Blaming Donald Trump!


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
Whenever a Democrat catches the flu, they will blame Trump. If Elizabeth Warren stubs her toe, they blame Trump. If Pete Buttigieg misses his PLAY time with his baby, he blames Trump, When Liz Cheney lost her election, she blames Trump.. When Nancy Pelosi tore up the State of the Union speech, because she was drunk or brain damaged, she blamed Donald Trump. If Biden throws Cash around like it's Confetti on a Cinco de Mayo celebration, and the Country go into Bankruptcy, it's Trump's Fault!
How did anyone expect Trump to get ANYTHING accomplished if he had to defend himself from all that Nonsense?
It's a sick, mad world.

It's like the Toronto police blaming me for ratting out the brother of a cop, a molesting teacher.

We are living in sick times when people defend the indefensible as long as it is "my side".
Politics has always been a mixture of the blame game and taking credit if things go good. IF you don't believe that then look at all the things the right is focus on with Biden. The Big guy has came to life in the hearts and mind of republicans. This is the nature of politics. Make your guy look good and the other guy look bad.
In democratic circles, the lack of personal responsibility is taught from cradle to grave.

It was a Dem that said this then....I Don’t Take Responsibility at All
It was a Dem that said this then....I Don’t Take Responsibility at All
Joey Xiden...""Do I take any blame for inflation? No," Biden said. "It was already here when I got here, man." - LYING POS

Joey Xiden...""Do I take any blame for inflation? No," Biden said. "It was already here when I got here, man." - LYING POS

Thanks for confirming there is little difference between Trump and Biden.
Just record spending, which always leads to inflation eventually.
Actually Xiden spent more in his first two years in office, then Trump did in his last two...and Trump was dealing with a global pandemic

and when Trump took office, he was coming after the President that had record spending, Trump was able to avoid record inflation unlike Xiden
If only he had not been POTUS during COVID those ads might have a point
Fewer people were dying from covid under Trump and the economy was coming back... after Biden stole the election many more died and the economy tanked... but Biden voters are stupid people... did you here that for the first time IQ is going down in America?.... it sure shows....
Whenever a Democrat catches the flu, they will blame Trump. If Elizabeth Warren stubs her toe, they blame Trump. If Pete Buttigieg misses his PLAY time with his baby, he blames Trump, When Liz Cheney lost her election, she blames Trump.. When Nancy Pelosi tore up the State of the Union speech, because she was drunk or brain damaged, she blamed Donald Trump. If Biden throws Cash around like it's Confetti on a Cinco de Mayo celebration, and the Country go into Bankruptcy, it's Trump's Fault!
How did anyone expect Trump to get ANYTHING accomplished if he had to defend himself from all that Nonsense?
The worst enemies this country has are the liberal media and Democrats.

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