BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.

That is not his fucking job, bitch! I asked if he knew all of this before the fact. If he did, he should have called the police.
And that's the problem right there.

You don't so much disagree or disapprove of this guy being dealt with, (you think the cops aren't going to put hands on him, if they're called?) as you do of some individual taking some initiative and personal responsibility and doing it himself.

You are one of those guys (can't say "men") who hates and fears personal responsibility......... that's what your problem is.

Weak man, really weak......... work on that. Get yourself unfucked and do better.
The police have legal authority to put their hands on someone, when they are arresting them or detaining them....and individual citizen does not. They don't have police powers and a normal citizen doesn't.

One is assault and battery, the other isn't.
Not if that person has done nothing wrong. They can't arrest or even detain unless there is evidence of criminal activity, so no..... they have no legal authority to go hands on until then.

Now are you willing to admit there may have been some evidence of wrongdoing that we don't see on the video? Something that caused the confrontation in the first place?
Because if so, maybe the guy did have a good reason for being concerned then.
Or are you going to stick with your fantasy of white guys running out into the street to attack black people for daring to walk down it?

BTW, you need to read up on Sir Robert Peel sometime, maybe educate yourself on who and what the police are actually supposed to be.
well yes., obvously i was speaking about the officer at least have reasonable articulable suspicion.

I have no suggesting or said there might be something beyond the video to make the soldier so upset...but that still doesn't give him a right to assault the kid.

I never suggest the guy attacked him simply because he was black
Uh-huh...... sure.

what? I really have no clue what you are talking about now
I'm sure you don't.
I really don' just seem to be implying I said things I never did to try and unsuccessfully make your point and defend this guy's behavior
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.
none of that gives him a reason to put his hands on the kid.

Military training doesn't tell you to lose your cool...he clearly is unfit to be in the service. Thankfully the military is taking action.
THE Hell it doesn't------------------crazy guy out harassing women and defenseless children is getting pushed out of the neighborhood at a minimum. Once upon a time, as it should be to protect the kids, he would have been beaten half to death to deter such behavior in the future.
I see no evidence to support your claims...the only evidence presented, is the crazy white guy going nuts on a very calm kid....

The military doesn't train people to behave that way. This video is a black eye to the military...his acts are stain on the Armed Services...and they are right to act. He should be dishonorablity discharged at a minimum.
They will, most likely. Or at least stop his career progression....... the military is shitty to it's people like that.
well when the person gives the Service a black eye with this sort of out of control behavior they should.

Hopefully, maybe they also get him in some sort of anger management counseling. He really might need it
Not really.
You just want him as humiliated as possible.

That doesn't speak well of you, btw.
Not at all...I just hope he deals with his anger. I don't want him to be humiliated. His behavior did a good job of that though
You can't even own your bullshit and bias?

No I really have no clue what you are talking about. I have only spoke about what I saw in the video that has been provided.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.

it is amazing how you keep telling us all these things this teenager was doing, but you don't have a damn thing to back none of it up.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
you realize your first link, really pretty much makes it clear the charge is clearly warranted...and he'll likely be convicted.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.
none of that gives him a reason to put his hands on the kid.

Military training doesn't tell you to lose your cool...he clearly is unfit to be in the service. Thankfully the military is taking action.
Show me on this doll where he injured the guy.....

and injury isn't required for an assault and battery conviction
No it isn't.

But why are you so hell bent on convicting someone of a felony for not doing any injury?

Your out of proportion outrage is very telling.
I believe he is charged with 3rd Degree A& South Carolina...that is:

The S.C. Code Ann. § 16-3-600 section E defines Third Degree of Assault and Battery:

    • (1) A person commits the offense of assault and battery in the third degree if the person unlawfully injures another person, or offers or attempts to injure another person with the present ability to do so.

  • (2) A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than thirty days, or both.
I don't recall ever saying he should be guilty of anything other then A&B. What did I say that was out of proportion? Why are you putting words in my mouth?
Where in that do you see anything like what the NCO did?
When pushed him. Did you not see that? It's in the video.
And how does that meet the statute?
because it caused an injury....pushing someone does...and even if you think it doesn' certainly shows an attempt to do so, and he certainly had the present ability to do so. Not to mention the numerous threats he made clear in the video....he doesn't even have to touch him to be guilty of it.
Yeah....... no.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.

That is not his fucking job, bitch! I asked if he knew all of this before the fact. If he did, he should have called the police.
And that's the problem right there.

You don't so much disagree or disapprove of this guy being dealt with, (you think the cops aren't going to put hands on him, if they're called?) as you do of some individual taking some initiative and personal responsibility and doing it himself.

You are one of those guys (can't say "men") who hates and fears personal responsibility......... that's what your problem is.

