Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame

WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s appearance on Meet the Press this morning.
“Americans elected President Obama to lead, not cast blame. The president’s comments today are ironic, as a recurring theme of our negotiations was his unwillingness to agree to anything that would require him to stand up to his own party. Needed cuts and reforms that the president agreed to just last year were no longer on the table, as he cited an inability to sell them to Democrats. What was that about the Tea Party obstructing?

“In an effort to get the president to agree to cut spending -- which is the problem -- I put revenues on the table last year, and I put them on the table again last month. Republicans made every effort to reach the ‘balanced’ deficit agreement that the president promised the American people, while the president has continued to insist on a package skewed dramatically in favor of higher taxes that would destroy jobs. We’ve been reasonable and responsible. The president is the one who has never been able to get to ‘yes.’

“The House has passed legislation to avert the entire fiscal cliff, and the president has never called for the Senate to act on those bills in any way. He instead has simply allowed the Democratic-controlled Senate to sit on them and lead our economy to the edge of the fiscal cliff. I am pleased Senators from both parties are currently working to find a bipartisan solution that can finally pass that chamber. That is the type of leadership America needs, not what they saw from the president this morning.”

Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame |

Over 55 posts-per-day!:clap2:
It's this Congress on a whole. So much posturing and bloviating. They are the least productive in US history and rightfully so. Why is it surprising that when we need them most to act swiftly and decisively, they go missing? This is par for the course with this group of career politicians. I don't see anything meaningful happening today other than another watered down, meaningless extension of an extension of an extension. I would really prefer we not go over the cliff, but If we do, maybe that's not the worst thing in the world. Hopefully it jump starts meaningful change. It's just unfortunate that such change has to come like this.

Boehner can talk about who should lead and Obama can talk about who hasn't shown up, but from my perspective, that's all moot and academic. That is fantasy. The reality is that because these 2 are unable to put their differences aside, I will have to tighten by belt and sacrifice. Maybe that's a blessing in disguise, but nonetheless, a blessing that will be someone else's curse.

We have always fought over budget priorities, and putting differences aside has always happened in the give-and-take of the budget process.

Harry Reid has intentionally destroyed the budget process because he refuses to negotiate with the people's elected House of Representatives.

The result? End on end crisis management, by design.

Worst Ever leadership.

We can't put this all on Harry Reid though. Nor can it be put all on Boehner or McConnell or Obama.

It's a collective failure at leadership.

While in the larger picture it can be seen as a collective failure when things go wrong, and the more wrong the more so, the mobs need something to focus on. It is already breaking bad for the republicans. I would sure hate to be one come January 1st.
WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s appearance on Meet the Press this morning.
“Americans elected President Obama to lead, not cast blame. The president’s comments today are ironic, as a recurring theme of our negotiations was his unwillingness to agree to anything that would require him to stand up to his own party. Needed cuts and reforms that the president agreed to just last year were no longer on the table, as he cited an inability to sell them to Democrats. What was that about the Tea Party obstructing?

“In an effort to get the president to agree to cut spending -- which is the problem -- I put revenues on the table last year, and I put them on the table again last month. Republicans made every effort to reach the ‘balanced’ deficit agreement that the president promised the American people, while the president has continued to insist on a package skewed dramatically in favor of higher taxes that would destroy jobs. We’ve been reasonable and responsible. The president is the one who has never been able to get to ‘yes.’

“The House has passed legislation to avert the entire fiscal cliff, and the president has never called for the Senate to act on those bills in any way. He instead has simply allowed the Democratic-controlled Senate to sit on them and lead our economy to the edge of the fiscal cliff. I am pleased Senators from both parties are currently working to find a bipartisan solution that can finally pass that chamber. That is the type of leadership America needs, not what they saw from the president this morning.”

Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame |

Over 55 posts-per-day!:clap2:

You my mother? Do I answer to you? No I didn't think so, so STFU. And jillian used that ages ago.
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WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s appearance on Meet the Press this morning.
“Americans elected President Obama to lead, not cast blame. The president’s comments today are ironic, as a recurring theme of our negotiations was his unwillingness to agree to anything that would require him to stand up to his own party. Needed cuts and reforms that the president agreed to just last year were no longer on the table, as he cited an inability to sell them to Democrats. What was that about the Tea Party obstructing?

