Border tour: Senators heckled by ‘coyotes,’ Biden officials tried to block photos


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

No wonder Chairman Xiden does not want the media down there taking pictures and reporting like they have the Constitutional right to do.

How horrific!!!
almost unbelievable ---
..he knows they fkd up big time
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

Republican Senators, who offered no solultions to the problems, and failed to obscure identities of the children in the photos they released, thereby failing to protect these children's identities. For Republicans, these children are just political capital, to be used and discarded. Protecting THEIR rights is of no importance.

Republicans did NOTHING about this problem for 4 years, and now they're trying to use it, once again, to score political points.

Republicans offer no solutions to anything. That's because they only create problems. Republicans don't know how to solve or fix anything, just destroy it.
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

Weren't media using every photo they could find at the border during the Trump administration? Even some photos that were apparently not even from his time in office.

How is your media covering this story today?
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

Weren't media using every photo they could find at the border during the Trump administration? Even some photos that were apparently not even from his time in office.

How is your media covering this story today?
Media used Obama Error photos to try to frame Trump.
If Trump said the media was not allowed to cover the border facilities.....can you just imagine how the pearl clutching liberals faggots would freak out and say he is HITLER!
The msm cover for biden and the border like they do Clinton and Epstein. The media is just another branch of the government that China controls. Want your movie shown in China? Better tow Xis line.
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

Weren't media using every photo they could find at the border during the Trump administration? Even some photos that were apparently not even from his time in office.

How is your media covering this story today?
Media used Obama Error photos to try to frame Trump.
Democrat media go as far as to edit "real" videos to look like they were green screen... for some reason... to troll people...

China controls our press and the Democrat party
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

Republican Senators, who offered no solultions to the problems, and failed to obscure identities of the children in the photos they released, thereby failing to protect these children's identities. For Republicans, these children are just political capital, to be used and discarded. Protecting THEIR rights is of no importance.

Republicans did NOTHING about this problem for 4 years, and now they're trying to use it, once again, to score political points.

Republicans offer no solutions to anything. That's because they only create problems. Republicans don't know how to solve or fix anything, just destroy it.

Why do you get to cancel the vote of a sane person?
Perfectly legitimate government silencing truth while hiding behind piles of razor wire and 30,000 armed troops they don’t trust.

Republican Senators, who offered no solultions to the problems, and failed to obscure identities of the children in the photos they released, thereby failing to protect these children's identities. For Republicans, these children are just political capital, to be used and discarded. Protecting THEIR rights is of no importance.

Republicans did NOTHING about this problem for 4 years, and now they're trying to use it, once again, to score political points.

Republicans offer no solutions to anything. That's because they only create problems. Republicans don't know how to solve or fix anything, just destroy it.
Illegal crossings went to a 45 year low under Trump.
But I’m sure the Lefts tearing down the wall and telling everyone to surge the border will solve everything.
Biden has 709 people in a cage designed for 80 and obviously you Leftards applaud him for it.

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