BLM Lies INTENTIONALLY to Create DIVISION in our society, Hear it From a Civil Rights Expert


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Rittenhouse case is only the latest case oof BLM lying about a self defense case so that they can create a divisive narrative and divide people against each other on the basis of race.

The civil rights lawer is the real deal and has a number of personal insights to the Wisconsin politics and legal situation that exists there.

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More white psychosis.

Tell me, exactly when were these years that the United States was unified.
Robert Barnes is a right wing wacko.
They have admitted they're trained Marxists. This is what Marxists do. They hate our government and way of life. They prefer Venezuela. They can take a hike and take LeBron with them. MAGA
What is a 'trained Marxist'?

I am thinking that the top leadership in BLM have had training by hostile foreign powers on how to do insurrections.
They have admitted they're trained Marxists. This is what Marxists do. They hate our government and way of life. They prefer Venezuela. They can take a hike and take LeBron with them. MAGA
What is a 'trained Marxist'?

I am thinking that the top leadership in BLM have had training by hostile foreign powers on how to do insurrections.
Yeah, I think it's like that. When a verdict comes in in Louisville, and 4-6-8 other cities riot, you know it has little to do with systemic racism, police brutality or Brianna Taylor. This is another step in the Democrats trying to overthrow our countries government. Viva Trump, vote straight Republican if you don't want communism. MAGA

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