Border Patrol to Close Nine Stations


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Border Patrol to Close Nine Stations
Last week, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced it plans to close nine Border Patrol Stations across the United States. (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, July 7, 2012) The station closures will take place at the following locations: Lubbock, Amarillo, Dallas, San Angelo, Abilene, and San Antonio (TX); Billings (MT); Twin Falls (ID); and Riverside (CA). According to the CBP spokesman, the move to close these stations – many in strategic locations – is being done "n order to accomplish [the agency's] mission more efficiently and to use its personnel more effectively..." (Id.) While CBP states that the closures will save the agency $1.3 million per year, it has yet to explain what the trade off will be in terms of illegal alien apprehensions and drugs seized. According to CBP, the Border Patrol agents in the closed stations will be moved from these near interior stations to the border itself.
FAIR Legislative Update July 16, 2012

Closure of Border Patrol stations across four states triggers alarm | Fox News

May be good idea because since ICE is no longer detaining the deporting them, they will do a better job at the border stopping them from coming in.:confused:
Granny says, "Hrmph - just goes to show what he don't know...
Bloomberg: ‘Nobody Has Come Across the [U.S.-Mexico] Border in a Long Time'
August 20, 2012 - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said last week that "nobody" had illegal crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in a "long time."
Bloomberg also advised that it would be easier for those wishing to illegally immigrate to the United States to simply buy a ticket to fly here and then overstay their visa. Jerry Seib of The Wall Street Journal, who moderated the event, asked Bloomberg, “... My sister lives in Amarillo, Texas, and they’re very worried about waves coming up north over the border there. What are you going to tell them?”

“Number one nobody has come across the border in a long time,” responded the mayor. “I mean we spend a fortune on technology, and if you want to come to America illegally, don’t waste your time going across the border and through the desert. It’s dangerous. Just get on an airplane, fly here, and overstay your visa. We have absolutely no ability to track who you are and get you back.

“The total number of undocumented in this country has been going down for a long time. How do we solve the problem? We solved the problem by having our economy crater,” he continued. “People don’t come here to put their feet up and collect welfare. They come here to work, and if there’s no jobs, they don’t come here, and if they’re here and they can’t find a job, they go back home, because America is not a very good place to sit around and think the state is going to support you.” However, a report by the Center for Immigration Studies released earlier this month, citing U.S. Census data, showed that 43 percent of immigrants, both legal and illegal, who have been residing in the U.S. for at least 20 years were on welfare.

During the discussion, Bloomberg did point out that the U.S. must be “vigilante” against foreign terrorists overstaying their visas. Some of the 911 hijackers were visa overstays.He was speaking in Boston at an Aug. 14 forum on immigration sponsored by the New England Council. He shared the stage for the forum with News Corporation Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch. The moderator asked the mayor, “What about people’s fears that immigrants might be terrorists?”


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