BLM idiocy/Another 17 year old Father killed


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..this tells A LOT about the blacks and BLM idiocy
..17 year old FATHER murdered
..17 too young to be a the kid doesn't have a culture of self destruction goes on and on
blacks murdering blacks
..there are a ton of stories like this --JUST THIS MORNING!!! many murders of blacks by blacks
..and blacks say reforming the police will help????!!! = idiocy

it's a death zone here for BLACKS, in one of the most dangerous cities--but the blacks think reforming the police will make it safer!!!!!!!! this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard
Excessive force will not make St. Louis safer. Changing the culture of policing and restoring the trust of the community with local law enforcement will.

many blacks shot--by blacks NOT cops! DUH
..this tells A LOT about the blacks and BLM idiocy
..17 year old FATHER murdered
..17 too young to be a the kid doesn't have a culture of self destruction goes on and on
blacks murdering blacks
..there are a ton of stories like this --JUST THIS MORNING!!! many murders of blacks by blacks
..and blacks say reforming the police will help????!!! = idiocy

it's a death zone here for BLACKS, in one of the most dangerous cities--but the blacks think reforming the police will make it safer!!!!!!!! this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard
Excessive force will not make St. Louis safer. Changing the culture of policing and restoring the trust of the community with local law enforcement will.

many blacks shot--by blacks NOT cops! DUH
Cops have failed on the issue of trust and will not regain it unless they reorganize and drop the militaristic attitude.
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
..this tells A LOT about the blacks and BLM idiocy
..17 year old FATHER murdered
..17 too young to be a the kid doesn't have a culture of self destruction goes on and on
blacks murdering blacks
..there are a ton of stories like this --JUST THIS MORNING!!! many murders of blacks by blacks
..and blacks say reforming the police will help????!!! = idiocy

it's a death zone here for BLACKS, in one of the most dangerous cities--but the blacks think reforming the police will make it safer!!!!!!!! this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard
Excessive force will not make St. Louis safer. Changing the culture of policing and restoring the trust of the community with local law enforcement will.

many blacks shot--by blacks NOT cops! DUH
Cops have failed on the issue of trust and will not regain it unless they reorganize and drop the militaristic attitude.
we've been over this are babbling..either state some facts or stop babbling
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Burn Loot Murder
Cops have failed on the issue of trust and will not regain it unless they reorganize and drop the militaristic attitude
BLACKS have failed on the issue of trust and will not regain it unless they reorganize and drop the homicidal attitude
...they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
...they MURDER at many times the rate of cops
..they commit crimes at higher rates
you have nothing to back up what you say
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
so blacks murder over 3000 blacks per year...cops unjustifiably kill may 3 blacks per year---and BLM is not for stopping blacks' murders???
IDIOCY----and you can't refute it's idiocy
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Google is yer friend but you can't take two minutes to look at their web page because you don't want to...Again for the millionth time. BLM states their mission is to stop the killing of black people by the state ie: cops. and to stop discrimination. But don't take my word for it since you won't.
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
so blacks murder over 3000 blacks per year...cops unjustifiably kill may 3 blacks per year---and BLM is not for stopping blacks' murders???
IDIOCY----and you can't refute it's idiocy
How many blacks have pledged to serve and protect the community with God in trust that are not on a police force?
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Google is yer friend but you can't take two minutes to look at their web page because you don't want to...Again for the millionth time. BLM states their mission is to stop the killing of black people by the state ie: cops. and to stop discrimination. But don't take my word for it since you won't.
but killing of blacks by cops is RARE
killing of blacks by blacks is NOT rare
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Google is yer friend but you can't take two minutes to look at their web page because you don't want to...Again for the millionth time. BLM states their mission is to stop the killing of black people by the state ie: cops. and to stop discrimination. But don't take my word for it since you won't.
but killing of blacks by cops is RARE
killing of blacks by blacks is NOT rare
if you don't see the idiocy of that, you are racist/dumb/both
Cops have failed on the issue of trust and will not regain it unless they reorganize and drop the militaristic attitude
BLACKS have failed on the issue of trust and will not regain it unless they reorganize and drop the homicidal attitude
...they murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
...they MURDER at many times the rate of cops
..they commit crimes at higher rates
you have nothing to back up what you say
We were never told to trust blacks like the propaganda for cops.
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Google is yer friend but you can't take two minutes to look at their web page because you don't want to...Again for the millionth time. BLM states their mission is to stop the killing of black people by the state ie: cops. and to stop discrimination. But don't take my word for it since you won't.
but killing of blacks by cops is RARE
killing of blacks by blacks is NOT rare
They may be so but you don't get to tell any organization how it's charter is expressed.
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Google is yer friend but you can't take two minutes to look at their web page because you don't want to...Again for the millionth time. BLM states their mission is to stop the killing of black people by the state ie: cops. and to stop discrimination. But don't take my word for it since you won't.
but killing of blacks by cops is RARE
killing of blacks by blacks is NOT rare
if you don't see the idiocy of that, you are racist/dumb/both
Calling yourself racist will not change how an organization functions.
BLM is not an organization to end black on black crime or capital crimes. You people know this yet claim it is and it only makes you look dumb and dumber when you do it. So far on this planet there is no shortages of humans murdering humans no matter what color they be.
PLEASE tell us what BLM is for!!!!!!!!!!!I've asked many times and no answer!!
what is BLM for!!!!!??
Google is yer friend but you can't take two minutes to look at their web page because you don't want to...Again for the millionth time. BLM states their mission is to stop the killing of black people by the state ie: cops. and to stop discrimination. But don't take my word for it since you won't.
but killing of blacks by cops is RARE
killing of blacks by blacks is NOT rare
They may be so but you don't get to tell any organization how it's charter is expressed.
blacks will continue to graduate at lower levels and commit crime at higher levels
..there is not a problem of racism or police brutality

= blacks will continue to live in a self destructive culture---AND BLM is enabling it--not helping

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