Weak man, really weak......... work on that. Get yourself unfucked and do better.
The police have legal authority to put their hands on someone, when they are arresting them or detaining them....and individual citizen does not. They don't have police powers and a normal citizen doesn't.

One is assault and battery, the other isn't.
Not if that person has done nothing wrong. They can't arrest or even detain unless there is evidence of criminal activity, so no..... they have no legal authority to go hands on until then.

Now are you willing to admit there may have been some evidence of wrongdoing that we don't see on the video? Something that caused the confrontation in the first place?
Because if so, maybe the guy did have a good reason for being concerned then.
Or are you going to stick with your fantasy of white guys running out into the street to attack black people for daring to walk down it?

BTW, you need to read up on Sir Robert Peel sometime, maybe educate yourself on who and what the police are actually supposed to be.
well yes., obvously i was speaking about the officer at least have reasonable articulable suspicion.

I have no suggesting or said there might be something beyond the video to make the soldier so upset...but that still doesn't give him a right to assault the kid.

I never suggest the guy attacked him simply because he was black
Uh-huh...... sure.

what? I really have no clue what you are talking about now
I'm sure you don't.
I really don' just seem to be implying I said things I never did to try and unsuccessfully make your point and defend this guy's behavior

If all these people were at least as interested in finding out what actually went on as they are in just burning this guy's home, career, and reputation to the ground, then this guy wouldn't need defending.

You don't even know how much you don't know about all this do you?

Ignorant people like you cause a lot of trouble.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
So, not a teenager, and a probable scammer then, it sounds like.

I just had a complaint filed on me by a guy doing similar shit.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.
none of that gives him a reason to put his hands on the kid.

Military training doesn't tell you to lose your cool...he clearly is unfit to be in the service. Thankfully the military is taking action.
THE Hell it doesn't------------------crazy guy out harassing women and defenseless children is getting pushed out of the neighborhood at a minimum. Once upon a time, as it should be to protect the kids, he would have been beaten half to death to deter such behavior in the future.
I see no evidence to support your claims...the only evidence presented, is the crazy white guy going nuts on a very calm kid....

The military doesn't train people to behave that way. This video is a black eye to the military...his acts are stain on the Armed Services...and they are right to act. He should be dishonorablity discharged at a minimum.
They will, most likely. Or at least stop his career progression....... the military is shitty to it's people like that.
well when the person gives the Service a black eye with this sort of out of control behavior they should.

Hopefully, maybe they also get him in some sort of anger management counseling. He really might need it
Not really.
You just want him as humiliated as possible.

That doesn't speak well of you, btw.
Not at all...I just hope he deals with his anger. I don't want him to be humiliated. His behavior did a good job of that though
You can't even own your bullshit and bias?

No I really have no clue what you are talking about. I have only spoke about what I saw in the video that has been provided.
You know the totality of the circumstances is critical in determining the facts of the matter but you are extremely incurious about any of that...... you want him to fry based only on what you see, as though reality only begins and ends when the camera is running, and nothing else matters.

Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
you realize your first link, really pretty much makes it clear the charge is clearly warranted...and he'll likely be convicted.
That ain't the problem. Even if he isn't, his career is dead.
He will never get promoted again, and he won't be a Drill anymore either.
The Army never backs their people.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.

it is amazing how you keep telling us all these things this teenager was doing, but you don't have a damn thing to back none of it up.
you need to stop playing the blind person...dick-lick
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
you realize your first link, really pretty much makes it clear the charge is clearly warranted...and he'll likely be convicted.
That ain't the problem. Even if he isn't, his career is dead.
He will never get promoted again, and he won't be a Drill anymore either.
The Army never backs their people.
Well this certainly isn't the case to go to the batter box over.

Hopefully, the VA can still get him the anger management he needs
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
So, not a teenager, and a probable scammer then, it sounds like.

I just had a complaint filed on me by a guy doing similar shit.
Hope you didn't take matters into your own hands and assault the guy
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.

That is not his fucking job, bitch! I asked if he knew all of this before the fact. If he did, he should have called the police.
And that's the problem right there.

You don't so much disagree or disapprove of this guy being dealt with, (you think the cops aren't going to put hands on him, if they're called?) as you do of some individual taking some initiative and personal responsibility and doing it himself.

You are one of those guys (can't say "men") who hates and fears personal responsibility......... that's what your problem is.

Weak man, really weak......... work on that. Get yourself unfucked and do better.
The police have legal authority to put their hands on someone, when they are arresting them or detaining them....and individual citizen does not. They don't have police powers and a normal citizen doesn't.

One is assault and battery, the other isn't.
Not if that person has done nothing wrong. They can't arrest or even detain unless there is evidence of criminal activity, so no..... they have no legal authority to go hands on until then.

