Black Teen who punched & killed 59 year old white man at Maryland Fair because he didn't give him a dollar sentenced to "anger management",& probation

crickets from the media

Wow. If no witnesses but the attackers and you have understanding judges you can get probation for killing someone in Baltimore. I guess it really does matter if you tell the story right. I read a couple of other articles from a cbs local station, daily wire and still find it hard to believe, but it is. I could be shot, but it is nice to know I will never be beaten to death unless there are more than 15 of them.
crickets from the media

If they gave you crickets go fishing, yet the media doesn't report to make you happy they report to sell ads and pages of publication.....This being a minor incident I am surprised you didn't go blind looking for such a small story, it doesn't merit the time or the inclination you pursue to make them bad black folks a sore thumb on society.
"After Weed fell to the ground unresponsive, the group of teens spat at the victim before dancing around his unconscious body, hollering excitedly. Weed died the next day in hospital after never regaining consciousness."
"After Weed fell to the ground unresponsive, the group of teens spat at the victim before dancing around his unconscious body, hollering excitedly. Weed died the next day in hospital after never regaining consciousness."

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