“In an effort to get the president to agree to cut spending -- which is the problem -- I put revenues on the table last year, and I put them on the table again last month. Republicans made every effort to reach the ‘balanced’ deficit agreement that the president promised the American people, while the president has continued to insist on a package skewed dramatically in favor of higher taxes that would destroy jobs. We’ve been reasonable and responsible. The president is the one who has never been able to get to ‘yes.’

“The House has passed legislation to avert the entire fiscal cliff, and the president has never called for the Senate to act on those bills in any way. He instead has simply allowed the Democratic-controlled Senate to sit on them and lead our economy to the edge of the fiscal cliff. I am pleased Senators from both parties are currently working to find a bipartisan solution that can finally pass that chamber. That is the type of leadership America needs, not what they saw from the president this morning.”

Boehner: President Obama Should Lead, Not Cast Blame |

This makes no sense.... as Obama can't write or pass legislation.

He is not the Speaker of the House.

I guess the OP had not read our constitution.


There you go again. This is a perfectly good thread of lies about the president and you've gone and ruined it with facts.

Actually, the FACTS will be ignored. They always are.

The "failure of leadership" was Boehner's. Like it or not, THAT is the way our government is supposed to work.
Leading us the cliff

And just what about the "Fiscal Cliff" is really a cliff?

Most economists are talking about a .7 uptick in UE. There might be a mild recession too.

But isn't that worth it to get spending under control?


That might be a very logic way of looking at it there is however something to factor in. My wife I would say is averagely knowable about the 'fiscal cliff' and other such matters. When I showed her the ramifications of the cliff's occurrence she was quite taken aback.

I think there are many Americans out there who are like 'oh no, the cliff' but have no idea what that implies. When they start hearing real numbers about what just happened they are going to say, 'Who the fuck let this just happen!!!" It might not be riots in the street but come January first, as what just happens begins to sink in, there is going to be an outcry like we have never heard in this country.

It will be a wake up call.

I like that.

It will show what Austerity really means.

When you stop UE checks at the same time you cut spending, which will inevitably lead to layoffs in many sectors it will really cause alot of pain..and at all levels of the population.

I was watching the ex-British Finance Minister who was cheering this on. And even Joe Scarborough was perplexed. It fucked the economy of England for more then a decade.
And just what about the "Fiscal Cliff" is really a cliff?

Most economists are talking about a .7 uptick in UE. There might be a mild recession too.

But isn't that worth it to get spending under control?


You really are delusional. Democrats refuse to address spending in entitlements. Entitlements make up the vast majority of our government spending. Unless you reform entitlements you'll NEVER get spending under control.

So you're willing to put hundreds of thousands more Americans out of work simply because you're not willing to shrink the size of government? A government that is so bloated and wasteful that it's become farce to try and portray it as anything else?

Now! Now you are worried about entitlement reform. They need to get a budget passed 'now' and if entitlement reform is such an issue then revisit in the coming weeks. This 'oh while we are doing some work I meant to say' bs is just unreal. Seriously? Seriously?

"If" entitlement reform is an issue? Do you "seriously" not understand that it is?
Boner has presided over the least productive house in the history of this government.

Boner failed to perform his jobs duties.

that is no ones fault but his.

He could have passed things but didnt want to pass anything that would have gotten democratic support.

He tried to pass only things that would get all the republicans support.

that is why much of the bills they passed were inconsequencial
Boner has presided over the lest productive house in the history of this government.

Boner failed to perform his jobs duties.

that is no ones fault but his.

He could have passed things but didnt want to pass anything that would have gotten democratic support.

He tried to pass only things that would get all the republicans support.

that is why much of the bills they passed were inconsequencial

Yeah, yeah. yeah...that was posted hours ago. Have anpother nip.
Boner has presided over the lest productive house in the history of this government.Boner failed to perform his jobs duties.

that is no ones fault but his.

He could have passed things but didnt want to pass anything that would have gotten democratic support.