Now are you willing to admit there may have been some evidence of wrongdoing that we don't see on the video? Something that caused the confrontation in the first place?
Because if so, maybe the guy did have a good reason for being concerned then.
Or are you going to stick with your fantasy of white guys running out into the street to attack black people for daring to walk down it?

BTW, you need to read up on Sir Robert Peel sometime, maybe educate yourself on who and what the police are actually supposed to be.
well yes., obvously i was speaking about the officer at least have reasonable articulable suspicion.

I have no suggesting or said there might be something beyond the video to make the soldier so upset...but that still doesn't give him a right to assault the kid.

I never suggest the guy attacked him simply because he was black
Uh-huh...... sure.

what? I really have no clue what you are talking about now
I'm sure you don't.
I really don' just seem to be implying I said things I never did to try and unsuccessfully make your point and defend this guy's behavior

If all these people were at least as interested in finding out what actually went on as they are in just burning this guy's home, career, and reputation to the ground, then this guy wouldn't need defending.

You don't even know how much you don't know about all this do you?

Ignorant people like you cause a lot of trouble.
Sure he would...he would still be charged. I don't disagree that folks should be burning his home to the ground....

I know what the video clearly shows, and the charge fits the evidence in the video.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
you realize your first link, really pretty much makes it clear the charge is clearly warranted...and he'll likely be convicted.
That ain't the problem. Even if he isn't, his career is dead.
He will never get promoted again, and he won't be a Drill anymore either.
The Army never backs their people.
Well this certainly isn't the case to go to the batter box over.

Hopefully, the VA can still get him the anger management he needs
You realize that this shit will create racism where previously there was none...... you get that, right?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.
So, not a teenager, and a probable scammer then, it sounds like.

I just had a complaint filed on me by a guy doing similar shit.
Hope you didn't take matters into your own hands and assault the guy
He stepped towards me aggressively and raised his hand and I shoved him straight back about 4 feet. (Would have been farther but he was a fat fuck.)
He called the cops and tried to get me locked up, and the black cop rolled his eyes when I told him what happened, and guess what?
I didn't go to jail.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.

How was he a threat? Simply because he was black? Yu are a racist bastard, you know it?
Oh the race card when you don't like facts. Here let me spell it out to you.

1) Guy obviously has mental issues along with other issues
2) Secondly, he is a stranger in the neighborhood with no purpose in the area but is what standing around harassing. Do you understand what Stranger DANGER is?
3) He is a serial harasser---cops had been called on him 2 other times doing the same weird shit. Weird as in not NORMAL--something is certainly not right with the situation.
4) He is going after women and children--------------WARNING WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON
5) He a grown male is picking up other peoples KIDS..........since when do strange men get a right to start picking up random children? What type of moron doesn't understand there is danger?.

You'd have to be really really stupid to not realize that this freak guy is not a threat to ones family and neighbors or to not realize that he is up to no good.

The Soldier didn't hurt this freak btw---he simply try swatting him away without really hurting him........

Did the asshole doing the harassment know all of this beforehand? If so, why didn't he just call the cops?

Your racist excuses do not fly. STFU and go find a black person to pick on. That will make your day and hopefully get your ass whipped.
Geebus, you don't learn.....

A clear sign of insanity is to do something over and over again and expecting a different result...

I just posted that the cops were called on him atleast 2 times before and yet was back for a third time.

The soldier did as he was trained and as nature intended----he tried running off the threat to the kids and women.

That is not his fucking job, bitch! I asked if he knew all of this before the fact. If he did, he should have called the police.
And that's the problem right there.

You don't so much disagree or disapprove of this guy being dealt with, (you think the cops aren't going to put hands on him, if they're called?) as you do of some individual taking some initiative and personal responsibility and doing it himself.

You are one of those guys (can't say "men") who hates and fears personal responsibility......... that's what your problem is.

Weak man, really weak......... work on that. Get yourself unfucked and do better.
The police have legal authority to put their hands on someone, when they are arresting them or detaining them....and individual citizen does not. They don't have police powers and a normal citizen doesn't.

One is assault and battery, the other isn't.
Not if that person has done nothing wrong. They can't arrest or even detain unless there is evidence of criminal activity, so no..... they have no legal authority to go hands on until then.

Now are you willing to admit there may have been some evidence of wrongdoing that we don't see on the video? Something that caused the confrontation in the first place?
Because if so, maybe the guy did have a good reason for being concerned then.
Or are you going to stick with your fantasy of white guys running out into the street to attack black people for daring to walk down it?

BTW, you need to read up on Sir Robert Peel sometime, maybe educate yourself on who and what the police are actually supposed to be.
well yes., obvously i was speaking about the officer at least have reasonable articulable suspicion.

I have no suggesting or said there might be something beyond the video to make the soldier so upset...but that still doesn't give him a right to assault the kid.

