Boosted vs study


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
New study on boosters. Difference between boosted and unvaxed groups observed. Several studies cited, pro and con.

People who received a new COVID-19 vaccine booster were more likely to contract COVID-19 than people who received no COVID-19 vaccine doses, according to a new study of prisons in California.

Researchers analyzed data from 33 state prisons from January to July 2023 to try to assess the effectiveness of the bivalent shots, which were introduced in the fall of 2022.

Among 96,201 inmates with data on COVID-19 testing and vaccination, researchers identified 2,835 cases.

They found that 1,187 of the cases were among people who had received a bivalent vaccine, versus just 568 cases among the unvaccinated.

While the population of bivalent recipients was higher than the unvaccinated—36,609 compared to 20,889—the rate of infection was still elevated in the bivalent group owing to nearly double the number of infections, the researchers found.

Infection rates in the group that received bivalent shots was 3.2 percent, over the 2.7 percent in the unvaccinated.

“The bivalent-vaccinated group had a slightly but statistically significantly higher infection rate than the unvaccinated group,” Dr. Robert Mayes of the California Correctional Healthcare Services and the other authors wrote.

Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds | ZeroHedge
Science is racist.


You know its sad, everything democrats once stood for has all been disproven and now we make a mockery of them.

Think how bad they would feel if they had not performed a coup and taken full control over the government.

Here are the top 6 ways the genocide cult of globalists want to force-vaccinate all humans with deadly spike proteins, nanoparticles, and poisonous venom peptides

#1. Gene-mutation injections disguised as "vaccines"

#2. Chemtrails deployed over populations

#3. Micro-needle patches

#4. Hidden in the food supply, starting with meat

#5. Genetically modified mosquitoes

#6. Shedding of spike proteins from the "vaccinated" to the "unvaccinated" masses

Your body cannot keep producing antibodies over and over, 2-3 times with those boosters and not develop resistance. That is, repeated boosters will cause your immune system to stop responding to the spike proteins altogether, which means you are more susceptible to infection.

Here are the top 6 ways the genocide cult of globalists want to force-vaccinate all humans with deadly spike proteins, nanoparticles, and poisonous venom peptides

#1. Gene-mutation injections disguised as "vaccines"

#2. Chemtrails deployed over populations

#3. Micro-needle patches

#4. Hidden in the food supply, starting with meat

#5. Genetically modified mosquitoes

#6. Shedding of spike proteins from the "vaccinated" to the "unvaccinated" masses


There are ways to avoid all of those.

It can be a sacrifice, but there are ways.

Probably the biggest and easiest to do is to stay away from anyone stupid enough to get the jab.

What I love about South Dakota is that I have met very few vax-whores. Here in SD, we get to hug and shit because we're smart!

Science is racist.

Science is also “transphobic”. That, more than anything else, leads the filth on the left wrong to hate genuine science, and to push very hard to replace it with a twisted mockery thereof.

You know its sad, everything democrats once stood for has all been disproven and now we make a mockery of them.

What is even more sad, and very disturbing, is how tenaciously they cling to their lies and delusions, no matter how solidly and undeniably the falsehood thereof is proven.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
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Believe the god and another billie or believe the science.

Your “science” asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.


Here are the top 6 ways the genocide cult of globalists want to force-vaccinate all humans with deadly spike proteins, nanoparticles, and poisonous venom peptides

#1. Gene-mutation injections disguised as "vaccines"

#2. Chemtrails deployed over populations

#3. Micro-needle patches

#4. Hidden in the food supply, starting with meat

#5. Genetically modified mosquitoes

#6. Shedding of spike proteins from the "vaccinated" to the "unvaccinated" masses

I just wanted to see if I could make my font like yours.
Believe the god and another billie or believe the science.

'....contain mRNA instructions for both the ancestral spike protein and the one on Omicron BA.4 & BA.5....All of the other ingredients....haven't changed...."This is part of the benefit of having mRNA vaccine, where you can change only the variants and keep everything else consistent.'

Translation: This is not a vaccine. It's an mRNA therapy experiment."

This report fails to mention that the original Omicron mutation precisely linked to "vaccine" production at the heptad repeat region, N969K. Furthermore, the furin cleavage site apparently remains in the mRNA instructions.

Rixey: "Why would you keep the 364-390 section, the furin cleavage site - in a vax? You wouldn't."
'....contain mRNA instructions for both the ancestral spike protein and the one on Omicron BA.4 & BA.5....All of the other ingredients....haven't changed...."This is part of the benefit of having mRNA vaccine, where you can change only the variants and keep everything else consistent.'

Translation: This is not a vaccine. It's an mRNA therapy experiment."

This report fails to mention that the original Omicron mutation precisely linked to "vaccine" production at the heptad repeat region, N969K. Furthermore, the furin cleavage site apparently remains in the mRNA instructions.

Rixey: "Why would you keep the 364-390 section, the furin cleavage site - in a vax? You wouldn't."

Believe the god and a whole covey of billies, or believe science.

Granted, Fauci dines on hillbilly babies!
New study on boosters. Difference between boosted and unvaxed groups observed. Several studies cited, pro and con.

People who received a new COVID-19 vaccine booster were more likely to contract COVID-19 than people who received no COVID-19 vaccine doses, according to a new study of prisons in California.

Researchers analyzed data from 33 state prisons from January to July 2023 to try to assess the effectiveness of the bivalent shots, which were introduced in the fall of 2022.

Among 96,201 inmates with data on COVID-19 testing and vaccination, researchers identified 2,835 cases.

They found that 1,187 of the cases were among people who had received a bivalent vaccine, versus just 568 cases among the unvaccinated.

While the population of bivalent recipients was higher than the unvaccinated—36,609 compared to 20,889—the rate of infection was still elevated in the bivalent group owing to nearly double the number of infections, the researchers found.

Infection rates in the group that received bivalent shots was 3.2 percent, over the 2.7 percent in the unvaccinated.

Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds | ZeroHedge
Part of the push for a 100% vaccination rate was to make studies like this impossible.

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