shallow graves. You’ll get a chance to see what RESISTANCE really means.

Even a marginal supporter of Trump is not a patriot. A vote for Trump is a vote against the Separation of Powers, the linchpin of our Constitution.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric care are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls or plug ins.

And all that is a net INCREASE in carbon emissions when all factors are included, such as your car batteries and panel production. It will take another decade if you stay with what you have and don't buy a new car or replace the panels before it gets to net zero. Then you will get small gains.

I know you're trying, I'm sure it's for honorable intention. But the reality is those things are simply not going to solve anything. They make you feel good. They do nothing for AGW.

If you want to make a difference, support nuclear power and fracking for natural gas to shut down coal plants across the world. That would have a dramatic difference
Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater lose since Goldwater.

I’m only a marginal a Trump supporter. I AM a supporter of expecting people to get off their lazy asses when they want to Exercise their Right to Vote.

If he loses we will burn this country to the ground and bury you leftists in shallow graves. You’ll get a chance to see what RESISTANCE really means.

Even a marginal supporter of Trump is not a patriot. A vote for Trump is a vote against the Separation of Powers, the linchpin of our Constitution.

Just more of your stupid, screeching butt hurt. You'd think hyperbole is a terrible argument. Turns out ... it is ...
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric care are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls or plug ins.

And all that is a net INCREASE in carbon emissions when all factors are included, such as your car batteries and panel production. It will take another decade if you stay with what you have and don't buy a new car or replace the panels before it gets to net zero. Then you will get small gains.

I know you're trying, I'm sure it's for honorable intention. But the reality is those things are simply not going to solve anything. They make you feel good. They do nothing for AGW.

If you want to make a difference, support nuclear power and fracking for natural gas to shut down coal plants across the world. That would have a dramatic difference
So, you’re smarter then MIT. Just checking. Cause you’ve said nothing that every other country in the world agrees with.....fraud.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric care are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls or plug ins.
23 years ago we built a super insulated house and passive solar in one of the most northern most states in the union. We haven’t converted off oil, cause we get our heat and hot water on one fill up per year. They’re more then one way to skin a cat. Now, with the Installation of Heat pumps, We ‘ll fill up once every two years. What both you and I do works. We can’t use electric cars and hybrids because we live off road. Bit we‘re getting there. We‘ll let Trump Humpers blow Their money on private healthcare.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric cars are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls for plug ins.

And all that is a net INCREASE in carbon emissions when all factors are included, such as your car batteries and panel production. It will take another decade if you stay with what you have and don't buy a new car or replace the panels before it gets to net zero. Then you will get small gains.

I know you're trying, I'm sure it's for honorable intention. But the reality is those things are simply not going to solve anything. They make you feel good. They do nothing for AGW.

If you want to make a difference, support nuclear power and fracking for natural gas to shut down coal plants across the world. That would have a dramatic difference

I do support new generation nuclear power plants. Three mile island, Chernobyl and the Japanese tsunami have put be question marks on new nuclear power plants in the minds of many.

Unless you have a reason beyond your control to be out of your voting area, or unavailable on Election Day, NOBODY should ever be allowed to vote by mail.

if you don’t have the ability to find a way to the polling place, you shouldn’t be voting.

Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater defeat since Goldwater.

"It just so DUMB to suggest that voting should be done in person. This is a fact because I said it was!"

Not unexpected from the source, another TDS snowflake who's "outraged" at the idea that his lazy ass might have to leave the couch.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric care are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls or plug ins.

And all that is a net INCREASE in carbon emissions when all factors are included, such as your car batteries and panel production. It will take another decade if you stay with what you have and don't buy a new car or replace the panels before it gets to net zero. Then you will get small gains.

I know you're trying, I'm sure it's for honorable intention. But the reality is those things are simply not going to solve anything. They make you feel good. They do nothing for AGW.

If you want to make a difference, support nuclear power and fracking for natural gas to shut down coal plants across the world. That would have a dramatic difference
So, you’re smarter then MIT. Just checking. Cause you’ve said nothing that every other country in the world agrees with.....fraud.

MIT said nuclear and natural gas don't dramatically reduce carbon emissions? You're full of shit. Your balls are just in a jar on Nancy Pelosi's mantle, you have no will of your own at all
Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater lose since Goldwater.

I’m only a marginal a Trump supporter. I AM a supporter of expecting people to get off their lazy asses when they want to Exercise their Right to Vote.

If he loses we will burn this country to the ground and bury you leftists in shallow graves. You’ll get a chance to see what RESISTANCE really means.

