Boosters For Delta


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
The real question is ... what will they do when they run out of Greek letters to name the variants?

Will they start all over again with Alpha?
Moderna says its Covid vaccine booster produced ‘robust’ immune response against delta

Looks like what I have been saying is close to becoming a reality.

Maybe we can get another emergency approval and get back to work.

WHO's comment about vaccine inequality was disturbing.... really in eugenics disturbing. But no matter...I expect that the new booster shots will be available soon.
But they also said the first two jabs you had do not wane after 6 months.

But they also said the first two jabs you had do not wane after 6 months.

Right...that would be true for the original virus. That doesn't mean though that everyone is identical in protection against the variants...the variants are the issue here. Beta and Delta both are problematic.

How Well Does the J&J Vaccine Work Against the Delta Variant? | In the Pipeline

This is a true science blog discussing J&J's single shot vaccine (non-political like me)
And if you can get through some of the "geek speak" you can see discussed what the issues are.
Moderna says its Covid vaccine booster produced ‘robust’ immune response against delta

Looks like what I have been saying is close to becoming a reality.

Maybe we can get another emergency approval and get back to work.

WHO's comment about vaccine inequality was disturbing.... really in eugenics disturbing. But no matter...I expect that the new booster shots will be available soon.

A robust immune system response doesn't mean it actually works. Anyway, I will just keep wearing my mask. There was no way I believed Dr. Fauci that it was safe to unmask given his tendency to make decisions based on the politician employing him at the time and pretending it is "science-based". His department funded the frankenvirus and now he pretends it didn't.
Moderna says its Covid vaccine booster produced ‘robust’ immune response against delta

Looks like what I have been saying is close to becoming a reality.

Maybe we can get another emergency approval and get back to work.

WHO's comment about vaccine inequality was disturbing.... really in eugenics disturbing. But no matter...I expect that the new booster shots will be available soon.
When I got vaxxed back in March, they said not to laminate the card because further booster shots may be needed.

This is neither surprising nor an issue. If a booster is required to end this thing and keep us safe...I'll doit in a heartbeat.

It's been a year and a half people.

We need to end this
A robust immune system response doesn't mean it actually works. Anyway, I will just keep wearing my mask. There was no way I believed Dr. Fauci that it was safe to unmask given his tendency to make decisions based on the politician employing him at the time and pretending it is "science-based". His department funded the frankenvirus and now he pretends it didn't.
Fauci lying the way he did was pretty much unforgivable with most people inside and outside of the research community.

He is now considered to be a political creature and a discredited scientist anymore. Stealing others research is tolerated...but out and out falsification of facts are not. (I know it's strange but go with it)

I'm looking forward to being able to get out at Christmas this year...
When I got vaxxed back in March, they said not to laminate the card because further booster shots may be needed.

This is neither surprising nor an issue. If a booster is required to end this thing and keep us safe...I'll doit in a heartbeat.

It's been a year and a half people.

We need to end this
You really think that a booster shot will end this for you? You're dreaming.
When I got vaxxed back in March, they said not to laminate the card because further booster shots may be needed.

This is neither surprising nor an issue. If a booster is required to end this thing and keep us safe...I'll doit in a heartbeat.

It's been a year and a half people.

We need to end this
If you've listened to your so called experts you can't end it, they've said it's always going to be here
You really think that a booster shot will end this for you? You're dreaming.
The only way to end a pandemic is to achieve herd immunity.

Doing so without getting vaxxed is a death sentence for hundreds of thousands...maybe millions.

Get vaccinated and end this nightmare
When I got vaxxed back in March, they said not to laminate the card because further booster shots may be needed.

This is neither surprising nor an issue. If a booster is required to end this thing and keep us safe...I'll doit in a heartbeat.

It's been a year and a half people.

We need to end this
Hahahahaha if you’re told to get a shot 10x year, you would do it.
And then you’d harass people for asking any questions or skepticism
When I got vaxxed back in March, they said not to laminate the card because further booster shots may be needed.

This is neither surprising nor an issue. If a booster is required to end this thing and keep us safe...I'll doit in a heartbeat.

It's been a year and a half people.

We need to end this
The thing that shocked me was the WHO statements about "vaccine inequality".

Most other countries are wanting the mRNA vaccine technology because the other standard formulas for creating vaccines doesn't really work for Coronaviruses. (As has BEEN KNOWN)
But the WHO statements also shows that other country's concerted efforts at social media disinformation campaigns have been somewhat successful. The list of countries is probably ones that have given money recently or promised money (PRC coming to mind as well as Russia and Iran)

Several countries (by proxy) have asked for the formulas....and to not sue if they duplicate them if.
The real question is ... what will they do when they run out of Greek letters to name the variants?

Will they start all over again with Alpha?
The commie virus has just so many moves on its spike, then it’s finished. The physics of the booster will trump amino acid physics of C-19.
The commie virus has just so many moves on its spike, then it’s finished. The physics of the booster will trump amino acid physics of C-19.
Please stop with the nonsense word salad
The only way to end a pandemic is to achieve herd immunity.

Doing so without getting vaxxed is a death sentence for hundreds of thousands...maybe millions.

Get vaccinated and end this nightmare
Herd immunity is a myth. With all the domesticated animals that can carry and transmit this well as the undomesticated animals there's not going to be any herd immunity available.
The commie virus has just so many moves on its spike, then it’s finished. The physics of the booster will trump amino acid physics of C-19.
I know that everyone is talking about Delta but Beta has been shown to circumvent the existing vaccines more easily. Eventually Delta Variant will....just a matter of time.

That's why the "booster" is going to be needed.

And hopefully this will slow things down enough for some form of normality to return. But it's not just one country that needs these's ALL the world that needs them for normality to return.

Global economics are very real. Less chocolate consumed means that people in Africa go hungry and Europe has a recession....that's how it works.

Materials are produced and processed around the whole world. We need the world and the whole world needs us....
When I got vaxxed back in March, they said not to laminate the card because further booster shots may be needed.

This is neither surprising nor an issue. If a booster is required to end this thing and keep us safe...I'll doit in a heartbeat.

It's been a year and a half people.

We need to end this
its been a year and a half people...and nobody has received a 'vaccine'....because 1 doesn't exist.....but hey, keep rolling your sleeve upon a monthly basis, and inject gene altering drugs into your system, and call it a vaccine.....pathetic, you are
The only way to end a pandemic is to achieve herd immunity.

Doing so without getting vaxxed is a death sentence for hundreds of thousands...maybe millions.

Get vaccinated and end this nightmare
polly want a cracker?

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