Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
Naomi Wolf's new title, here is a bit from her Introduction:

This book is about how we came to this harrowing civilizational
crossroads — engaged in a war against vast impersonal forces with limitless
power over our lives for the freedoms we have taken for granted; how those
forces seized upon two years of COVID-19 panic in sinister new ways; and
how, yet, against overwhelming odds, we still might win.

Others have looked at this war from a biomedical perspective, or from a
strictly political one. My focus is on how this ongoing war against us is far
more basic, aimed at nothing less than dissolving the meaning of humanity
itself and undoing of the rich cultural legacy we in the West have long
treasured and passed on to succeeding generations.

In those two years, the COVID-19 pandemic, which began unfolding
with the unprecedented global “lockdown” in March 2020, has fundamentally
remade human relations, capitalism, and culture in the West. No matter that
in the past we had lived through far graver medical crises without even passing
thought to stopping all congregation, suspending the production of all culture,
or compelling all healthy people to cover their faces and close their businesses
and keep apart — this time, our elites used the “crisis” to shut down Western
norms of liberty, the human-centered world, and civilization itself.
The Repubs want you submit to the state apparatus.

No, just local apparatus ...

The state made murder of the unborn legal and has now realized it's mistake.

Well.....not all of 'the state'....


And Democrats demand the ability to slaughter it......even well after birth:
Infanticide now mainstream Democrat policy.

1. "Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills"
Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills

2. "Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’
The former [Democrat] governor of Colorado, who has expressed support for population control and said that the elderly have a “duty to die,” has come out against a state amendment that would recognize the rights of unborn children, calling the pro-life measure “a monster.”
Democratic governor who believes elderly have a ‘duty to die’ calls pro-life initiative ‘a monster’ — The Rights Writer

The Democrats are true to their forebears:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

4. The Democrat governor of Virginia agreed with the bill for infanticide.

5. "New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"

New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

6. "Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"

Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

Pa Democrat John Fetterman

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