I never suggest the guy attacked him simply because he was black
Uh-huh...... sure.

what? I really have no clue what you are talking about now
I'm sure you don't.
I really don' just seem to be implying I said things I never did to try and unsuccessfully make your point and defend this guy's behavior

If all these people were at least as interested in finding out what actually went on as they are in just burning this guy's home, career, and reputation to the ground, then this guy wouldn't need defending.

You don't even know how much you don't know about all this do you?

Ignorant people like you cause a lot of trouble.
Sure he would...he would still be charged. I don't disagree that folks should be burning his home to the ground....

I know what the video clearly shows, and the charge fits the evidence in the video.
You "don't disagree"???
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there.

Why not, he wasn't on private property.

Besides, we don't know what he was up to.

Exactly, so you AssUMe he was doing something criminal.

It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.

It sounds like you are a racist idiot and dude wouldn't have rolled up on a brutha that was the same size that he was.

Stay outta my neighborhood if you have no legitimate business here.
Thanks, ahead of time.

If I am on a public street I will come into your neighborhood and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

you are correct.... the man has a right to be on a public street. It is in his rights. What happens if he starts threatening people or infringing on other peoples’ rights?

If a frog had a glass ass would it break when he jumps. If, if, if.

We live in an era where “if you see something, say something”. For the record, I think the assaulter (white guy) overstepped his bounds and should be accountable for physically assaulting the the man (black guy). I also think the victim (black guy) was not just walking through the neighborhood admiring the landscape.

So what was he doing?

why did he say he lived there? If see ANYONE, any shade, color, creed or religion wandering in the vicinity, standing, acting strange, then unclear about where he lives ( he could not say where he lived other than in the neighborhood and was hesitant about which direction), he s doing more than walking though a neighborhood. I was walking through a Black neighborhood in Baltimore one time to a destination. Got stopped by neighbors and was told to “get the fuck out” before something would happen to me by one of them.

OMG you cats have more bullshit stories about your encounters in a black neighborhood. I never go out confronting folks walking or driving down the street, if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out because that it is what we pay taxes for them to do.
thanx 4 telling the world you are a racist. "if they look fishy I call the cops to check them out"
get a life, hopefully someone will call the cops on you because you look "fishy"...let us know how that works out...bang, bang

it’s not that he is necessarily a racist but more of a a full-of-shit hypocrite with double standards. Had the white man in the video simply called the cops, he would still be branded a racist because of the optics of a white man being suspicious about a man - who happens to be Black-acting “fishy”.

What was the young man doing that would warrant you calling the cops?

Acting “funny”.

Acting funny? You mean like ha, ha funny or gay funny. What is acting funny?
fishy....why dont you explain that...we will be waiting

You explain it too me Shithead, what s acting FUNNY?
no answer, because your master hasnt told you how to answer....i figured as much...just call the shit stain out and it ---deflects

Deflected to what ass clown? The kid wasn't doing anything wrong, this is America you are allowed to walk down ANY public street that you like, you racist dick heads claim he was doing something wrong or acting funny tell us what that is or STFU.
he was acting "fishy", you fucking racist dick head
That still doesn't excuse the guy's assault.

What was he doing that was acting fishy, these racist Jack asses can't seem to answer the question.
True they can't. I personally have no problem with someone in the neighborhood that sees a strange asking them what they are doing etc...but the white guy was clearly out of control, and then he assaulted the kid...completely out of line.

The young man seem to keep his cool very well in the face of such hostility from the mob around him
You're easily played, aren't you?
Not sure what you are talking about or referring to
I know you're not.

This morning there were more details about what Deandre had been doing including grabbing a child and picking him/her up---they have been disappearing over the last few hours. He has been doing bizarre things like staring at people...getting on peoples lawns just stand there trying to creep them out. They are now even concealing his last name hiding his idenity now...although I was sure that I read his last name earlier. He is an adult---not the wee wittle woy that some are trying to protray. Apparently, he was been antagonizing and creeping out the neighborhood followed by the girls despite them claiming not to know him for quit some time. They race baiters playing games.

it is amazing how you keep telling us all these things this teenager was doing, but you don't have a damn thing to back none of it up.
you need to stop playing the blind person...dick-lick

You need to stop playing the idiot...........wait you aren't playing.
what "tiger"? Only corrupt cops would be angry. Not all cops are corrupt. The majority of cops serve honorably. Look at Officer EUGENE GOODMAN, defending Congress.
Only honest cops should be angry at obama and Black Lies Matter falsely accusing them of systemic racism

which means 99% of the police in America should be pissed
Honest cops would want the thugs in their midst to be thrown out of the force. Barack Obama has not been in office for years. I remind you that we are just coming off of four years of donald trump.

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