Yale and New Haven leaders say flyers sent to students by police union are 'appalling' and 'selfish'


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

.......telling Yale students to stay off the streets after 8 p.m., not to walk alone, avoid public transportation, remain on campus, and protect their property.

In the surrounding city of New Haven, overall violent crime is down, however, homicides have doubled this year. At this time last year, there were seven homicides. Now, there are 14. However, the number of non-fatal shootings has decreased. This time last year, there were 71 non-fatal shootings, whereas so far this year, there have been 41 non-fatal shootings.
Meh....Seems to be sound advice.....The bottom line is New Haven is a shit hole and the area around Yale is very dangerous and has been for some time.

The problem is, colleges and universities can't just pick up and move. They build in nice areas, then 75 years later that area is a ghetto, but the college is permanently stuck there. There are MANY colleges and universities in this situation.....Not any cheaper though.
How come I didn't see "Avoid the groid" in that warning?

That could have saved countless lives!
There are MANY colleges and universities in this situation.....Not any cheaper though.
There defintely are. Often times those with deep pockets buy up homes in surrounding neighborhoods to get rid of the riff raff and turn them into student rentals.

Sometimes the older universities, like Yale (2nd oldest in the country, behind Rutgers, another university surrounded by ghetto) have to work outwards to get a buffer zone, not sure if that is happening there or not. Sometimes the entire town is a shithole (Baton Rouge) and the only safe zone is on campus.
Since most criminal behavior occurs after dark, I can see why the police union is advising students to not be out and about after 8pm. That said, it can only be a recommendation, not a legal order, unless a governor declares a state of emergency or martial law is declared and the National Guard is called in to enforce a mandated curfew.
The significant rise in crime is a result of the populace voting in "soft-on-crime" District Attorneys whose election bid was funded by George Soros and his son and Democrat politicians that support the soft-on-crime and no cash bails, even letting violent offenders walk off to continually repeat their creating of victims.
Hey, at least the cops are being honest that they are not doing their jobs and it isn't safe out there and don't expect them to be coming to your aid!
I wonder if they recommended that all of the students carry around little baggies of salt? :lol:

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