blacks making demands in california


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

  • Repeal or amend Proposition 209, a measure approved by California voters that banned affirmative action in 1996.
  • Analyze laws, policies and ordinances from the local to the state level for racial impact prior to passage and after implementation.
  • Amend the California Constitution to prohibit involuntary servitude.
  • Pay fair market value for jail and prison labor.
  • Abolish the death penalty.
  • Fund community wellness centers in African American communities.
  • Strengthen the Bane Act by eliminating the requirement that a victim of police violence show that the officer “specifically intended” to commit misconduct.
  • Declare election day a paid state holiday.
  • Restore voting rights to all formerly and currently incarcerated people.
  • Implement rent caps for historically redlined ZIP Codes.
  • Increase grants and financial assistance to improve homeownership rates among African Americans, including subsidized down payments and mortgage payments to those who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods
  • Allow descendants who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods to transfer the assessed value of their primary home to a newly purchased or constructed primary residence.
  • Provide free college tuition for all California residents eligible for monetary reparations.
  • Build more parks in African American communities.
  • Identify and remove Confederate monuments, markers and memorials.
  • Create a guaranteed income program for descendants of an enslaved person.
  • Automatically increase minimum wage on a regular basis to adjust for increases to the cost of living, including inflation.
  • Provide interest-free loans to owners of small businesses in African American commercial areas.
  • End the cash bail system.
  • Repeal the “three strikes” law.
  • Adopt universal single-payer healthcare coverage and a healthcare cost control system.
  • Increase Medi-Cal reimbursement rates to match reimbursement rates of private insurance.
black supremacy at its best. do you really want criminals voting? it will never be enough for blacks will it? there still erasing history and bunch of other shit.
like this stuff won't even happen .there still trying erase history I see.
Dont worry, this is a great investment. Once they give this money to black people in California, it will all be smoothing sailing from then on. The wrongs of the past will be righted and then the healing can begin. I expect to see murder rates drop by 90% in the first year alone. Car jackings wont exist anymore, no more home invasions or gang shootings. The streets will be clean and the kids wont drop out of high school anymore. All families will be 2 parent households, rainbows will be plentiful and even the birds will chirp more cheerfully.
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Dont worry, this is a great investment. Once they give this money to black people in California, it will all be smoothing sailing from then on. The wrongs of the past will be righted and then the healing can begin. I expect to see murder rates drop by 90% in the first year alone. Car jackings wont exist anymore, no more home invasions or gang shootings. The streets will be clean and the kids wont drop out of high school anymore. All families will be 2 parent households, rainbows will be plentiful and even the birds will chirp more cheerfully.
bull shit. it will never happen. those greedy black can go back to africa first.
like this stuff won't even happen .there still trying erase history I see.

Don't be too sure on the stupidity of California.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s they reigned in taxes as they were our of control and the state was spending as fast as they got money in. That worked for a few years, as the state needed either 2/3 of the legislature to agree to a tax hike, as well as 2/3 voter approval. That is why for decades it became "The land of the Fee". The actual "cost" of a vehicle registration was still $35, as that was considered to be a tax and therefore could not be changed. But nobody walked out without paying around $350 or more per year in "fees".

Then in 2017 they added yet another tax on gasoline, that came into immediate question. It got pushed to a ballot initiative along with one other.

Proposition 6 would have overturned that tax, and because of wording and misleading the electorate, that failed to pass even though the majority of the population were against the new gas tax.

And at the same time, there was Proposition 69, which would specifically exclude any fees added to gasoline as "taxes", and allow the government to raise them at will. Once again because of wording and misleads information that one passed.

Since 2019, the gas tax in California has increased every year. The 12 cent per gallon tax that set it all off still stands. And multiple more so now it is the most expensive gas tax in the nation. Resulting in a state that is a major gasoline exporter, yet the gas there is more expensive than in the states it is exported to. I remember for years before we drove to Oregon we filled up before we left the state, as Oregon had some of the most expensive gas in the nation due to having no self service gasoline. Now, one fills up in Oregon before entering California.

And you now also have the Governor creating a special panel to try and determine why gas prices are so expensive in California, and to try and find a way to suck money out of the gas companies for "gouging". Well gee, combine the insane taxes along with a special blend of gasoline that is mandated in California that no other state uses, is no wonder it all adds up to insane gas prices. It is the most expensive in the nation, second only to Hawaii which has to import 100% of its gasoline.
Don't be too sure on the stupidity of California.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s they reigned in taxes as they were our of control and the state was spending as fast as they got money in. That worked for a few years, as the state needed either 2/3 of the legislature to agree to a tax hike, as well as 2/3 voter approval. That is why for decades it became "The land of the Fee". The actual "cost" of a vehicle registration was still $35, as that was considered to be a tax and therefore could not be changed. But nobody walked out without paying around $350 or more per year in "fees".

Then in 2017 they added yet another tax on gasoline, that came into immediate question. It got pushed to a ballot initiative along with one other.

Proposition 6 would have overturned that tax, and because of wording and misleading the electorate, that failed to pass even though the majority of the population were against the new gas tax.

And at the same time, there was Proposition 69, which would specifically exclude any fees added to gasoline as "taxes", and allow the government to raise them at will. Once again because of wording and misleads information that one passed.

Since 2019, the gas tax in California has increased every year. The 12 cent per gallon tax that set it all off still stands. And multiple more so now it is the most expensive gas tax in the nation. Resulting in a state that is a major gasoline exporter, yet the gas there is more expensive than in the states it is exported to. I remember for years before we drove to Oregon we filled up before we left the state, as Oregon had some of the most expensive gas in the nation due to having no self service gasoline. Now, one fills up in Oregon before entering California.