He tried to pass only things that would get all the republicans support.

that is why much of the bills they passed were inconsequencial

Yeah, yeah. yeah...that was posted hours ago. Have another nip.
Boner has presided over the lest productive house in the history of this government.Boner failed to perform his jobs duties.

that is no ones fault but his.

He could have passed things but didnt want to pass anything that would have gotten democratic support.

He tried to pass only things that would get all the republicans support.

that is why much of the bills they passed were inconsequencial

Yeah, yeah. yeah...that was posted hours ago. Have another nip.

So NOW you understand that Boehner lied on his own website?
We can't put this all on Harry Reid though. Nor can it be put all on Boehner or McConnell or Obama.

It's a collective failure at leadership.


Someone had to be an adult.

Obama was never qualified to lead, and never will be.

Boehner and the Republicans are incapable of offering an acceptable empty suit.
And just what about the "Fiscal Cliff" is really a cliff?

Most economists are talking about a .7 uptick in UE. There might be a mild recession too.

But isn't that worth it to get spending under control?


That might be a very logic way of looking at it there is however something to factor in. My wife I would say is averagely knowable about the 'fiscal cliff' and other such matters. When I showed her the ramifications of the cliff's occurrence she was quite taken aback.

I think there are many Americans out there who are like 'oh no, the cliff' but have no idea what that implies. When they start hearing real numbers about what just happened they are going to say, 'Who the fuck let this just happen!!!" It might not be riots in the street but come January first, as what just happens begins to sink in, there is going to be an outcry like we have never heard in this country.

It will be a wake up call.

I like that.

It will show what Austerity really means.

When you stop UE checks at the same time you cut spending, which will inevitably lead to layoffs in many sectors it will really cause alot of pain..and at all levels of the population.

I was watching the ex-British Finance Minister who was cheering this on. And even Joe Scarborough was perplexed. It fucked the economy of England for more then a decade.

My wife does not sleep like this:

She sleeps like this:
Boner has presided over the least productive house in the history of this government.

Boner failed to perform his jobs duties.

that is no ones fault but his.

He could have passed things but didnt want to pass anything that would have gotten democratic support.

He tried to pass only things that would get all the republicans support.

that is why much of the bills they passed were inconsequencial

The bills that the House DID pass are gathering dust on Harry Reid's desk over in the Senate because he refused to even allow them on the floor for debate. The Senate hasn't passed a budget in years. So who failed to perform his duty?
Leading us the cliff

And just what about the "Fiscal Cliff" is really a cliff?

Most economists are talking about a .7 uptick in UE. There might be a mild recession too.

But isn't that worth it to get spending under control?


That might be a very logic way of looking at it there is however something to factor in. My wife I would say is averagely knowable about the 'fiscal cliff' and other such matters. When I showed her the ramifications of the cliff's occurrence she was quite taken aback.

I think there are many Americans out there who are like 'oh no, the cliff' but have no idea what that implies. When they start hearing real numbers about what just happened they are going to say, 'Who the fuck let this just happen!!!" It might not be riots in the street but come January first, as what just happens begins to sink in, there is going to be an outcry like we have never heard in this country.

You're probably wrong about the outcry but if anybody is due one it's the 98% of Americans who have watched the Republicans hold out for the other 2%. The Republican party is almost history in this country.
And just what about the "Fiscal Cliff" is really a cliff?

Most economists are talking about a .7 uptick in UE. There might be a mild recession too.

But isn't that worth it to get spending under control?


That might be a very logic way of looking at it there is however something to factor in. My wife I would say is averagely knowable about the 'fiscal cliff' and other such matters. When I showed her the ramifications of the cliff's occurrence she was quite taken aback.

I think there are many Americans out there who are like 'oh no, the cliff' but have no idea what that implies. When they start hearing real numbers about what just happened they are going to say, 'Who the fuck let this just happen!!!" It might not be riots in the street but come January first, as what just happens begins to sink in, there is going to be an outcry like we have never heard in this country.

You're probably wrong about the outcry but if anybody is due one it's the 98% of Americans who have watched the Republicans hold out for the other 2%. The Republican party is almost history in this country.

Anyone miss that? He only posted it about 18 times in a few hours today in addition to 1000 times in the last month.