Even a marginal supporter of Trump is not a patriot. A vote for Trump is a vote against the Separation of Powers, the linchpin of our Constitution.

"It's unpatriotic to support Trump, because I don't like him! How DARE you do something I don't agree with?!"

I'm sure everyone's going to get busy right now caring about patriotism as defined by an ignorant, lefist entitlement whore. You should definitely hold your breath waiting for your approval to suddenly become valuable to people.
Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater lose since Goldwater.

I’m only a marginal a Trump supporter. I AM a supporter of expecting people to get off their lazy asses when they want to Exercise their Right to Vote.

If he loses we will burn this country to the ground and bury you leftists in shallow graves. You’ll get a chance to see what RESISTANCE really means.

Even a marginal supporter of Trump is not a patriot. A vote for Trump is a vote against the Separation of Powers, the linchpin of our Constitution.

Your definition of what a "patriot" and what mine is differs greatly. I am sure that commie groups like ANTIFA and BLM that rape, pillage, plunder and randomly attack people that they view as the enemy are akin to ones that trudged though the snow on the way to Valley Forge with Washington.
I see them as indoctrinated commie snowflakes.

Here is another thing you might want to bear in mind. Don't EVER mistake our patience for weakness nor should you ever underestimate the resolve of millions like myself that will never allow you commie fucks to take over without blood flowing through the streets first. We know what happens when a communist regime takes hold and it's better to die fighting than wait for that 4:00 am raid on one's home. Do you get this message loud and clear or am I being to subtle?
Dumbest post of the day ^^^; not unexpected from the source, another Trump supporter who is in full panic knowing Trump will lose the election in the greater lose since Goldwater.

I’m only a marginal a Trump supporter. I AM a supporter of expecting people to get off their lazy asses when they want to Exercise their Right to Vote.

If he loses we will burn this country to the ground and bury you leftists in shallow graves. You’ll get a chance to see what RESISTANCE really means.

Even a marginal supporter of Trump is not a patriot. A vote for Trump is a vote against the Separation of Powers, the linchpin of our Constitution.

"It's unpatriotic to support Trump, because I don't like him! How DARE you do something I don't agree with?!"

I'm sure everyone's going to get busy right now caring about patriotism as defined by an ignorant, lefist entitlement whore. You should definitely hold your breath waiting for your approval to suddenly become valuable to people.
Btw, Dennis Miller is aNd has been unfunny tool. His witticisms only appeal to the uneducated and naive.
The only two things we could do right now today that would have a major impact on emissions without harming the economy are nuclear and fracking for natural gas and Democrats oppose both of them.
The only two things ? First, nuclear energy is for producing on demand electricity and produces hazardous waste we still have no way of dealing with and natural gas is only an interim step to replace coal. Nat gas still produces CO2 . There are more people working in solar industry then oil and coal and they need. electrical storage to be more workable.....not more nukeS .

Also, nuclear energy and natural gas still don’t address huge pollutants like jet travel And long haul. There are many things that need to be addressed. One of the biggest is the development of electrical storage so all the absolutely free energy during sunlight, wind turbine can be stored for high demand hours.
Neither nat gas or nuke addresses either.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Full of lies and misinformation. Nuclear power plants are used for baseload operation not on demand! There is no place to store solar power. It is the one that isn't workable. Where are you storing that "sunlight"? Do you have some sort of huge battery somewhere that we don't know about? It would take all of the known lithium reserves in the world just to store 25% of the worldwide power used for overnight use. It is completely unworkable at the moment and is a horrible solution for base load operations. You know absolutely nothing about the power industry. Stop spreading your bullshit.

We put Solar Panels on our roof almost three years ago, and bought a Chevy Bolt. We also own a hybrid which I will sell later this year and buy a 2021 phev. But I digress, see:

More and more electric care are being produced, and in my community charging stations are being added to parking garages and lots with special stalls or plug ins.
23 years ago we built a super insulated house and passive solar in one of the most northern most states in the union. We haven’t converted off oil, cause we get our heat and hot water on one fill up per year. They’re more then one way to skin a cat. Now, with the Installation of Heat pumps, We ‘ll fill up once every two years. What both you and I do works. We can’t use electric cars and hybrids because we live off road. Bit we‘re getting there. We‘ll let Trump Humpers blow Their money on private healthcare.

Dagosa: "We‘ll let Trump Humpers blow Their money on private healthcare"

There you have it, the greed of leftists admitting they don't want to pay their own bills

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