Blame game or possible solutions?

once the decision is made to sell short

Ah, but you've conveniently fast forwarded to a point of no return. Before the point of said decision, the homeowner has the power and if he's willing and able to exploit the courts, he can drag things out indefinately.

I don't work for a bank.

Mortgage broker? Talk about who's really responsible for the meltdown!

You continue to offer no substantive retort. It is now abundanly clear that you are incapable.
Stall tactics don't make the seller a market participant. If a buyer is too unseasoned to get messed up in such a transaction, it's his own damn fault.

The seller's only rolo is to try and avoid a promissory note to the lender for the shortfall.

My details are not important, except to the extent to say you are portraying the transaction as something vastly different from what it is.
So tell me, when you take posession of those short sales, do you get a warm feeling when you see some personal effects left behind by the occupants? A kid's room painted with special colors or the child's name? The kids names or handprints etched in a sidewalk? Some books or CDs the occcupants enjoyed at one time but could not take with them. Swingsets? Homework or art on the walls? You were a teacher, right?

Does that make you feel like a good liberal? A redistributionist who walks the walk?
Stall tactics don't make the seller a market participant. If a buyer is too unseasoned to get messed up in such a transaction, it's his own damn fault.

The seller's only rolo is to try and avoid a promissory note to the lender for the shortfall.

My details are not important, except to the extent to say you are portraying the transaction as something vastly different from what it is.

Revere, please go start your own thread and post there. What might have been an interesting topic and informative has again devolved into RW bloviation.
I know you're a liar and suspect you know nothing or very little about everything.
I don't care what you believe, and when you post what you do believe I immediately suspect it to be untrue.
Stall tactics don't make the seller a market participant. If a buyer is too unseasoned to get messed up in such a transaction, it's his own damn fault.

The seller's only rolo is to try and avoid a promissory note to the lender for the shortfall.

My details are not important, except to the extent to say you are portraying the transaction as something vastly different from what it is.

Revere, please go start your own thread and post there. What might have been an interesting topic and informative has again devolved into RW bloviation.
I know you're a liar and suspect you know nothing or very little about everything.
I don't care what you believe, and when you post what you do believe I immediately suspect it to be untrue.

Go to hell.

LiberalNut is telling me he's an avowed redistributionist who happens to be on the receiving end of short sales being redistributed to him, and I'm calling him out on it.

And you're sucking taxpayers dry on your obsecene California public employees pension.

Do you people think you're off limits on a political message board when you reveal this crap?

Shit on yourself.
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There are three problems with the proposed solutions in this thread:

The banks have no flexibility. The securitizers are being sued for fraud by the MBS bondholders, those bankers who took over originators are also being sued for originations as well and the result is that banking is dying.

The states are short of revenues and they are looking for ways to pile on in foreclosuregate. The state and local fines that are going to be imposed have not yet gelled but the trial balloons being floated sound more like the KGB than the SS i. e. kill the victims slowly and profitably. This is going to be interesting because ways of extracting money from the lenders appear to be limited by how badly the property tax base can be injured by fines on non-resident unoccupied home, bad foreclosure submissions, fines designed to keep track of payments due & paid/late/unpaid and other revenue "enhancers" will depress real estate values. Like I said this will be interesting to watch.

At current population growth rates it will take 30-40 years to grow into the current housing stock by which time 80-90% of it will be torn down and replaced.

This problem will not be solved.
Redistribute your own wealth.... and leave mine to me.

Ummm, that's exactly what I'm advocating. I'm advocating that rich folks like me have their wealth redistributed to middle class folks like yourself. Unless you have a net worth over 3.5 million, which i doubt you do, you would benefit from what I'm advocating.

Fucking whiny assed liberals always

OOOoooo, what intellectual rigor you bring to bear! Not.

If you are a rich man.

Wouldn't a great way to redistribute your wealth be giving out raises to the people that work for you?

Wouldn't you make yourself much more competative by paying the best and therefore attract the best?

B/c as you must know, if the fed taxes a dollar from you, far less reaches the person it is intended for.
when you take posession of those short sales

revere, they're multi-families. One of my criteria for buying is that they are not owner occupied. Another is that they are fully rented. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Wry, now that I have this drone's number, I won't let him ruin any more of your threads. Sorry I let it happen this time.
Redistribute your own wealth.... and leave mine to me.