Don't want anyone to feel left out...
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You really are delusional. Democrats refuse to address spending in entitlements. Entitlements make up the vast majority of our government spending. Unless you reform entitlements you'll NEVER get spending under control.

So you're willing to put hundreds of thousands more Americans out of work simply because you're not willing to shrink the size of government? A government that is so bloated and wasteful that it's become farce to try and portray it as anything else?

Now! Now you are worried about entitlement reform. They need to get a budget passed 'now' and if entitlement reform is such an issue then revisit in the coming weeks. This 'oh while we are doing some work I meant to say' bs is just unreal. Seriously? Seriously?

"If" entitlement reform is an issue? Do you "seriously" not understand that it is?

Let's just keep running with the automobile analogy here. It is like saying. "Shit, I need to change my tires because it will snow next week and if I don't I will surely crash." At the moment however you are coasting straight for a cliff because your brake pedal is broken and you will not pull the hand brake.

Yes, changing the tires must be done but you should have taken that seriously yesterday.
And just what about the "Fiscal Cliff" is really a cliff?

Most economists are talking about a .7 uptick in UE. There might be a mild recession too.

But isn't that worth it to get spending under control?


That might be a very logic way of looking at it there is however something to factor in. My wife I would say is averagely knowable about the 'fiscal cliff' and other such matters. When I showed her the ramifications of the cliff's occurrence she was quite taken aback.

I think there are many Americans out there who are like 'oh no, the cliff' but have no idea what that implies. When they start hearing real numbers about what just happened they are going to say, 'Who the fuck let this just happen!!!" It might not be riots in the street but come January first, as what just happens begins to sink in, there is going to be an outcry like we have never heard in this country.

You're probably wrong about the outcry but if anybody is due one it's the 98% of Americans who have watched the Republicans hold out for the other 2%. The Republican party is almost history in this country.

When people start to put January 1st and April 15th together because of the holdouts I'm going to be in my bunker.
Now! Now you are worried about entitlement reform. They need to get a budget passed 'now' and if entitlement reform is such an issue then revisit in the coming weeks. This 'oh while we are doing some work I meant to say' bs is just unreal. Seriously? Seriously?

"If" entitlement reform is an issue? Do you "seriously" not understand that it is?

Let's just keep running with the automobile analogy here. It is like saying. "Shit, I need to change my tires because it will snow next week and if I don't I will surely crash." At the moment however you are coasting straight for a cliff because your brake pedal is broken and you will not pull the hand brake.

Yes, changing the tires must be done but you should have taken that seriously yesterday.

With all due respect, Empty? The so called fiscal cliff is just a preview for what's going to happen to this country if we don't address entitlements and cut government spending. This constant refrain from the Left that we can deal with the deficit "somewhere down the road" is a head in the sand approach that's going to turn us into a larger Greece, except in our case there is no Germany to bail us out. If we continue on this idiotic course we're now on we will crash and burn and we will take the rest of the world with us.
"If" entitlement reform is an issue? Do you "seriously" not understand that it is?

Let's just keep running with the automobile analogy here. It is like saying. "Shit, I need to change my tires because it will snow next week and if I don't I will surely crash." At the moment however you are coasting straight for a cliff because your brake pedal is broken and you will not pull the hand brake.

Yes, changing the tires must be done but you should have taken that seriously yesterday.

With all due respect, Empty? The so called fiscal cliff is just a preview for what's going to happen to this country if we don't address entitlements and cut government spending. This constant refrain from the Left that we can deal with the deficit "somewhere down the road" is a head in the sand approach that's going to turn us into a larger Greece, except in our case there is no Germany to bail us out. If we continue on this idiotic course we're now on we will crash and burn and we will take the rest of the world with us.

Pos rep for the respect part.

Friday, December 28, 2012 republican Tennessee Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker held a press conference about the Medicare fiscal cliff. Call me cynical but I am just a little suspect about the timing of this. Just how hard have they been pushing this before the 28th? Don't get me wrong. I am all for fixing the problem we face. I am not in favor of throwing sand in the American's eyes.

Also you say entitlements and spending. Exactly what that encompasses other the Medicare reform no one really seems to be sure. What are the sticking points of a budget deal other than taxes on the wealthy?

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