Blacks more likely to be targeted by stop and frisk by police....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

And Brits are still eight to twelve times safer from gun violence than Americans.
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

I live in a black community ridden with crime and the victims, all black, the assaulents all black. Yes, whites, yellow, purple, etc committ crimes, but until you live among the carnage, your opinions don't mean shit to me. Nigga's are crazy and I dread the fuckin summer. Anybody feeling safe living around a bunch a nigga's, more props to you, I don't!! That's why I'm a proud gun owner!!!!!!
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

I live in a black community ridden with crime and the victims, all black, the assaulents all black. Yes, whites, yellow, purple, etc committ crimes, but until you live among the carnage, your opinions don't mean shit to me. Nigga's are crazy and I dread the fuckin summer. Anybody feeling safe living around a bunch a nigga's, more props to you, I don't!! That's why I'm a proud gun owner!!!!!!

You didn't read the article...did you? You didn't even read the post...did you?
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

I live in a black community ridden with crime and the victims, all black, the assaulents all black. Yes, whites, yellow, purple, etc committ crimes, but until you live among the carnage, your opinions don't mean shit to me. Nigga's are crazy and I dread the fuckin summer. Anybody feeling safe living around a bunch a nigga's, more props to you, I don't!! That's why I'm a proud gun owner!!!!!!

You didn't read the article...did you? You didn't even read the post...did you?
Don't give a damn about the article, just wanted to state my opinion.....something I believe I'm entitle to, eh?
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

I live in a black community ridden with crime and the victims, all black, the assaulents all black. Yes, whites, yellow, purple, etc committ crimes, but until you live among the carnage, your opinions don't mean shit to me. Nigga's are crazy and I dread the fuckin summer. Anybody feeling safe living around a bunch a nigga's, more props to you, I don't!! That's why I'm a proud gun owner!!!!!!

You didn't read the article...did you? You didn't even read the post...did you?
Don't give a damn about the article, just wanted to state my opinion.....something I believe I'm entitle to, eh?

No one said different......
And Brits are still eight to twelve times safer from gun violence than Americans.

Gun crime in London is up 42%....


The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

The horde is coming...and the British are unarmed....

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.
The Met Police's figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offences from 2015 until 2016.
Knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074 recorded offences from 2016 to 2017.

Gun and knife crime soaring in London, official figures show

More worryingly, there was also a rise in the number of guns being fired on London’s streets, up from 239 cases in 2015/16 to 306 cases in the last financial year.

There was also a 20 per cent increase in the rate of knife attacks involving injuries to victims, up from 3,663 to 4,415 in 2016/17.


“We are concerned about the rise of gun crime and rise of knife crime offences committed by young people and the changing nature of the offenders. “

He said there was evidence that more young people are carrying knives for a variety of reasons including status, criminality and self-protection but said only around a quarter are affiliated with gangs.

He said police were focusing on reducing stabbings by taking weapons and dangerous offenders off the streets and trying to prevent and divert people from crime.

“With double-digit growth in gun and knife crime - and a youth homicide almost every fortnight - the crime challenge for London is real and serious and has serious impacts for London’s most disadvantaged communities.”
He added: “With 600 victims of serious youth violence each month, the Met needs a new plan to tackle the violence on our capital’s streets if they are to help impoverished communities.

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

Thank you for proving that GB is far more gun safe than America.

No.....I just showed you that Britain is about to experience an increase in murder..both gun and knife....but for this discussion, there was a 42% increase in gun crime in london......that means criminals are using guns MORE, not less.......they did not use them for murder....but with the number of knife murders, gun murder is going to be increasing.....

People used to say that if you got rid of guns then there would be less murder, since stabbing someone with a knife was more personal...they wouldn't do it as much....but in Britain....6 year olds are now carrying knives to school, because they feel unsafe, and they are having people murdered with knives all over the the criminals import more the police stand down due to lack of resources and social justice warriors calling them out........gun murder is going to be a horrible in Britain....
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

I live in a black community ridden with crime and the victims, all black, the assaulents all black. Yes, whites, yellow, purple, etc committ crimes, but until you live among the carnage, your opinions don't mean shit to me. Nigga's are crazy and I dread the fuckin summer. Anybody feeling safe living around a bunch a nigga's, more props to you, I don't!! That's why I'm a proud gun owner!!!!!!

Why not move?
As larry correia pointed out.....Britain exchanged the rare mass shooting for daily violent crime rates that are the worst in Europe....

They had 3 mass shootings before they banned 1978 one in 1986, one in 1996.....and they had one in 2010...that would be 3 before the ban and one so far after the exchange for doing nothing for their mass shooting rate....their citizens now suffer violent rapes and robberies at levels we don't see here in the states........

They averaged one spree shooting each decade....and so far that didn't change.....

The gun ban didn't stop their gun didn't stop their spree shootings......

Guns are not the issue in Britain or America...

List of major crimes in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
And here we have it....more racism.....the police are more likely to stop blacks for stop and frisk as the level of violent crime sky Britain...

The front-line battle against violent crime

For most of us, they are the law enforcers you don't even know exist.

But for those involved in violent criminality, it will be the Metropolitan Police's elite gang units who confront them head on.

I was given the eye-opening experience of spending three nights with a team of officers on the front line of the battle to rid our nation's capital of its unenviable record of violent crime.

During the time of filming, there was an average of one knife murder every other day in London.


Because of the nature of their job, this specialist team are a little more "robust" than your average bobby on the beat. Every suspect they stop potentially carries a weapon.


But then again, who can blame him? Black people are four times more likely to face a stop and search, according to a police watchdog.

That's as it should be. Blacks lack self control and intelligence -- basic requirements of civilized Man
Stop and Frisk by Britain.....may be more racist than first posted......

Stop and search won’t help to beat knife crime, Met chief is told

Wooley, also the director and one of the founders of Operation Black Vote, said the legacy of stop and search meant tackling the current rise in knife crime was more problematic than it might have been.

The prevailing sentiment among many young black males in London was, he said, that they felt targeted by the police force and therefore did not trust the Met. Last year the official police watchdog said stops of black people remained at an “eye-watering” level compared with stops of white people.

Omar Khan, director of the Runnymede Trust, a racial equality thinktank, said: “Being able to respond to knife crime will definitely be a challenge because communities won’t trust the police. We’ve met young men who’ve been stopped 15 times but never had a conviction.”

Figures published in 2015 found that black people were up to 17.5 times more likely than white people to be stopped and searched by police in certain areas of the UK – statistics that experts said suggested racial profiling.

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