Blue state Louisiana now #1 in new Covid cases


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
But since it's not Texas or Florida, the MSM isn't going to be saying much about it.

Louisiana leads U.S. by new COVID cases, while Arkansas has record hospitalizations as delta variant continues to spread​

Louisiana is now leading the U.S. by number of new cases of the coronavirus-borne illness COVID-19, while Arkansas has record number of hospitalized patients leaving just eight ICU beds open, as the highly transmissible delta variant of the virus continues to spread rapidly in states with low vaccination rates.

Louisiana is a Red State, you boobs. Republicans control nearly all elected state and federal offices. The Governor is the only elected statewide Democratic official.
yeah the head of the executive is a dem duhhh

hence why it’s run by a dem
LOL..the state is controlled by Pubs in nearly every other statewide and federal office.

about the dem gov of LA?

poor guy. apparently being a Gov is meaningless
It is not meaningless. Because you have one elected statewide official who is a Democrat does not make the state "blue."
So Massachusetts and Vermont are to be considered Red States?
they are currently, run by republicans

not sure they have much history of GOP leadership

LA has historically been a very blue state
it makes it run by a dem
The Governor is a democrat. All others in the executive banch are Republicans.

However the state is predominately Red.


Statewide offices​

Republicans control six of the seven elected statewide offices:

State legislative leaders​

They claim Texas is "the worst", and "the numbers keep rising".............


NONE of the articles I've read so far NAME WHERE THESE SUPPOSED CASES ARE LOCATED!!!

They continue to claim that the hospitals are FULL.........but thats all BULLSHIT!!!!
I live BEHIND a HUGE hospital complex, and it's not full!
There's another huge hospital a mile down the road, and it's not full either!!!

Actually, I live in North DFW, where there is a HUGE saturation of hospital complexes.
None of them are FULL!!!

If it is SO BAD..........wouldn't the cities/towns be listed, so people can stay away from those areas? I have yet to see much new traffic go in and out of the hospital I live behind........and when this "demic" started, there were choppers and ambulances going in day and night. In the past few months, I've not heard very many choppers, and only a handful of ambulances.
I would assume it's back to regular status at this hospital.

So.........WHERE are these "ever growing numbers of Delta variant people" that are just SO sick and SO contagious?????

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