Ummm, that's exactly what I'm advocating. I'm advocating that rich folks like me have their wealth redistributed to middle class folks like yourself. Unless you have a net worth over 3.5 million, which i doubt you do, you would benefit from what I'm advocating.

Fucking whiny assed liberals always

OOOoooo, what intellectual rigor you bring to bear! Not.

If you are a rich man.

Wouldn't a great way to redistribute your wealth be giving out raises to the people that work for you?

Wouldn't you make yourself much more competative by paying the best and therefore attract the best?

B/c as you must know, if the fed taxes a dollar from you, far less reaches the person it is intended for.

I have no problem with people buying short sales.

But when a lefty does it and bloviates about redistribution, they reveal themselves.
Redistibution caused the housing bubble and meltdown, and now this POS is mopping on it.

doesn't sound like he's screwing anyone over. I does look shady, and comes across as possibly taking advantage of families in dire straights.

It's not illegal to make tons of money off keeping hard up people in homes.

Libnut, would you respond to my earlier post please. I am interested on your take.
Redistibution caused the housing bubble and meltdown, and now this POS is mopping on it.

doesn't sound like he's screwing anyone over. I does look shady, and comes across as possibly taking advantage of families in dire straights.

It's not illegal to make tons of money off keeping hard up people in homes.

Libnut, would you respond to my earlier post please. I am interested on your take.

It's not shady, but it's disingenuous for someone who says he believes in redistribution, since redistribution caused it.
Nobody can be that choosy.

And yet my real estate portfolio is what it is. Double bullshit on you.

And a seller would not stall to hang on to property he doesn't even live in.

You have no idea what you are talking about. If you can hang on to a 3-family for 3-4 months without paying the bank, that's 3-4 months of gross rent in your pocket baby. Around here that would be $7200-$9600.
Wouldn't a great way to redistribute your wealth be giving out raises to the people that work for you?

Nobody works for me. I am my own universe baby!
Stall tactics don't make the seller a market participant. If a buyer is too unseasoned to get messed up in such a transaction, it's his own damn fault.

The seller's only rolo is to try and avoid a promissory note to the lender for the shortfall.

My details are not important, except to the extent to say you are portraying the transaction as something vastly different from what it is.

Revere, please go start your own thread and post there. What might have been an interesting topic and informative has again devolved into RW bloviation.
I know you're a liar and suspect you know nothing or very little about everything.
I don't care what you believe, and when you post what you do believe I immediately suspect it to be untrue.

Go to hell.

LiberalNut is telling me he's an avowed redistributionist who happens to be on the receiving end of short sales being redistributed to him, and I'm calling him out on it.

And you're sucking taxpayers dry on your obsecene California public employees pension.

Do you people think you're off limits on a political message board when you reveal this crap?

Shit on yourself.

You're tiresome. Stupid, obnoxious and green with envy. Yep, I played by the rules and I retired in my middle 50's, comfortably. Very comfortably, and have ALL my medical for less than $300 per month. $10 co-pay and $10 for each Rx.
To bad you're a dumb fuck, unable to pass a civil service test; too weak and physically wimpy to pass the physical training, and to chicken shit to face down bad guys. Hey, asshole, who ya gonna call when a prowler enters your trailer - Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich?
Oh I know, you'll exercise your second amendment rights and likely kill your neighbor or shoot your own stupid foot off.
Two guys who got fat on the public's payroll and pensions wagging their finger about sustainable capitalism.

My, my.

"Sustainable capitalism"? What's that, an economic system wherein the policy is to reduce the wages and benefits of the many to increase the wealth of the few?
How long do you thin...err...believe that will last without regulations?
You really are Macro-stupid Revere.
The market will produce low wages without government regulation, and employment at or below the minimum wage will not create a robust economy.
The only way to restore our economy is for the greedy to come to the realization that unless there exists a vibrant middle class, we are on are way to third world status.
Two guys who got fat on the public's payroll and pensions

When was I sucking off the public dime Revere? When I was high priced muscle for American and British oil companies, slogging it out in the desert or when I was teaching disabled children how to read, write and do mathematics? Hmmm?

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