And you now also have the Governor creating a special panel to try and determine why gas prices are so expensive in California, and to try and find a way to suck money out of the gas companies for "gouging". Well gee, combine the insane taxes along with a special blend of gasoline that is mandated in California that no other state uses, is no wonder it all adds up to insane gas prices. It is the most expensive in the nation, second only to Hawaii which has to import 100% of its gasoline.
because of greusome newsome
no that chicago and new york and black neighbor hood.
I lived in NY for 36 years. While NYC and places within an hour of it is definitely bad, the rest of the state is not. However, it's my understanding at least that most of California is like that except for the gated communities, Hollywood, etc. A real bipolar freak show of economic extremes throughout the state.
I lived in NY for 36 years. While NYC and places within an hour of it is definitely bad, the rest of the state is not. However, it's my understanding at least that most of California is like that except for the gated communities, Hollywood, etc. A real bipolar freak show of economic extremes throughout the state.
I live in California. The governor is the problem and these hack liberal celebs who keep voting him and his shit in. The state needs fixing badly.
I live in California. The governor is the problem and these hack liberal celebs who keep voting him and his shit in. The state needs fixing badly.
The governor is only the latest installation and manifestation of a much larger macrocosmic problem "known to the state of California".
all the liberal hack celebs fault
That's how these surgically altered, Scientology indoctrinated weirdos vote. It's starts to function like a demented carnival with bizarre hierarchies and status quo, all money and image oriented. A twisted economy of "needful" indulgences and "bothersome" necessities.

  • Repeal or amend Proposition 209, a measure approved by California voters that banned affirmative action in 1996.
  • Analyze laws, policies and ordinances from the local to the state level for racial impact prior to passage and after implementation.
  • Amend the California Constitution to prohibit involuntary servitude.
  • Pay fair market value for jail and prison labor.
  • Abolish the death penalty.
  • Fund community wellness centers in African American communities.
  • Strengthen the Bane Act by eliminating the requirement that a victim of police violence show that the officer “specifically intended” to commit misconduct.
  • Declare election day a paid state holiday.
  • Restore voting rights to all formerly and currently incarcerated people.
  • Implement rent caps for historically redlined ZIP Codes.
  • Increase grants and financial assistance to improve homeownership rates among African Americans, including subsidized down payments and mortgage payments to those who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods
  • Allow descendants who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods to transfer the assessed value of their primary home to a newly purchased or constructed primary residence.
  • Provide free college tuition for all California residents eligible for monetary reparations.
  • Build more parks in African American communities.
  • Identify and remove Confederate monuments, markers and memorials.
  • Create a guaranteed income program for descendants of an enslaved person.
  • Automatically increase minimum wage on a regular basis to adjust for increases to the cost of living, including inflation.
  • Provide interest-free loans to owners of small businesses in African American commercial areas.
  • End the cash bail system.
  • Repeal the “three strikes” law.
  • Adopt universal single-payer healthcare coverage and a healthcare cost control system.
  • Increase Medi-Cal reimbursement rates to match reimbursement rates of private insurance.
black supremacy at its best. do you really want criminals voting? it will never be enough for blacks will it? there still erasing history and bunch of other shit.
Damn did a black man leave your dumbass at the alter? Your hatred of black folks runs deep.
That's how these surgically altered, Scientology indoctrinated weirdos vote. It's starts to function like a demented carnival with bizarre hierarchies and status quo, all money and image oriented. A twisted economy of "needful" indulgences and "bothersome" necessities.
yeah blacks wont get a thing.

  • Repeal or amend Proposition 209, a measure approved by California voters that banned affirmative action in 1996.
  • Analyze laws, policies and ordinances from the local to the state level for racial impact prior to passage and after implementation.
  • Amend the California Constitution to prohibit involuntary servitude.
  • Pay fair market value for jail and prison labor.
  • Abolish the death penalty.
  • Fund community wellness centers in African American communities.
  • Strengthen the Bane Act by eliminating the requirement that a victim of police violence show that the officer “specifically intended” to commit misconduct.
  • Declare election day a paid state holiday.
  • Restore voting rights to all formerly and currently incarcerated people.
  • Implement rent caps for historically redlined ZIP Codes.
  • Increase grants and financial assistance to improve homeownership rates among African Americans, including subsidized down payments and mortgage payments to those who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods
  • Allow descendants who reside in formerly redlined neighborhoods to transfer the assessed value of their primary home to a newly purchased or constructed primary residence.
  • Provide free college tuition for all California residents eligible for monetary reparations.
  • Build more parks in African American communities.
  • Identify and remove Confederate monuments, markers and memorials.
  • Create a guaranteed income program for descendants of an enslaved person.
  • Automatically increase minimum wage on a regular basis to adjust for increases to the cost of living, including inflation.
  • Provide interest-free loans to owners of small businesses in African American commercial areas.
  • End the cash bail system.
  • Repeal the “three strikes” law.
  • Adopt universal single-payer healthcare coverage and a healthcare cost control system.
  • Increase Medi-Cal reimbursement rates to match reimbursement rates of private insurance.
black supremacy at its best. do you really want criminals voting? it will never be enough for blacks will it? there still erasing history and bunch of other shit.
Well I actually agree with one of their demands. Making Election Day a paid holiday, but only if all early and mail-in voting are eliminated. Absentee ballots only for bed-ridden or out of state people.

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